THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON £ THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1949 TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. G. Wm. Anderson were in Eugene last week attend ing the annual Oregon Preacher’s Parliament. A series of lectures on ‘‘Ministering the Word of God” were presented. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wallace of Sirkenfeld are the parents of a boy born at 5:20 p.m. Tuesday at the Lloyd Maternity home. He has been named Edwin Dennis and weighed six and one-half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kivett and Ralph motored to Newberg Sat urday to visit both Mr. and Mrs. Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon THURS.-FRI. FEB. 3-4 I Paramount present» ALAN DONNA LADD REED BEPS® àr nJWirW * * FEB. » SATURDAY “Belle Starr” Randolph Scott - Gene Tierney Plus 2nd Feature ‘‘SOUTH OF TAHITI" SUN.-MON. FEB. 6-7 “Best Years of Our Lives” With Fredrick March - Myrna Loy - Dana Andrews_____ TUES.-WED. FEB. 8-9 BUCK PRIVATES With Abbott and Costello Plus 2nd Feature Hopalong Cassidy in "THE DEAD DON’T DREAM" March of Dime* Made Purpose of Calls Measles Cases Listed in Area 9 Kivetts' parents Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Livengood, Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Kivett, Sun day. They returned to their home in Vernonia Sunday evening. VALENTINES Day dance. Spon sored by F. L. Girls. February 5, 9:00 p.m. Music by Ha) Cook's orchestra. I.O.O.F. Hall. 5tlc Mrs. Clara Liepold, Miss Betty Thomas and Miss Thomas' father arrived in Vernonia Friday even ing from Portland to visit Mrs. Liepold’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa, on -Timber route. The Bortons dropped in for a short visit with them Saturday. The Portlanders returned to their home Sunday evening. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spofford arrived at Annette, Alaska. They few from Portland to Seattle in 40 minutes and remained there until Saturday morning. Mrs. Spofford says she likes the place where they are living and that the people are. very friendly. Ketchikan is the nearest town to them and it is 20 miles away. The first night they arrived there, they experienced a 60-mile wind. VALENTINES Day dance. Spon sored by F. L. Girls. February 5, 9:00 p.m. Music by Hal Cook's orchestra. I.O.O.F. Hall. 5tlc Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman returned Sunday from Long Beach, California where they have spent the past two weeks visiting. Word was received here Satur day from Mr. and Mrs. Ervin J. Meier that they are the parents of twin girls born January 12. They v.e'ghcd four pounds, sev.’n RIVERVIEW — Kenneth Lind; sley, who is taking Journalism at the Sweet Home high school was in Portland on a tour through the Oregonian and Journal budd ings last week. Mrs. Lauder made a business trip to Portland Monday. Miss Geraldine Dutton, the Mc Kenney children, David Lindsley and the Buckner children have had the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand, Rex Normand, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman, spent Sat urday evening at the Carl Earnest home on Pebblg creek. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Cline, all of Portland visited at the MH« Cl:n« home Sunday, ounces and fou>- pounds, 1 ounce. Mr. and Mis. Meier are in Strau bing, Germany. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeHart liv ing on Corey Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meier who live on Capitol hill. Marvin Turner and Ralph Stur devant, both students at the Ore gon College of Education at Mon mouth were here last week end for a short time before returning to their studies Monday. Both are enthusiastic about their studies. Also here for the week end from the same college was Mrs. Leone Miller, another student. SETTING A MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock were shopping in Ver nonia Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews attended the dance in Vernonia Saturday evening. Miss Miriam Corll and Mrs. Tommy Holce made a few calls last Thursday in the interest of The March of Dimes. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland were guests of the A. R. Mills on the Fish Hawk Sunday even ing. Yakima Trip Made Thursday TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Whitmire and children have spent the past week with his par?nts, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire. While here, *he and his brother, Robert, and father made a trip to Yakima last Thursday, staying until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dodre snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dougall in Portland. Mrs. Dougal! is leaving for Alaska February 15 for a visit of six months with her sons and families. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Wienecke of Springfield are the parents of a daughter, Barbara Jean, horn January 27. Mrs. Wienecke, who was Dorothy Acord, attended the schools here in Vernonia. x This is their second child. NEW WORLD Law Cited on Headlight Use Oregon law requires automobile headlights to be turned on in day time whenever there is not enough light for a driver to see clearly for a distance of 500 feet, motor ists are reminded by Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry. He said complaints are being received that many drivers are switching on only parking lights when encountering dense fog dur ing daylight hours, a practice which improves visibility only slightly and does little to reduce the collision hazard. “The law calls for headlights under such atmospheric conditions, not parking lights,” he pointed out. “Using headlights on the lower' beam will minimize back- reflection into the eyes of the driver and will greatly improve the chances of being seen in time to avoid coll'ding with another car or striking a pedestrian.” Records for the first six months of 1948 show that half of all traffic accidents during that period happened in rain, snow, fog or generally cloudy weather, the sec retary reported. Forty-nine of the crashes were fatal. First Batipst Church i Thomas J. Kilcoyne, Pastor 847 Third St. “A FRIENDLY CHURCH FOR FRIENDLY PEOPLE." For by grace are yc saved through faith; and not of your selves. It is the gift of God. Eph. 2:8-9. Not of works, lest any man should boast. WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED TO DO Brake Drum Turning H. H. STURDEVANT R^AAGVEE- 717 Rose Avenue STANDARD OF LOW-COST Phone 337 MOTORING YOUR TWO EYES ARE PRECIOUS . . they're the only ones you’ll ever lave and they have to last a life time. Make sure they are in good condition by an examination. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Kullander's Jewelry Store “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics” <£ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZMZHXHZM H X H M M H H H BRIGHTEN UP WITH PUBLIC H H SERVICE PAINTS - VARNISHES N H AT HOFFMAN’S H M One-Coat Enamel Qt. $1.55 H Interior Gloss Enamel H Qt. $1.55 H TURPENTINE. IN YOUR qt ql 45c* 45c H CONTAINER ....................... M MINERAL THINNERS. YOUR CONTAINER IN qt 20c H H Varnish Stain Qt. $1.55 H H Undercoat H Qt. $1.55 H H X H A PAINT BRUSH FOR EVERY PURPOSE H IN STOCK H H H H Hoffman Hardware Co Telephone 181 H Vernonia, Ore. H H l or Hardware Z See Hoffman H & chzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhxhzm £ SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF PATTERNS Select today from the many beautiful Trimi patterns, in a variety of effects — you'll find the ideal patterns for all rooms in your home. There are florals, stripes, textures, wood grains! Trimi patterns are guaranteed washable, fadeproof, style-tested and wall-tested, will hang right and match perfectly. 3 IOXI5 DO TNI AVIIAGI ROOM (IO.I4) FOB ONLY SJ47 BUSH FURNITURE You'll find that now more than ever before Chev rolet merits the title of being “first for quality at. lowest cost’’; and that it is, indeed, the most beautiful buy of all, in all these features and in all these ways. Chevrolet is the only car bringing you all these fine-car advantages at lowest cost! Completely new Bodies by Fisher • New, ultra-fine color har monies, fixtures and fabrics • New Super-Size Interiors with “Five-Foot Seats” • New Pano ramic Visibility with wider curved windshield and 30% more glass area all around • New Center-Point Design with Center-Point Steering, Lower Center of Gravity, Center-Point Seating and Center-Point Rear Suspension • Improved Valve-in-Head engine for power, acceleration, smoothness and economy • Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes with New Braking Ratios • Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body Construction • Improved Knee-Action Ride with new Airplane-Type Shock Absorbers • The Car that “Breathes” for New All-Weather Comfort (Heatc- «nd defroster units optional ’at extra cost) First for Quality VERNONIA at Lowest Cost AUTO COMPANY ‘ A Safe Place to Trade” Phone 342 Standard Oil Prcduc's Vernonia, Oregon Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer