g THURSDAY, JAN. 20. 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. Margaret Thoreau and son, started Monday morning. They David, left here last Thursday for are taking teachers training which her home in Los Angeles. She includes coaching. has spent almost a month here J. A. Owen was taken to the visiting at the home of her par­ Physicians and Surgeons hospital, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Ander­ Portland, Thursday in the Bush son. Mr. snd Mrs. Judd Greenman ambulance for medical attention. Pastor Howard Hollar, Mrs. left Tuesday morning for Long Beach, California where they will Beauford Miller and Mrs. Nola remain until about the first of Brady left here Monday as dele­ the month visiting his sister. gates to attend the convention A daughter was born January of the Assembly of God at La- 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Chance Grande. Busses left Portland at the Lebanon general hospital. from the 1st Assembly of God The Chances are former residents church at 10:30 a.m. that morning of Vernonia, now living in Sweet and the services bigan in La- Home, and have two older daugh­ Grande that evening. The conven­ ters. tion ends tonight and the group Ralph Sturdevant and Marvin will return to Portland Friday Turner left here Sunday for Mon­ and from there on to Vernonia in mouth where they enrolled, at the the evening. Oregon College of Education for Mr. and Mrs. McNutt of Forest the coming term. Their classes Grove visited their daughter and son-in-lww, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis, Saturday afternoon. B. C. Makinster who works for Vernonia, Oregon his brother, C. C. Makinster, on the summit of the Tillamook high­ THUR.-FRI. JAN. 20-21 way as bucker for the logging outfit there spent last week end PF'DICK POWELL in Vernonia. ■ JANE GREER ’■ * Mrs. Hazel Bergerson underwent an operation last Friday morning and is doing fine. She expects SATURDAY JAN. 22 to return to her home in Vernonia Dennis O’Keefe - Claire Trevor in Monday. “RAW DEAL” Plus 2nd Feature “THE WINNER’S CIRCLE” SUN.-MON. JAN. 23-24 RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Delbert Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and son of Kernsville visited at the George Bell home Wednes­ day night. Dinner guests at the Hank Hud­ TECHNICOLOR son home Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. TUES.-WED JAN. 25-26 Pete Wells, Mrs. Rhoda Woods, “BLOOD AND SAND” Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and With Tyrone Power - Linda Dar­ son, Mike, and Mrs. Ellen Glenn. nel and Rita Hayworth Guests at the Hudson home Sun- day were Grandma Simmons, Mrs. Esther Stone, Mrs. Anna Bailey, Elder Cook and Elder Avery. • Former Valley Resident Dies Tests Show Tire Actions AT HOFFMAN’S MIST — Miss O*Sa Lyons oi Scio passed away On December ltl and was laid to rest in Oakland, California. The Lyons were early Contrary to popular belief, tires residents of the valley' and many with good treads will not stop a older inhabitants will remember car any quicker than smooth tires them well. on hard-packed snow or firm ice, Mrs. Walter Mathews was very according to a report received by pleased to have her brothers and Secretary of State Earl T. New- sister and family Sunday to help bry. Skidding tests recently complet­ her celebrate her birthday. Mr. ed by the National Safety Council and Mrs. Kyle Clark and family committee on winter driving haz­ from Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ards emphasized that even tires Condit from Westnort and Mr. and with abrasive particles imbedded Mrs. Ralph Condit from Portland in the tread are no help in cold were the guests. Miss Olga Holmstrom and her temperatures on dry ice. Where the iie is melting, however, abra­ friend, Mr. Smith, from Astoria were Saturday evening visitors of sive tires will do better than ordinary treads, and good treads the Austin Dowlings. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser went are better than smooth, the re­ to Portland Friday to attend the port affirmed. funeral of the late Luther Choate. In their best performance, the Mr. and Mrs. Percv Baillett abrasive type of tire still required made a trip to Snohomish, Wash­ 161 feet to stop a car from a speed of 20 miles an hour, com­ ington Monday. Their grand­ pared to a normal 21 feet on dry daughter returned home with them for a visit. concrete. L. Wikstrom was a Clatskanie Tire chains reduce passenger visitor Tuesday afternoon. car breaking distance from 40 to 0 50 per cent, but officers found A new “record bar,” allows a no advantage in the use of rub­ ber tire chains on the ice. The prospective purchaser to press a button, tune in the recording he tests showed that “quiet” chains wishes to hear and listen to it on actually increased skidding dis­ individual earphones. tance. Severe weather conditions pre­ vailing throughout the state made it imperative for Oregon drivers to review winter safety prac­ Thomas J. K Icoyne, Pastor tices, Newbry said, since “know­ 847 Third St. how” behind the wheel often A mTirxTnTV CHURCH FOR means the difference between FRIENDLY PEOPLE.” safety ar.d injury on slippery roads. He listed as most important things to remember: making gra­ dual starts and stops, leaving plenty of room between vehicles, and reducing speeds to meet con­ ditions. 0 For the wages of sin is death; From 1944 through 1946, only hut the gift of God is eternal three-quarters of a million auto­ life through Jesus Christ our mobiles were scrapped in the Lord. Romans 6:23. U. S.—the lowest scrappage rate in history. HOUSEWARES What is Next? »Jor/ Theatre -H*’ _ _ Guests Feted BETTY GRABLE • DAN DAILEY When My Baby Smiles At Me k'XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXN H X H H X X H H X X H H X H X H No. 8 Cast Iron X H X Frying Pan H X H $1.65 X H H X Cast Iron Griddle.............. $1.85 X H M X X H H 10” Sq. Baking Pan.......... 35c X X H Mixmaster Bowls - - - - $3.95-$2.75 H X H Stainless Steel H X Revere Copper M X H Teakettle X H $3.75 X H X H X Aluminum Teakettle........ $1.95 H H X 14-Qt. Enamel Dish Pan ----- 95c H H X X H Fiesta Pottery................... $7.95 M X X 20-Pc. Starter Sets H H X 5-Cup Flour Sifter 50c X M H X X &i H X X H H X Telephone 181 For Hardware X H H Vernonia, Ore. See Hoffman X KHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH3 Hoffman Hardware Co. MORE WASHER—LESS MONEY MILLER’S First Eatipst Church > The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More After Inventory Clearance Women’s 100% Worsted Virgin Wool SKI SWEATERS $5.50 Values on Sate J J 98 One Lot W°men’s KABO BRAS $1.95 and $2.50 Values on Sale ^00 Children’s and Girls’ Anting Flannel PAJAMAS 98 $2.98 and $3.69 Values on Sate I WOMEN'S BLOUSES Values up to $4.95 on Sate $1 93 CHILDREN'S BATH ROBES On Sate at $lco .. WOMEN'S RAYON DRESSES On Sale gß98 WOMEN'S DRESSES Two world wars have been fought. Israel has become a recog­ nized nation. Sin and iniquity are on the increase. The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all unrighteousness. A great change is coming. We are on the verge of a new world order. The coming of Christ is very near. We are at the threshhold of eternity. It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgement. Prepare Now to Meet Your God Attend Revival Services at the ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Up to $17.95 on Sale <^£^00 MEN'S FANCY T SHIRTS $1.98 Values on Sale J J 00 One Lnt of MEN'S DRESS SOX Some 100% Wobl. On Sate Pair Girls’ All Wool SWEATERS On Sate ^ 98 7:30 p.m. daily except Monday and Saturday BEAUFORD F. MILLER. Evangelist and Bible Expositor Howard H. Hollar — Paster BOY'S KNIT BRIEFS All Elastic Tops. th am '(I For your generous response to the invitation to our Open House last Saturday COME AGAIN When we will have more time to visit with you personally and become better acquainted. REMEMBER WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR FARM POWER AND MACHINERY PROBLEMS WITH Ford Tractors— —Dearborn Farm Equipment WALKER TRACTOR CO. W. Washington at Dennis Ave. 65c Value On Sate 39c Bovs’ 11-oz. Heavv SADDLE PANTS Sanforized Shrunk. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16 on Special for (^^49 These and many other such bargains are now on sale at Phone Hillsboro 6291 Hillsboro, Oregon NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller The biggest washing machine value on the Market today. $99.95 Up. BUSH FURNITURE 4