2 THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1949 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOPICS OF THE TOWN Word has been received from Mrs. Viola Harlan that she is now at Golden, Colorado, which is close to Denver, and is plan­ ning to take a trip to Tampa, Missouri. When she wrote there were 16 inches of snow on the ground just from one days snow­ ing. She, with her son and his 1IÍHC FOLKS M WlOMfE ty ÆRNONIA TRADING CO. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Harlan, plan to come back to Oregon in the spring of this year. Mrs. H. O. Smith, pipter of Mrs. George Wells of Riverview has gone to Portland to "care for their mother, Mrs. H. C. Tatro for this week. Mrs. Tatro has been con­ fined to her bed for over a year. DANCE Saturday night, I.O.O.F. halL Music Makers. 2tlc Little Miss Mardell Hollar cele­ brated her 9th birthday last week with a cake nicely decorated for the occasion with candles. She received several nice gifts. Mrs. Eyers of Tulare, California arrived in Vernonia Thursday for a visit with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartzell. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith of Portland visited at the Hartzell home Wednesday of last week. First Baptist Church Thomas J. Kilcoyne, Pastor 847 Third St. I “A FRIENDLY CHURCH FOR FRIENDLY PEOPLE.” VIEIRNONHA TRADING COMPANY SEED FEED FERTILIZER BUILDING MATERIALS CEMENT EXPLOSIVES WEED AVENUE PHONE 681 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23. DRIVE WITHOUT TROUBLE . . . you time and and with a car that gives top performance all the by using Standard gas lubricants. Mrs. Charles Roswurm celebrat­ ed her 79th birthday Tuesday of last week by having a surprise gathering of relatives at her borne. They were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lines and daughter, Phyllis, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lines, Jr. Gifts were received and ice cream and cake were served. DANCE: Friday -night. Legion hall. Music by Arkie and His Jolly Cowboys. 2tlc Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fine and family motored to Artesia, New Mexico in December for a three- week vacation with relatives in­ cluding his father and mother, a brother and sister and their fami­ lies. They returned to Vernonia last Friday. Mrs. June Haverland has gone to Camas, Washington to make her home with her father. DANCE Saturday night, I.O.O.F. hall. Music Makers. 2tlc Ed Salomonson left by train Wednesday- for San Francisco where he will attend a convention of Chevrolet dealers. He will be away about a week. Lt. and Mrs. Clarence (Bud) Lamping and daughter arrived in Vernonia from Fairbanks, Alaska early in December to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping, Sr., and family. They left early this week for Rapid City, South Dakota, Lt. Lamping’s base, which they ex­ pect to reach by January 18. DANCE: Friday night. Legion hall. Music by Arkie and His Jolly Cowboys. 2tlc Word has ben received from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richert, former residents of Vernonia, that Delmar Richert, their son, is now married. The Richerts are now residing at 10335 S. E. Yukon, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vogel and daughter, Alice, and George Wat­ son, all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Miller and daughter and son, Helen and Clifford, Portland, and Mrs. Verna Loop and children were all at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoenbeckler is the former Mae Mulkins, who surprised her friends by marying late in November at Sweet Home. DANCE Saturday night, I.O.O.F. hall. Music Makers. 2tlc Dean and Nola Brady motored to Myrtle Creek near Grants Pass to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slape and family during the New Year holiday. Rev. Howard Hollar, Rev. Beau- ford Miller, Nola Brady and Mrs. Cruger attended a fellowship meeting at the Light House church in Portland early last week. DANCE: Friday night. Legion hall. Music by Arkie and His Jolly Cowboys. 2tlc Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lincs, Jr., and family, former residents of Vernonia and later Timber, had the misfortune to return after Christmas and find their residence in Timber burned to the gr.und. All their possessions were lost. They intend to move to King City, California where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lines, Sr., reside. A. R. Stanton of Treharne cele­ brated his 81st birthday January 7. The Stantons are also re­ joicing over the birth of a new granddaughter, the parents being Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Stanton of Buckley, Washington. DANCE: Friday night. Legion hall. Music by Arkie ar.d His Jolly Cowboys. 2tlc Friends of Eric Uhlin, former resident of Treharne, will be pleased to lean that he is re­ cuperating nicely from a major operation at Good Samaritan hos­ pital in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richards and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stanton spent Sunday, January 9, at the Chas. Uhlin home at Glenwood, the occasion being Mrs. Uhlins birthday. Mrs. Milton Lamping, Sr., has resigned her position as secretary­ treasurer ar.d Mrs. Wilma Borton has resigned as correspondent for the Vernonia unit of home exten­ visit in Arkansas. They report a wonderful time .And not too much difference in the weather. It was cold there too. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dodge and Joyce visited at the Bert Tisdale home Sunday. Truman Davenport is off work for several weeks due to an arm injury. • fJJoy Theatre Illness Hinders Club Attendance THUR.-FRI. JAN. 13-14 Paulette Goddard-MacdonalJ Cary in "HAZARD” SATURDAY J