LET’S BE SOCIABLE Knights, Sisters Plan Public Installation Odd Fellows Install Officers Tuesday The Knights of Pythias and the Pythians Sisters will have public installation of officers Monday evening, the 10th. There will be entertainment and a cake walk, the funds to go to the 4-H scholar ship which the Pythian Sisters are sponsoring the coming year. Thirty members and one visitor were present Tuesday evening for the installation of officers of I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 246. The in stallation was carried out by the District Deputy Grand Master Carl A. Davis and the men taking chairs were: NG, Art Davis; VG, Allen Ray; secretary, Wm. Shafer; treasurer, L. F. Schroeder; Warden, Cloice Hall; conductor, Russell Snook; inside guardian, Lloyd Quinil; out side guardian, Homer Gwin; RS NG, Bob Spencer; LSNG, Harry Eckland; RSVG, Wm. Heath; LSVG, T. L. Galloway; chaplain, Robert New; RSS, Charles Ceder- berg; LSS, James Rusow; musici an, Cecil Johnson; PG, Calvin Davis. • M. Crowell "Cleaning and Pressing That Pleases” FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY TQ YOUR DOOR FREE MOTH-PROOFING WITH HALF-YEAR GUARANTEE Phone 172 HOTEL MACDONALD Vernonia AGENT FOR QUflLITVCLCANING Forest Grove, Oregon Backed by 12 years Experience Meeting Date Announced The P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet again on Tuesday evening, Jan uary 11 with Mrs. Leslie Skuzie as hostess. The program that evening will be station BS Broad casting company, members broad casting, Mrs. Ralph Valpiani an nouncing. • About 20 tons of paper, worth $2,000, are used in one issue of a metropolitan da’ly paper. Annual Meeting Held at First Christian Church Term of Service Started in Army The annual meeting of the First Christian church was held last Sunday following the pot luck dinner. Officers were elected and reports of last years work were heard. A budget of $4222.31 was approved. The work closed with success reported in most areas of endeavor. The church wishes to thank the annonymous giver who sends a cash gift each month of $20.00. The church received this week a cash tithe for the year of $200.00 from one of the active members. • RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Clifford Fowler and Mrs. Knoedler mo tored to Portland Monday to see Mr. Knoedler who is in the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister and family recently visited at Logston and Mrs. Hill visited in Cutler City. Albert Huntley left Sunday for Clearance SALE Denim Slacks Society to Meet The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Nazarene church will meet Thursday at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Gilbert Brown in Riverview. • Deborahs Meet Tuesday Mrs. Dan Cason was hostess to the Deborah society Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Hamp Roberson, Sr., was in charge of the program, a Bible quiz. • Society to Meet The members of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Chris tian church will meet this Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Herman Wood on Mist route. This meeting will be the regular one for this month. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON the army after enlisting. Visitors at the Hank Hudson home over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wells, George Bell, and Mrs. George Woods. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods are staying at the George Bell home to take care of Mrs. Bell, who is sick. Visitors at the W. J. Lindsley home over the New Years holiday were Mr. and Mrs. George Stan ton and three children and Roy Reg. $2.98 Now $1.25 • Enrollments in U. S. college» and universities now number over two million, but veterans now r.omber only 42 per cent. Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center 6.00x16 $14.10 6.50x16 $17.45 Western Giant Tires Tax Included BATTERIES Now $1.50 Jersey Nightgowns » ia *** (/flettevi Stöte Regular $3.98 j THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1949 Howell of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and. two sons and Claribel and Kenneth Lindsley and four children and Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lindsley and two children of Vernonia. Mrs. Anna Dewey is staying at the Monty Dewey home. Wrangler Jeans ............................. The Heavy 11-oz. Kind Chambray Shirts .......................... Heavy Cotton Union Suits ....... 9.2 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator ............ __ __ ___ Other Items on Sale Also Ths Apparel Shop WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. CLIFF WHIT^“"”' ph Ô^Ê’ 1271 VERNONIA, ORE. T INVITING . . . Old Friends and New to the Tea from 2 to 4 p.m. /^Chevrolet for the opening of Nance Beauty Shopp on the world’s toughest Proving Ground Monday, Jan. 10 At Millers Department Store (Formerly Operated by Mrs. Bayley) EQUIPMENT BLINDLY Sec the sensational Spark Gas-making demonstration, and make us prove that Spark is the heater best suited to your needs. We will be pleased to demonstrate these Spark Oil Heaters to you without obliga tion. You owe it to yourself to make this test before you buy. Spark deluxe Oil Heaters provide two kinds of heat— radiant and circulating. To warm your home properly and avoid drafts and cold floors, both are necessary. Thia is only one of more than twenty user benefits that are built into every deluxe Spark heater. „ EToiL SPARK _ CIRCULATING HEATERS^! Sundland Electric & Appliance 786 Bridge Street MUTT AND JEFF Vernonia economy. They are the engineers and tech HEN you see the 1949 Chevrolets, a nicians of the General Motors Proving glance will be enough to tell you they're new— all new—in line ond contour, Ground—the largest, most completely equipped, outdoor testing laboratory in in beauty and style. And when you look the automobile world. inside, and under the hood, and beneath the chassis, you'll see that their newness is Here, before a single new 1949 Chevro not merely in outward appearance, but in design and engineering and construction as well. W But, to a lot of people, the 1949 Chevro let is already old. They know what it will do, and how exceedingly well it will do it— they know all about its performance, its comfort, its power, safety, durability and let went into production, experimental models were tested—made to show that they possess, in greater measure than ever, all those qualities on which Chevrolet has built its leadership. In short, the General Motors Proving Ground tests are your assurance that your new-model Chevrolet has proved its worth through many months and many, many thousands of miles of rough handling. Soon you will see the new Chevrolet— and when you do, you will see a car not only new, but tried and true. VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY ‘‘A Safe Place to Trade” Phone 342 Standard Oil Product* Vernonia, Oregon Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer By Bud Fisher KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buya More' Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview A Good Resolution FOR THE NEW YEAR — SHOP KING’S REGULARLY FOR YOUR ENTIRE TABLE NEEDS. FREE DELIVERY I