1» THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON returns are published, there are always a few sidelights that had gone unnoticed in previous news stories. For instance, Columbia county’s vote of 8,434 out of 12,040 register­ ed was good for a percentage of 70.1. This percentage however ranked 27th among the state’s 36 counties. The election marked the fifth straight presidental election in which Columbia county hae voted for the democratic ticket. The last time the county gave the GOP standard bearer the nod was in 1928 when Hoover got 3,519 to Smith’s 1,775. And from there on back to the election of 1896, this county went- republican, the high­ est margin of nearly 6 to 1 com­ ing in 1904. The 1948 margin'of Truman over Dewey in this county, however, marked the lowest edge in the 20- year democratic reign. The official returns also showed that Columbia county was the only county in the state to give an edge to Manley Wilson, candidate for U. S. Senator. It was also one of the five counties that went for Lew Wallace, candidate for gov­ ernor, and one of six counties vot­ ing for State Attorney Candidate Murray. Official Returns Show Sidelights Just who was elected and who was relegated to the ranks of po­ litical also-rans in the November election is a matter of common knowledge but when the official Apparel Shop Section of Bum To Be Seeded In Oregon Aerial seeding of a section of Tillamook burn land in the vici­ nity of Saddle mountain will take place as soon as weather condi­ tions permit, the northwest dis­ trict office of the state board of forestry has disclosed. Poison seed for rodent control will first be spread over the area. Two or three weeks will elapse before the seed is dropped. This will be the minium length of wait­ ing time, though weather condi­ tions may retain seed planting be­ yond that period. A mixture of Douglas and Noble fir will be used for the project, which is financed under the state forest research act. The area to be planted is near Saddle moun­ tain and south of the Owl camp where research headquarters have been set up for the winter. One thousand acres will be seeded in the present operation, with an ad­ ditional five hundred acres to be planted in the spring. JUST AS YOU are reading classified, others. get so Moral: results this are thousands of Use Eagle ads to quickly and Cancer deaths occur in the COURTS PROTEST TAXES United States at the rate of about MEDFORD — County judges and commissioners of the counties one every three minutes. SNOW FALL HEAVY in the fourth congressional district, TILLAMOOK — Snow fall has meeting here instructed legisla­ been quite general in the hills tors of the counties in the district and mountains in Tillamook coun­ that they do not approve of cer­ SEASON’S ty during the past two weeks. On tain parts of the legislative interim Mt. Hebo it is estimated by the committee’s report on increased forest service that there is about highway revenue. The interim committee report GREETINGS 2’<4 feet at the summit. calls for increased license fees for 810,000 PROMISED WILLAMINA — With the an­ automobiles, and for a cent a gal­ nouncement last week that the lon increase in state gasoline taxes, Associated Plywood mills will do­ with all of the increased revenue J. Kriegei, D.M.D. nate $10,000 to the VFW building to be used exclusively by the state for state highway develop ­ fund when the remaining amount needed to assure completion of the ment. building has been subscribed, add­ ed enthusiasm has been shown, and Eugene Ritner, commander of the VFW post, expresses confidence that the approximately $12.000 wTl be raised with a minimum of de­ lay. TO OUR CUSTOMERS TREE PLANTING STARTS SEASIDE — Reforestration of nearly 1000 acres of logged off Best Wishes for the New Year! and burned off land has been started by the Crown-Zellerbach corporation in Clatsop county and will continue through the Christ­ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mott mas layoff, providing employment for many men who will otherwise be idle because of the Christmas shut-down. Some of the land will be seeded by helicopter, which proved to be highly successful in its first trial last year. The balance will be hand planted. cheaply. MOTT'S USED STORE CHRISTMAS IS A TIME WHEN OLD LOYAL­ TIES ARE NOT ONLY STRENGTHENED BUT REMEMBERED. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW HOW MUCH WE APPRECIATE YOUR CONFIDENCE IN US, AND HOW EARNESTLY WE WISH FOR YOU A VERY JOYOUS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. ♦ * RAY'S TAVERN a Polly, Hank and Jim Easy To Find, Hard To Leave. THE COZY cto_. Norman and Vonnie Niemann send you a message of. good cheer <* for the Holiday Season, and to wish you a Season of joy and con­ tentment. And we are not without appre­ ciation when thinking of the splen­ did patronage that has been ours. Thank you for whatever part you may have had in the progress of NEIGHBORS! this firm. MAY WE STOP FOR A MINUTE OR (■HRIÍTIT1AÍ TWO WITH YOU AND EXTEND OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES . . . AND TO SAY, THANK YOU,’ FOR YOUR FINE PATRONAGE IViL VrVKclv LxWpUvWi- A41 I MV tLv I I nmiAR 4 Í OUR WISH FOR YOU AND YOURS i THE PAL SHOP Bonnie and Caroil Easley Gfappy Gkrisbnas MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Miller's Department Store C. M. Johnson