THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, DEC. 1«, 1948 8 gifts for HIM 32-Piece Fire King Dinnerware S Ovenproof........................ / 20-Piece Laureila Pottery Set Open Stock ................................. $5.95 Mirro Matic and Presto Cookers .....................$13.95 - $14.95 •w I Pearl Wick Clothes Hampers Made of Duruweve....$6.95 to $7.59 Fluorolite Bed Lamps $2.98 Boudoir Lamps. Crystal Glass Parchment Shade......................... $2.79 Flannel Pajamas. $3.98 Bedroom Slippers $3.98 Boy’s Deluxe Bicycle Dress Shirts $2.98 100"' Wool Jac Shirts. $6.98 Dress Socks. Washing Machine Including Wring ers, all Equipment..................... $1.98 Aluminized Steel Tackle Box. Will Not Rust Bicyclelites $1.98 Girls Sweaters.... Short Sleeves Bicycle Baskets $1.69 Sweaters the Boys Like 100% Wool ...................... $3.98 Plaid Flannel Shirts $1.98 Tool Sets in Cabinet. $2.98 Ladies Housecoats $2.98 SK Tool Sets in Metal Boxes ......................... $7.95 to $22.50 Camfield Auto. Toasters G. E. Toasters Girl s Blouses $1.98 Electric Drills 14 - i/2 $19.95 $32.95 Latest Style Purses for the Teenager ............................ $1.19 Bamboo Fly Rods $21.00 Value Only ............................................ $13.00 Dresses A uto All-Steel Casting Rods. $4.98 Shakespear Wonder Reel $9.95 supplì co . LET'S BE SOCIABLE Mt. Heart Club Names New Officers Dec. 7 Large Thursday Meeting The regular meeting of Mt. Heart Social club was held at the home of Vera Willard, Tuesday, December 7 with 18 members pre sent. Visitors present were Clau dine Bramblett, Erma Bramblett and Clara Herra, all former and present members of Mt. Heart Re bekah lodge, Mrs. Colby of New berg lodge and Maryon Peters. The regular election of officers was held with the following being elected: president, Alice Gwin; vice-president, Lena Schroeder; secretary, Alice Buckley and trea surer, Faye Davis. Plans were discussed and com mittees appointed for the annual Christmas party to be given De cember 21 at the Odd Fellows hall. Following the closing of the meeting, Christmas gifts were ex changed after which delicious re freshments of blackberry pie with with whipped cream and coffee was served. The hostess was as sisted by Geneva Hall. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Silvia Turn er, January 4. • Altar Society Meets The members of St Mary’s Altar Society met Wednesday af ternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. C. L. Anderson. • About one of every eight deaths is due to cancer. ....$1.98 - $3.98 Headscarfs Made in Belgium.... 98c AUTHORIZED DEALER western ............. $1.98 Slipover Appleton sealed beam Spotlite $16.95 Tap and Die Sets....... $6.95 - $10.95 • S.A.E. and Standard Automatic Iron....$11.95 Mechanical Trains Consisting of a Hvy. Duty Engine and 4 cars....$4.59 100"' Virgin Wool Auto Robes .$6.95 $2.98 $17.95 $49.95 ELECTRIC TRAINS Made by Marx Transformer. Pas senger, freight or Streamliner $13.95 Flannel Pajamas. Steam Iron 9-Piece Baking Set. Oven proof $1.19 29c to 59c Latest Style of Blouses for Holiday Wear......... $1.98 and $2.98 Nylons—54 gauge 15 Denier....$1.98 Others ........................... $1.29 - $1.35 All-Steel Wagon. Sturdy Built $4.29 President of Rebekah Assembly Present for The regular meeting of Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge was held Thursday evening with approxi mately 80 members and visitors being present. Visitors were from Reedsport, Independence, Enter prise, Lebanon and Portland lodges. Christine Smith, being in waiting, was escorted- into the hall and given the honors of the degree. The Rebekah degree was conferred on Maryon Peters, La- Vonne Neiman and Alladyne Crume. Announcement was made of the Odd Fellows Christmas party to be held Tuesday evening, Decem ber 21 at the hall. Members and their families and friends are invited. Also, on the 23rd will be the Rebekah’s Christmas party following the regular meeting. Under “good of the order”, the F. L. girls gave a tribute to the president, at which time she was presented with an umbrella from the lodge and a lovely lace-trim med handkerchief from the F. L. Girls. A delicious luncheon of salad, sandwiches and coffee was served in the kitchen on tables beauti fully decorated in keeping with the Christmas season. When canning:, take care that no seeds, food or grease is lodged between the lid and sealing sur face of the jar because even such seemingly little "interference” will prevent a perfect seal. AUTHORIZED DEALER Mechanical Shooting Gallery....$4.29 AUTHORIZED DEALER 4-tube Radio only ..$10.95 Chinese Checker Set ....$1.69 AUTHORIZED DEALER WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. WESTERN *UTO»SUPPLV CO. Keasey Unit Combines Party, Business Wed. Pupils Practice for Yule Program; Santa to Come A gala Christmas party was combined with a regular busi ness meeting when the Keasey home extension unit met last Wednesday, December 8 at the home of Vivian Counts. Aromatic whiffs from the kitchen and a sparkling little Christmas tree nearly buried under a deluge of mysterious looking packages put everyone in a holiday mood. Fred Dahl, county 4-H club leader, pinch-hitting for Mrs. Maud Cass- well, added to the festive feeling by showing colored slides on “How to cook and carve a turkey”. He also reported on 4-H club work and spoke of the need for more adult leaders. This county has an excellent enrollment in club work and made a grand showing at the state fair. He emphasized the desirability for making forestry one of the outstanding projects in this county. After a bountiful lunch, all gathered around the piano with Blanche DeWitt playing and Eva Jean DeVaney leading in singing carols. Gifts were distributed in a novel way by playing a new version of muscial chair. Instead of moving from chair to chair, all stood still in a big circle and passed gifts from hand to hand, When th music stopped, each opened the gift she held. Those taking part were Elsie Baker, Julia Boeck, Alice Buckley, Marie Christensen, Gladys Conklin, Viv ian Counts, Eva Jean DeVaney, Blanche DeWitt, Iva Gillham, Martha Judd, Hilda Keasey, May Krieger, Ruby McDonald, Edith McFarland, Isola Morris and Edda Parker. MIST — The school pupils are practicing for a Christmas pro gram. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmichael were down from Natal shopping Saturday. It is rumored that Sar.ta Claus will be at the Mist store on Saturday afternoon, December 18. The children better be on the lookout for him. imi I OIKS AKIIIOMIE IN YOUR POCKET tv VERNON.A TRACING CO. They «ay that money burns a hole in a per- son’s pocket. If that’s the way money gets away from you, do this: Make a deposit with us every pay day, instead of carrying a roll of bills. Try it, and see how much further ahead financially you’ll be. Vernonia Branch The Commercial Bank of Banks WIEIRNÖNI1A Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. TRADING COMPANY SEED PEED -S-’L Lx r< BUli-ONS CEMENT E'-xOS- /ES WEED AVENUE PHONE 581 AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO