2 THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Snow Depth Nears 5 Members of the First Baptist Inches on Rock Creek church of Vernonia attended the KEASEY — Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. P. C. Holmberg, sister of regional associational meeting at B. Isings of Rainier are now at Mrs. Merle Ruhle, left here Tues­ the Trinity Baptist church of home on Keasey route. They oc­ day to join her husband in Port­ Springfield on Saturday, Decem­ cupy the former Howard Baker land and continue to Loa Angeles ber 4. Those present for the ranch, recently sold to Mr. Chas. where they will spend Christmas session were Rev. and Mrs. Thiel of Rainier. with their mother and sisters. Mrs. Thomas Kilcoyne, Mrs. Zona Car- Mr. and Mrs. Art Larson of Holmberg has been here for a son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lundgren, Springfield visited at the Ron Mc­ Albert Tandy and Mrs. Arthur short time visiting at the Ruhl Donald ranch over the week end. home after flying from Iliamna, Karnes. All enjoyed the inspira­ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Holt, and Alaska where her home is lo­ tional messages and encouraging baby, drove up from Klickitat, reports from other churches of cated. Washington to spend the week Sunday guests at the Joe Ho­ the association. end with Mr. Holt’s mother, Mrs. ward home were Mr. and Mrs. EMBROIDEIED pillow slips, etc., Howard Baker, and family. Ralph Cordel and daughters, Mar­ aprons and gifts items at Polly­ Mr. and Mrs. Austin Blair and anna bazaar Saturday, December jorie and Barbara and Lorna of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoppe, all of McNulty and Mr. and Mrs. Ira 11 at Sundland Electric shop. SOtlc Seattle, Washington, surprised the Howard and Mr. and Mrs. John Gillhams with a short visit Sat­ George VanVleet left November Howard and children, Mary and urday afternoon. 30 on a tour that is taking him Johnny all of St. Helens. The early and unwelcomed Bhow, Lawrence Jepson of Birkenfeld through several Central and South about five inches deep Sunday and Joe Howard, Pittsburg re­ American countries. The combined morning, is melting fast, thereby turned Sunday from a two-day business and pleasure trip is adding to the water now standing being made by plane. trip to Richland, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Knoedler deep everywhere. Mr. and Mrs. May McAdam and sons of Cozad, Nebraska, who were in Portland Monday. came to spend the Thanksgiving Why Is He First? holiday with the Elmer Knoedler family here, are returning to their CARPENTER SHOP — Here home in Nebraska via southern Christ worked until He was thirty Vernonia, Oregon California. They hope to find years of age. He was tempted to THUR-FRI. DEC. 9-10 better weather by a southern route lie, steal and do 'sloppy work, “RACE STREET” With George Raft and Wm. Bendix home. They were caught in the even as you and I. Yet He sinned blizzard on their way here in not. SATURDAY DEC. 11 November. At thirty, He went out among POLLYANNA bazaar and cooked the people to give sight to the BELLS tOGERS OF food sale Saturday, December 11, blind, to heal the sick and raise M Mg