»HUDDLE . E A 6 L E Bowling Results WOMEN’S LEAGUE DESSY’S—759, 817, 798, total 2374. High game, M. Burton 186. V.F.W. — 773, 824, 750, Total 2374. High game, M. Roberson 219. VERNONIA DRUG—783, 745, 707, Total 2235. High game, Ar­ lene Schaffer, 197. JOHNSON’S — 736, 786, 739, Total 2261. High game, Esme Clnsner, 175. High game of league held by M. Roberson, 219. High series of league held by A. Schaffer, 517. This bning the last game of the cuarter. the results are: DESSY’S 1st. place 22 pts. VF.W. 1 2nd place 21 pts. JOHNSON'S 3rd place 15 pts. VER. DRUG I 4th 14 pts. The following girls will receive trophies: first place team, Dessy’s, Dolly Laird, Evelyn Holce, Marg­ aret Juola, Lena Schroeder and Marguerite Burton; second place team, V. F. W., Mary Wiese, Mickey Roberson, Marge Junken, Dorothy Walker and Alice Gwin; high series winner, Evelyn Holce, 555; high game winner, Mary Wiese, 222; greatest improvement, Mickey Davis, by raising her av- erage 23 points. • SPORTS ■Melvin Schwab, Editor Lower Columbia League 1948 Gridiron Results The tables below list the grid game results of each of the teams participating in the Lower Co- lumbia league during the 1948 season so far. PARKROSE Rainier ......................... St. Helens ................. Sherwood ..................... Vernonia ............... .... Scappoose ............... (Won 3; Tied 1; Lost 1) RAINIER Parkrose ............... Sherwood ............ Scappoose ............ St. Helens ............ Vernonia ............. (Won 3; Lost 2) VERNONIA St. Helens ................ Seaside ..................... Scappoose .......... ,.. Parkrose ..................... Rainier ................... . (Won 1; Lost 4) SCAPPOOSE Sherwood ................ Seaside "................. Vernonia ................. Rainier ..................... Parkrose ................... St. Helens ............... (Won 5; Tied 1; Lost 0) SHERWOOD' Rainier ................... .. Parkrose ..................... Seaside ..................... (Won 0; Lost 3) 0 0 « 0 6 7 Glisan Lumber Wins Golf Play Here Sun. SEASIDE Vernonia ............. Scappoose ............. St. Helens .......... Sherwood ............ (Won 3; Lost 1) 7 6 6 6 12 By MELVIN SCHWAB 6 19 0 .2 ST. HELENS The Glisan Lumber company team, which was here again Sun­ day to meet a Vernonia Country club team for the third time this season, won the match 28 to 11. The Glisan players lost the two former matches to Vernonia. This week the Huddle wishes to give credit to the Vernonia high school yell leaders and Pep squad who have done a swell job this year, win, lose or draw. Th" girls have much more pep than last year and it is a shame that the whole school can’t get behind them to support their yells, instead of just a few. The yell leaders are Maxine Hartwick, Lois Schwab and Eleen Fuller. The Pep «quad which consists of two g.'rls from each class are: Freshmen — Dolores Thompson and Edna Fuller; Soph­ omores — Claudine Gibson and Betty Lou Frazee; Juniors—Bar­ bara Bass and Caroline Lobdel and Seniors—June Childress and Beverly Herrin. The school spirit is much better than last year with these g:rls at the helm, but st’Tl isn’t un to par with other schools located in this county in yelling and supporting of their team. Saints Upset Indians Fri. Newspapers first used paper made from wood pulp in 1867. Displaying their best brand of football of the season, the St. Vernonia ............................. 7 Parkrose................... 7 Seaside....................... .13 Rainier ............................. 33 Scappoose ........................ 7 (Won 0; Tied 2; Lost 3) THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1948 7 Helens Lions Friday night held the heavily favored Scappoose Indians to a 7-7 tie in their annual grid­ iron meeting at John Gumm field. St. Helens scored its touchdown on the fourth play of the second period and from then on succeeded in thwarting all but one of the visitors’ offensive thrusts. The Lone Scappoose touchdown of the game came with just one minute of play remaining in the first half when Ray Allen streak­ ed 26 yards to paydirt on a quar­ terback sneak. While the game marked the first of the season in which coach Irwin Elder’s Indians failed to emerge triumphant, the Tribesmen still finished their reg­ ular season unbeaten and captured the Lower Columbia league cham­ pionship. LEAGUE STANDINGS L 0 1 1 3 W Scappoose 6 Seaside 6 Parkrose 3 Rainier 3 Vernonia 1 St. Helens 0 Sherwood 0 T 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 3 4 Pct. 1.000 .800 .750 .500 .200 .000 .000 not been operated on night shift for several months) Friday after­ noon, November 12, when the weekly work schedule is complet­ ed. The move has been under con­ sideration for several weeks and is due to a decrease in the orders for the common grades of lumber and the slash in prices especially in the California markets. Another reason is the season of the year when house building and general construction work, where lumber is needed, slackens. • BUNDLES of old papers fcr sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. Week End Specials Admiral Battery Radio New — Guaranteed !4 H.P. Electric Motors Willy's Rear End—Wheels and Tires Girl’s Bicycle — Perfect Condition — Men’s Size 8 Caulk Loggers i Chest of Drawers Old Fashioned Hall Tree Fine Condition Fewer Orders, Prices Stop Mill Oil Heaters — Rubber Boots At a meeting of department heads of the Pope & Talbot com­ pany in the mH office at St. Helens last week, it was decided to shut down the day op­ eration of the gang miH (it has CASH OR TRADE Mott's Used Store Vernonia ■ ■ I ........ Time fa select your Thanksgiving Prepare Early For Fall Get Yours "OVEN-READY” at SAFEWAY Today Isn’t Too Soon to Brii ing Us Your Cleaning Be wise . . . bring in your ‘ fall cleaning now. Be pre- pared for cool days. Let this fact guide you to a finer turkey for your Thanksgiving ■dinner: Safeway sells only the kind of turkeys which can be unconditionally guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. They’re plump and meaty, and you can depend upon them to roast tender, juicy and golden brown, Vernonia Cleaners And . . . best of all . . . they’re Oven-Ready. No cleaning mess or pinfeathers to bother with. They’re WASTE-FREE, ready to stuff and slide into the oven. Decide what size you need and place your order today. The price per pound will be the very ’owest possible—you can bank on that! MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo­ dern plant. Two pick­ ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and h Dry Cleaners ORDER NOW AT SAFEWAY They're Waste-Free f Grapefruit Cranberry Sauce Mince Meat Plump, broken sections Peaches * H.lvu No. JI/, 2gc Tomato Juice s~r D,wn tr 23c 20c Pork & Beansv" l-lb. Carton t Marjhmallowj Special Price !»19* SpaghettiF'-’” Red Hill Catsup Heinz Ketchup 37c:<^ PIC ICS 28-oz. Jar FLUFFIEST Margarine Sugar Cured No. 300 Can BORDEN'S None-such Sunnybank and Durkw Rath Tend'r No. 2 Can HIGHWAY BRAND Real Gjtd Eating! c. 15' Exceptionally tender! I3'/2- ox . 4flc bottle ■ * m oi bottle SPECIAL lfl( PRICE LB. 4 7 97c L! Best Foods Mayonnaise «.♦ a, 49* Sweet Peas 10* GARDENSIDE BRAND Pet Food N’ Sooft— Especially ♦or your cal 2-Cans 8*°x- 15e Pure Ground Beef Toilet Soap Oxydol Lux Flakes Sierra Plu» ’’Fragrane. of ♦ko pines’’ Gran.laf.d Soap Kind fo your kands ... 10e ”„7 35' 12'/,-oz. OÇc pkg. ww CRANBERRIES Plump with Juiciness Extra fancy and fancy pack ROME BEAUTIES DELICIOUS APPLES JONATHANS Cabbage TL oul at U ijwl voAip boAt! L4rg«, bright, crisp red cranberries. Grown right here in the Northwest and rushed to our stores abso- lutely fresh. Add sparkle to Fall menus. Servo them every day. SICKS’ BREWING COMPANY Salem, Oregon Per POUnO Spinach vO pwnwo Dry (rath I Servo with corned beef— in our meet »ectien Bright green crispy freih leere« Sweet Potatoes O O Egg Plant 3-lb. 25c lb. 14c lb. 9c lb. 12c Grapefruit Lettuce Mede Breeze Cheese Food Velveeta Cheese Food Large Pecan Nuts Brazil Nuts IXL Almond Meats Mixed Nuts F,ncr Simply slice brood end fry No. 1 Potatoes **** lb. 10c lb. OF THE VERY BEST Round Steak Lean. meat fender Lb. 79e juicy Swiss Steak Thick steaks Lb. 75e Extra tender Sirloin Steak Lb. 69c steak The "cream” T-Bone Steak of steaks Lb. 89e Beef Pot Roast All-time favorite Lb. 59‘ Corned Beef Lb. 59e Beef Short RibsE17.rd Lb. 35* Leg O'Lamb ex­ Lb. 69* Lamb Shoulder 5au.":.“' Lb. 49* Beef Liver Lb. 59* Skinless Wieners Fresh daily Lb. 59* Halibut Steaks Pan-ready Lb. 55* Fresh Oysters quality Pt. 75* ä No. 303 Can BE SURE 2-lb. brick 94' 98' I-lb. pkg. 49‘ X 43‘ X- *9C .AK 45e 2-lb. brick from selected ‘government in- visking casings end rushed to you abso­ lutely fresh. _ _ . Lb. 49e Snowdrift Shortening 3-lb can $1.19 3-lb can $1.19 Spry Shortening 3-lb can $1.15 Swiff ning 3-lb can $1.19* Crisco Shortening Bisquick X27' XM 49' Seedless Raisins ’4 29' £ 55' Extra fancy & fancy pack EARS Per Lb. 12c 4c lb. 18c 2-lbe. 25c lb. 17c 10-lb. 49c D'Anjou green-ripe pears. Lighten menus with refreshing, juicy pear Ideal for preserving, toe. SAFEWAY