Birthday Remembered Let's Be Sociable Bingo Party Planned Members of the Vernonia Coun­ try club are invited to a Bingo party at the club house Friday night, October 29, at 8 o’clock. A birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Ellen Frank and Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartzell was held at the Emil Messing residence recently. Those present besides the honored guests were Mr. Frank and three sons. Mrs. Zoe Whitsell and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartzell and son. • Hostess Named Mrs. A. J. Hughes will act as hostess to members of the De­ borah Circle when they meet No­ vember 2. • Surprise Party Given A surprise birthday party was given Mrs. L. E, Stiff at the home of Mrs. Alice Malmsten Monday evening, October 18. An night of visiting was enjoyed after which refreshments of cake and coffee were served. The honor guest received many nice gifts. Little Dance Club Schedules Dance Nov. 6 The start of another series of dances by the Little Dance club is scheduled for November 6 a member of the sponsoring com­ mittee said Tuesday afternoon and tickets will be on sale next week for those people who wish to join for the winter dances. Music for the first dance will be furnished by Hal Cook’s orchestra. • Social Club Plans Sale of Blankets The Nehalem Social club, at its meeting in October, talked of plans that will bring about the sale of pillow cases in the near future as part of the activity being devoted to a fund raising campaign. The blanket sale was also discussed at the meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Sandon with Mrs. Dorothy Sandon with Mrs. Bess Nichols as co-hostess. Mrs. E. W. Peterson, new mem­ ber of the club will act as hostess for the club’s next meeting. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1948 T Goblin Chiffon Cake • Sunday School Plans Halloween Affair As featured by Betty A Halloween party for the first Baptist church Sunday school is planned for Friday evening of this week a church announcement states. The event will take place at the A. Karns home on Timber route about five and one-half miles from town. Crocker for your HALLOWEEN PARTY VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER K.RUST BREAD More Items Page 7 and Stunning styles . . . and great values in star-timed new Elgin Watches. Their DuraPower Mainspring* eliminates 99% of all repairs due to steel main* Spring failures. »Patent pending SLACKS Heavy Strutter Cloth Jersey and Ladv Alice These DRESSES The Apparel Shop A. L. Kullander WACTHMAKER — JEWELER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Railway Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center $3.59-$4.00 Floor Mats Car Chains—Heaters—Thermostats Available G. E. Bowl Type Electric Heater________ $8.95 8” Preway Oil Heater.................................... $49.95 100% Virgin Wool Blanket......................... $12.95 Full Size Bed Pillows........................ $1.98 Men’s Wool Jackets & Jac Shirts $4.98 to $9.90 Men’s 100% Wool Socks.....................................69c Candidates NATIONAL PRESIDENT 12 □ Thomas E. Dewey VICE-PRESIDENT Earl Warren COUNTY STATE CUFF WHITE PHONE 1271 VERNONIA, ORE. Halloween Party Special October 29, 30 and 31 Only! 1 GALLON PAL SHOP ICECREAM * and 1 GALLON DAD'S ROOT REER $2.00 Half Gallon Ice Cream and Half Gallon Root Beer ........... $1.10 Can be used to make your own floats and sodas at home. U. S. SENATOR 16 □ Guy Cordon REP. IN CONGRESS First District 19 □ Walter Norblad GOVERNOR 22 □ Douglas McKay SECRETARY OF STATE 25 □ Earl T. Newbry STATE TREASURER 26 □ Howard C. Belton ATTORNEY GENERAL 29 □ George Neuner REPRESENTATIVE Second District 30 □ Fred W. Herman REPRESENTATIVE, 33rd Dist. 32 □ E. H. Condit COUNTY COMMISSIONER 36 □ T. P Johnston SHERIFF 37 □ M. R. Calhoun COUNTY CLERK 40 □ C. W. Wickman COUNTY ASSESSOR 41 □ James M. Anliker COUNTY TREASURER 43 □ Gladys E. Peterson COUNTY SURVEYOR 45 □ Clarence R. Wagner COUNTY CORONER 46 □ Ben Coleman Paid Political Advertisement by the Columbia County Republican Central Committee Dr. A. C. Bailey, Committee Chairman THE PAL SHOP MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher KING’S Groceiy - Market “Where Your Money Buy« More” At the Mile Bridge Riverview Phone 91 You'll Be Surprised ... at the ease of buying table needs at KING’S. Complete aasortment of canned and packaged goods, meats and freeh fruits and produce.