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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
t THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOWN TOPICS Mra. Ida Van Blaricom arrived home this week after a month spent in Portland with her daugh ter, Laura Tandy, and other re latives. Mrs. Verda Cook gave a party at her home in Camp McGregor last Tuesday, Mrs. Oscar Vike being demonstrator. Those at tending were Mrs. Orville Mc- Kiaater, Lillian Martin, Shirley Morris, Charlotte Mason, Ida Ho ward, Emma Sliffe, Evelyn John son, Emily Peterson, Alma Lund, Grace Nelson, Una Miller, Ellen Westerburg, Hazel Cook and the hostess, Mrs. Verda Cook. Re freshments were served. Dr. J. II. Manley and his mother of Forest Grove were here to visit Mrs. A. E. Jennings Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger and children and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Minger visited Charley’s niece and sisters in Portland re cently, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gehlen formerly (Heidi Reich), Mrs. Clara Reich and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNally. A reunion was held at the McNally’s newly-built home. BUT KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE FLOOR 'he days when you had to put your feet on the stove to keep warm are gone forever. Now, with Spark Oil Heater, the entire room kept comfortably warm with ne rafts and no dirt or mess. Mrs. Thomas J. Kilcoyne and baby were here Sunday from Grants Pass to attend services at the First Baptist church. Rev. Kilcoyne came here a short time ago to assume the pastorate of this church. Mrs. Kilcoyne will come later to remain permanently. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wm. Anderson are in Springfield this week at tending the annual laboratory training school for the Christian church in Oregon. 150 youth and church leaders are attending this three-day session on methods of training. A national leader from St. Louis will address the group as well as the president of Phyllips university at Enid, Oklahoma. Masquerade dance I. O. O. F. hall. Sat., Oct. 30. Hal Cook’s band. Adm. $1. Costume prizes. title Next Sunday evening the First Christian church will present an other ' in its series of Bible quiz programs with the Young adults versus the women’s class. The public is cordially invited to at tend this on November 7, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. VanderZan den attended a family get-together which also honored his sister, Mrs. Edward Smith of Portland on her birthday anniversary, at the home of their sister, Mrs. Mary Spier- ing of Hillsboro. Those attending were the eight brothers and four sisters: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Van- derZanden and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. VanderZanden, both of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Van derZanden and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanderZanden and Geo. and Lin VanderZanden, all of Banks; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van derZanden of Cornelius; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. VanderZanden of Ver nonia; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanDomelen and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. VanDehey of Banks and Mrs. Mary Spiering of Hills boro. Afternoon callers was Ma thew Theewen, also of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. VanderZanden of Forest Grove celebrated their golding wedding anniversary Sun day, October 31. Joy Theatre Vernonia, THURS.-FRI. SPARK 786 Bridge Street Vernonia Feature “Headin for Heaven” SATURDAY OIL CIRCULATING HEATERS 1 Stniland Electric and Appliance OCTOBER 28-29 Plus Second »ark deluxe Oil eaters give both circulating and radiant hea_t. For complete i^nfort, ou need both. Oregon OCTOBER 30 Comedy and Cartoon SUN.-MON. OCT. 31-NOV. 1 “THE PARADINE CASE” With Gregory Peck and Ann Todd Cartoon and News 11 ES.-WEI).----------------- NOV. 2-3 The Young Adult class of the First Christian church will hold a Halloween party this Friday evening in the church. Games and refreshments are promised. Masquerade dance I. O. O. F. hall, Sat.. Oct. 30. Hal Cook's band. Adm. *1. Costume prizes. 44tlc Mrs. Isabel Culbertson attended the Pythian Sisters convention Oc tober 11 and 12 in Eugene stay ing with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Culbertson and Lynne for a short visit.. She came to Corvallis Thursday to visit at the H. M. Culbertson home before return ing here Friday. Mrs. Francis Hutchsen and two children, Pattie and Billie, came Sunday to visit their grandmother, Mrs. J. A. McDonald, and the Geo. McDonald family at Gales Creek. They plan to Btay a week before returning to their home at Malta, Idaho. Masquerade dance I. O. O. F. hall. Sat., Oct. 30. Hal Cook’s band. Adm. $1. Costume prizes. 44tlc Carl Peterson is on a weeks vacation from the mill and is helping Cecil Killian and Milton Oakes fix a new lawn around the Killian residence. Mr. and Mrs. Bob DuRette, Lor- raine DuRette, Fritz Burkhart, and Virgie Hunt all suffered in jury from an auto accident late last Friday evening while driv ing to the DuRette home on Stoney Point. The car skidded in loose gravel, left the road and crashed into a stump. The latter was most seriously injured, suf fering face lacerations and also bruises. Masquerade dance I. O. O. F. hall. Sat., Oct. 30. Hal Cook’s band. Adm. $1. Costume prizes. 44tlc Hank King arrived home Sunday from the Physicians and Surgeons hospital, Portland. He has parti ally recovered from a recent back injury but is still receiving medi cal care. Joe McCollum, an old time resident of Vernonia who has been paralized for four years and is confined to that hospital made wheel chair visits daily to see Mr. King during the latter’s eight-day stay in the hospital. Mrs. Leah Stiff and Mrs. Isola Morris were among those attend ing the Natal Project Leaders meet Tuesday preparatory for fu ture home demonstration meetings. Mrs. Ida Brooks of St. James, Minnesota returned to her home last week after a months visit with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, and other re latives. Mrs. Wilma Borton and Mrs. Bert Hawkins motored to Forest Grove Monday to spend the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick and Mrs. Pearl Adams drove to Sweet Home to spend last week end visiting. “The Checkered Coat” STRENGTHEN The Office Of Attorney General H Telephone 311 H H Too Tough! It hen trouble lies deep in the motor of your auto, you can d< p nd on our experience to correct it. Let us check it for you! H. H. STURDEVANT r ^A gvee Phone 337 . 717 Rose Avenue For Sandwiches NEHALEM ALL HEAT-NO ASH MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 1 TON EQUALS: 2 cords wood, 2Vi units sawdust, or 1-1/3 tons good coal. ATTENTION ORDER NOW FOR NEXT WINTER Vernonia Trading Co. Telephone 681 s AT HOFFMAN'S For Better Living H Swing Away Can Openers........................... $2.50 $3.95 H Egg Beater, made by Best................ Roasters, 15-pound size............................ $1.95 H Westinghouse Double Waffle Iron $17.95 H Universal Pop up Toaster....................... $20.95 H in Grease! H Z H Corner Rose and Bridge No Job Is NO SPECIAL FURNACE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED H There’s a Difference Vernonia Serv. Sta. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Kullander’s Jewelry Store “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics" Enliven lunch box meals and ease the job of food preparation by serving sandwiches made of our delicious cold cuts. H H vico. Johnson Another bear was killed by An drew Parker Monday of this week about two miles back of his home in Riverview. The animal weighed 112 pounds and Mr. Parker states that it was the best bear meat he had ever eaten. Don’t delay an eye examination to correct any difficulty that may arise. Eyesight is your most precious possession— Protect It! C0LDT? H H H in H H X H H Z H H Schick Colonel Shaver................................. $17.95 H H H You can’t always tell it by looking, but you most certainly can tell the difference when you drive. Shell lubrication will give you better performance. J. M. Currie after two years in Manila. They had a very pleasant trip to Japan, then back to Manila, Guam and Honolulu. After a few weeks here they will probably return to Japan. £HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH& ‘Tall In The Saddle” With John Wayne and Ella Raines PLUS 2nd FEATURE Mr. and Mrs. Howard I’easnall and daughter, Diana, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Poteet were visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab Monday. Sam Davis has been ill with double pneumonia for over a week and was taken to the Physicians and Surgeons hospital last Thurs day. Word has been received by Mrs. Davis that he is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anderson of Fairview, Portland, visited at the home of Mrs. Claud Knapp of Treharne for a week recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Briggs of Vernonia announce the arrival of a girl born October 17 in the Emanuel hospital, Portland, weigh ing 5 pounds 2 ounces and named Dianna Louise. Mother and baby are doing fine and expect to be home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kili an an nounce the arrival of a baby girl born October the 2nd, weight 7 pounds 8t4 ounces named Lotuce Lee. They are at home in Ore gon City. Mrs. Minnie Killian, Frank and Elsie Lusby, Denny and Donna visited Mr. and Mrs. George Hoerle in Carson, Washington over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Quedens are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H H AGAIN WE OFFER YOU OUR SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! H Hot Cake Turner ^"’r8 15c H HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO. FOR HARDWARE—SEE HOFFMAN TELEPHONE 181 VERNONIA, OREGON By Ernie Bushmiller — AND NOW A BRIEF COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR SPONSOR Plenty of old cars today act like this. It’s really bad manners to clog the road with foul smoke from the exhaust. New piston rings can “clear the atmosphere” and save lots of gas and oil, too. Get DOUBLE PROTECTION.' Protect your own driving safety by letting us give your present car a thorough check-up. Also, a going-over by our experts can do much to preserve its cash value. Drive in today or tomorrow. GREENWOOD MOTORS H H Phone 5711 H DOUBLE PROTECTION WE HAVE NEW MOTORS IN STOCK FOR DODGE, PLYMOUTH, CHRYSLER AND DESOTO Vernonia, Ore. H HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHSfr NANCY You -Heavy Smokers-^ Ph. 1121 Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Job Rated Trucks At the Mile Brige, Riverview DODGE-PLYMOUTH DODGE zzJob-Rofedzz TRUCKS BUSH FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORT LAND PRICES TELEPHONE 592 Radios and Radio-Phonograph Combinations G. E. and Crosley Models to fit every need. See them— hear them demonstrated. SEE BUSH t