4 THURSDAY, ÓCT. 14. 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON > «1 th . The first daily newspaper in the United States was established in 1784. Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo-| dern plant. Two pick-| ups and deliveries I weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners Deer Earned by Hunter Sunday KEASEY — Herb Counts really worked for his venison this sea son. Sunday October 3 was wet and the wood roads soft, so Mr. Counts took his party of hunter friends, Frank Wagner of Port land, V. E. Fleener and Jack Vaughn of Beaverton, back to the hunting ground with his Ford tractor. After Mr. Counts killed his buck he learned Jack Vaughn had strayed too far from the party to be found. The men searched until dark, then Counts started home for food and lights leaving Fleener to keep a fire burning and a lookout. Near home he met Mrs. Counts «and the lost man. Vaughn had met a hunter and learned he had wandered almost to Birkenfeld. The hunter brought him around to the Counts home. Then Counts had to go back for the watcher and next go back and carry out his meat. James Bonnick spent last week visiting friends in Portland. EYESIGHT IS PRECIOUS . . take care of yours! Let us ex- amine your eyes regularly ... to fit you with correct lenses. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Kullander's Jewelry Store “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics” Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon '•1 NOW AT A POPULAR PRICE! ¿«»Sunny Brook™ RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Stross and Mrs. Alnelia Stross RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. of Portland visited at the W. D. Steele home Sunday. Hank Hudsin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewell Lloyd, Rex Normand, Mr. Bell and Elder Christenson were Woods and Joe Lindsley are at Sunday dinner guests at the tending a union convention in Charlie Reid home. Portland. Joe Lindsley’s children The people of Riverview wish are staying at the W. J. Lindsley to welcome some new neighbors home for a few days. here. They are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mert Jenkins W. A. Greene who have purchased of Portland visited at the Bud the Lee White home. The Green’s Rose and E. L. Lloyd homes Mon formerly l!ved in Portland. day. Mrs. Albert Krieger and daugh Mrs. Manford Johnson of As ter, Evelyn, visited at the W. J. toria visited at the Hank Hudson Lindsley home Saturday evening. home Thursday afternoon. She Mrs. Bud Rose and son, Bobby, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and grandson, Jacky, were in 0. M. Hudson. Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Roberts Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and daugh left by bus Saturday morning for ter, Joan, were in Hillsboro Fri Paxton, California where they will day. visit Mrs. Robert’s son, Tom Par Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson mo ker and wife. They expect to be tored to Mt. Hood Friday. gone a fortnight and will see Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brandow are Reno, Nevada on a sight-seeing the parents of a boy born at the tour with the Parkers. Enroute Lloyd Maternity home Saturday, home they will call on relatives October 9. He weighed 10 pounds at Medford and other Oregon 4 ounces and has been named towns. James Howard. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Graham of Banks are the parents of a girl born at the Lloyd Maternity home Monday at 10:15. She weighed pounds and has been named Katherine Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Haynes Of Portland visited at the Monty Dewey home over the week end. Mrs. Anna Dewey and son, Leonard, have moved into the Olive apartments. They formerly stayed at the Monty Dewey home. Delbert Fowler, who is working in Wenatchee, Washington, visited his parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler and son, Harold, and Mrs. Charlie Biggs made a business trip to Hillsboro Monday. HEADSTONES fcPIN’l M Rubber is precious. Give your tires the car And if you to prolong usefulness. need new tires —see George. Vernonia Serv. Sta. ¿eo. Johnson Comer Rose and Bridge Telephone 311 Siect A SUCCESSFUL MAN - STATE TREASURER Successful Farmer— 31 years oper ating own farms at Canby, Ore. Successful Legislator and Administrator IS Years— President. State Senate — Acting ^Governor^No^ir^thir^4-year term as State Senator Two terms on State Emergency Board. r -J Successful Business Man— |||| Bank Director. Director Farmers Fire Relief Assn. Director Canby Telephone Assn. Pd. Adv. P. K. Hammond, Chm., 306 S.W. Broadway, Portland. Oreogn A <0 Cl ¿A MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 / ATTENTION FOREST LAND OWNERS V ! Rainbow Granite Red' and Black Diamond | Mrs. S. L. Kirtland | | at the Cemetery House | | a Phone 1024 PULPWOOD WANTED / *KEX* NEWS 86 PROOF ■ 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, NEW YORK, NEW YORK WEEK DAYS! . Second growth fir, hemlock, spruce or white fir LAWSON McCALL.... 7 AM Hotpoint Martin AGRONSKY 7:15 AM Electric Stoves KEEPing up with SPORTS 6 PM Northwest Coverage FOUR OR EIGHT FOOT LENGTHS Direct from Washington NOON NEWS.....................12 Price With Barney Keep HOME EDITION ...6:15PM 14*00 per cord With Sherman Washburn . . NEWS FLASHES Delivered at Mill .10 P M Write, Phone, or Call in Person at Office Fir-Tex □l NGHOUSE Franchised Hotpoint Dealer Sundland Electric & Appliance X 50,000 . DIAL WATTS K 1190 A < MONUMENTS **4/5QT. Enjoy the whiskey that’s TIRES REPAIRED NEHALEM ! and The initiatory degree for Wil bur E. Wilson was put on by the Odd Fellows lodge Tuesday even ing of this week at the regular meeting. Thomas Tomlin, Bill French, H. Thacker, Cloice Hal! and Thomas Galloway had received the third degree at a previous meeting and some of these pre vious candidates were able to take part in the degree work at this week’s meeting f*r the first time. Select your meat needs from our well stocked displays of choice cuts that assure you of pleasant energy-packed meals. For the best — SHOP NEHALEM The Scripps brothers originated chain newspapers in 1878. ! Candidate Takes Degree Work of Lodge Tuesday A\ Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald attended the Pacific International livestock exposition Monday. Irving Conklin and Lloyd Gillham visited the I’.I. Thursday afternoon and in the evening attended a meeting of the Oregon Dairy Goat Breeders association to hear a successful goat dairyman of Los Angeles tell how he had start ed in a small way and built up his milk plant to a big business. The Buckley family spent Sat urday in Portland. L. Gillham accompanied Chas. Reid to Portland Saturday to attend a banquet at the F.O.E. hall. Kentucky Whiskey—A Blend THIS FINE KENTUCKY FAVORITE IS AVAILABLE AGAIN! Four Attend Convention Of Union in Portland Sale of Home Is Announced INSULATING BOARD COMPANY St. Helens, Oregon