2 THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman returned early this week from * trip occupying a month during which time they visited in Calif ornia and toured several National parks. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson and Janet and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay of Pittsburg were in Portland last Sunday. They were present for the—78th birth day party that day for Mrs. Peter son’s mother, Mrs. James Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Kain of Beaverton were here last week end to visit at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Hartzell. During that time Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon THURS.-FRI. OCTOBER 7-8 Jennifer Jones SATURDAY DOUBLE OCTOBER 9 FEATURE “BLACK BEAUTY” Plus Second Feature “SPEED TO SPARE” SUN.-MON. OCTOBER 10-11 “SITTING PRETTY” With Robert Young - Maureen O’Hara and Clifton Webb TUFS.-WED. OCTOBER 12-13 I CLAUDETTE drums COLBERT MOHAWK FONDA ALONG THE Mr. Kain, Ed Hartzell, Charles Hickman and Herb Sturdevant hunted in the Salmonberry area and Mr. Hickman was able to kill his first deer. Betty English is on vacation this week from the cafe. Ray Robert son is cooking during her ab sence. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kipp are the parents of a boy born Sun day evening at 9:20 at the Forest Grove general hospital. Kilroy is here! Mrs. Mary Davis,' whose maiden name was Kilroy, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Castner through the week. Mrs. Davis is from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and family motored to Portland Sunday for the 38 annual P. I. Livestock show. Mrs. Mabel Vohs of Mist was a visitor in Vernonia of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Vohs, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Buckner have moved to Kansas, leaving Ver nonia last Saturday. They plan to make their home there and go into the cattle business. HENRY ‘ PAINTING Interior — Exterior . FLOOR SANDING COLOR MATCHING ■ ALL WORK GUARANTEED ON CONTRACT BASIS A 20th CENTURY-FOX HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHX^ Sporstreel I ENCORE TRIUMPH I and Cartoon Charles Seeberger 856 Rose Avenue HZHXHXHZHZHXHXHZHXHXHZHS ■I X H X H X H X À H X H X H Apartment Size Westinghouse X H Range Model F63-48 — - $135 00 H X Thermostatically Controlled Oven of ample X H size for small family X Full Size Westinghouse Range H X Model D64-48 ................. $235.00 X H H Fully automatic oven and appliance outlet. X Large Oven capacity H Both of these ranges have chip H X proof tops that will NOT even X H X DISCOLOR. H X H X Full line of wiring supplies including boxes, H entrance caps, clamps, sockets, switches, etc. X H GET HOFFMAN'S ESTIMATE X H FIRST ON ELECTRICAL SUP X H PLIES AND EQUIPMENT. HOFF H X MAN WILL NOT BE UNDER X H X SOLD H X H X H X H FOR HARDWARE—SEE HOFFMAN X TELEPHONE 181 VERNONIA, OREGON H X SW AT HOFFMAN’S CASH TALKS •—•—•— HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO- NANCY Elizabeth Carriker, a former resident of Vernonia who had been helping to care for her ister Mrs. Mary Raymer who recently pass ed away, came to Vernonia for the graveside services and stayed with her other sister, Mrs. Frank Slemmons and family. She also visited friends and other relatives in the vicinity, leaving for Port land Wednesday. Callers at the H. II. King home recently were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Raymer and their daughter, Lois and her husband and also Eliza beth Carriker. Mrs. Beulah Slemmons is help ing out at the Washington grade school lunch room during Mrs. Millis’ illness. David Kelly was here last week on an emergency leave to attend the graveside services of his sister, Mrs. Mary Raymer. On his arrival back to his camp in New Jersey he will be immediately shipped out for a 20-months duty call in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lutrell from Eugene were callers Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thacker after a visit with Mr. Lutrell’s sister and family in Forest Grove. Mrs. Lutrell was the former Wiennie Eastman of Scoffield and both Mr. and Mrs. Lutrell and their families are old aquaintances of the Thacker fam ilies and Rosa families. Mr. and Mrs. Al Greathouse of Cedar Hills announce the ar rival of a son bom September 28. He weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces. Mrs. Greathouse is the former Katherine Malmsten. A family gathering and hunting party took place at Camp Mc Gregor Thursday of last week to Monday of this week. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Har lan and father, Ralph Harlan all of Salem; Mrs. Nellaray Bradford and two sons, Rocky and Rodger of Portland and Billie Hall and the Borton family. The hunting was successful. Cars were parked all along the Sunset highway and on into Camp McGregor so thick on the McGregor road that travel was nearly impossible in places. Deer were taken out from that territory Upholstering Repairing and Recovering Free Estimates. Pickup and Delivery in large numbers. Mr. Borton re cently purchased a home there where Ralph is attending school, Mrs. Fearley being the teacher for the small settlement. Word has been received by Mrs. Graham at the Mill Market that her son, Donald, arrived at the air base in Wichita Falls, Texas after his leave from Portland on Sept ember 23. He is getting establish ed and has a future of schooling to look forward to. Mrs. Milton lumping Sr., was hostess at a party beginning at 7:30 Tuesday evening. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bergerson, Mrs. Forest Blount and Odine, Mrs. A. Blount, Jimmie Rusow, Cleo and Clyde Lamping and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. VanWegen, who have been on a ten-day va cation trip to Vancouver, B.C.. to visit friends arrived home to Ver nonia Tuesday. Mrs. Sada Epperson was hos tess for a breakfast party Friday morning at 9:30. Those present were: Mrs. Clara Lindsley, Mrs. Opal Lindsley, Trilla Anderson, Doris Krieger, Evelyn Krieger, Maud Cox, May Krieger, Bernice Tunnell, Mrs. R. A. S'mmons, Gladys Strong, Mrs. McQuinn and the hostess, Mrs. Sada Epperson. The Evangelical U. B. -Sunday school teachers gave Lesta Garner a surprise birthday party Tues day evening at her home. About sixteen teachers and friends at tended bringing the refreshments and presented her with lovely gifts. Missionary guest day meet was held at the home of Mrs. Beth Backer Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani attended the Sunday matinee of the horse show and rodeo. New Residence Being Built MIST — The new house being built for the L. P. Mathews and their family on the newly acquired property known as the Wright place is shaping up fast and will be a very fine home before long. The house now on the property will be tom down we are told. The Mathews family live on the Burn where they had operated their lumber and logging Co. for years until they sold this summer. John Refro from Oklahoma has started his home journey after visiting relatives here and at Seaside and Salem for several and MONUMENTS Rainbow Granite Red and Black Diamond Mrs. S. L. Kirtland at the Gemetery House Phone 1024 RICHMOND DOUBLE GUARANTEED TIRES If you’ve Got the Pieces, I’ve Got the Parts Phone 773 Riverview Site MILLER’S ¿9 The Friendly Store w here Quality Costs No More Don’t Get Your Feet Wet Now is the time to get your rubber footwear and save your shoes Blouses Plaid Blouses Men's Buckle Overshoes with long sleeves —o—•_ Men's Short Boots New Cardigans and Slipover Sweaters Men's Hip Boots — Men's Fishing Boots Satin and Jersey Half Slips Men's 15-in. Lace Packs Tha Apparel Shop ■ ■ Men's 17-in. Irrigation Packs Small Ankle ■’ Í < Take Care of Your Engine! If you take time out now and then to have your motor checked over, you’ll save yourself a lot of grief and expense later on. And we can do the job for you expertly and economically. Telephone 311 HEADSTONES Open week days until 6 p.m. All Work Guaranteed Geo. Johnson BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. HANK'S PARTS HOUSE New Candy Stripe Are you in need of an up holsterer? Furniture re covered and repaired. See Mrs. A. A. Woolsey, 976 2nd Ave, Vernonia or call Hillsboro 5601 weeks. Billy Kyser got the first deer after season opened. It was a fine big one and was he the proud hunter. Vernonia Serv. Sta. Boy's Boots Women's Short Boots Women's 11-in. Dress Galoshes Side Zipper Women's Lo Heel Galosh Boots Red, White and Brown Corner Rose and Bridge Women's Reg. Zipper Galoshes Girl's, Misses Boot Galoshes 1 Red, White and Brown Children's White Rubbers Children's Knee Boots Red Tops Vitamin requirements to keep busy people healthy call for plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Men's Dress and Work Rubbers Take a tip from us — shop the displays at NEHALEM! NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 By Ernie Bushmiller BUSH FURNITURE EVERY THING FOR THE HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORT- TELEPHONE 592 LAND PRICES Let us supply your complete home furnishings SEE BUSH FIRST!