2 THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOPICS OF THE TOWN Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cicero were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Geske, Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Len Beebe of Fairfield, California. Mr. and Mrs. Geske are friends of the Ciceros, this visit being the first since 1937. Mr. Beebe is a brother of Mrs. Matt King and they will probably visit here until some- PAINTING Interior — Exterior FLOOR SANDING COLOR MATCHING ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED; ON CONTRACT BASIS Charles Seeberger 856 Rose Avenue time during October. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Leath left last Saturday for Tennessee where they will visit relatives and friends in and around Nashville. Accompanying them as far as Sawyer, Kansas are Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis for a short visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Elgus R. Frank are the parents of their third boy, born September 24. He weighed eight pounds, eight ounces and has been named Ronald Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Wikstrom are the parents of a boy born September 24. He weighed eight pounds and has been named Ken neth John. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hausler. G. Wm. Anderson represented the men of the Christian church last week when he attended the meeting of the Laymen of Ore gon at Dallas. There were ap- High-pressure Lubrication You won’t be able to hear the birds twittering after a complete Signal Service. High pressure equipment lubricates all points effec tively. Heath’s Service Station Phone 101 MILLER'S The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More Stop and Look at our beautiful collection of Van Heusen Shirts in exclusive "Stopper Stripes.” They’ve got style and quality in every stitch, and that means action tailoring, figure fit, tug-proof pearl buttons, and Van Heusen’s new low-setting "Comfort Contour” collar styling. Sanforized—a new shirt free if your Van Heusen shrinks out of size. Your favorite collar models, in the smart new colors for Spring. »H««. u. s. p . l off. Fan Hauen Ties to match, in -’Shirt-mate*'’ patterns, 9 JJ>0 A NANCY proximately 400 men in attend ance. William Wilkerson of In dianapolis, Indiana was the chief speaker. He was a chaplain in both world wars and is the chair man of the Laymen’s League of the Christian church. Mrs. Ander son visited in McMinnville with Rev. and Mrs. Grant Cole last week. The District officers and Dis trict team of the Neighbors of Woodcraft put on the floor work and initiation of Oregon Grape Circle St. Johns. Those attending from Vernonia were: District Of ficer, Nola Brady, Dean Brady, Leona Keith, L. E. McGee, Nona Langston and Mrs. June Wool ridge, who has been with her parents, the Micheners, during her father’s illness. DANCE at Birkenfeld Winema Grange hall Saturday, October 2. Rhythm Vendors. 40tlc Mrs. Nola Brady had the mis fortune to throw her hip out of place early Saturday morning while caring for Mr. Michener. She will be bedfast for a few days. Visitors calling to see Mrs. Brady Sunday afternoon were: Mrs. Dorthea Burr and girls and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Frank. Mon day visitors were: Rev. Holler, Mrs. Leona Keith, Mrs. Nona Lankston, and Mrs. Brady’s moth er, Mrs. Rosa. Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald and family of Gales Creek were here to visit Mrs. J. F. McDonald last Sunday. Grandma McDonald was bed fast with a cold but is improving. Mrs. Duke Lloyd from Rock Creek spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Alta Landers, and Grandma McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa ac companied Dean Brady and Nola Brady to Svenson Island near Astoria recently to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rosa’s niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hanson, and daughters, Hallie and Sharon. DANCE at Birkenfeld Winema Grange hall Saturday, October 2. Rhythm Vendors. 40tlc evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woodruff of San Francisco, California, the former Erma Brady, visited at the home of Mrs. Woodruff’s parents, the Roy Bradys from Wednesday until Friday and also called on her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rite. Mrs. Joanne Savage visited at the Ritz home the same day. The Wood ruffs plan to visit relatives and friends in Portland, Longview, and Bremerton before returning sometime next week to their home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVaney visited at the Brady home Wednesday and Thursday to see her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff. Mrs. DeVaney has been taking care of her mother, Mrs. Nola Brady, since her mishap. Oregon Motor Stages has placed e permanent driver on the early and late run to and from Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Randquist and baby expect to move to Ver nonia and Mr. Randquists sched ule is expected to start Friday. Mrs. Maudie Anderson of Med ford, sister of Mrs. Minnie Killian recently came to visit the Killians for a few weeks. Helen Killian was bed fast Monday with tonsil- itis. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Hansen were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab. The Hansens live in Couer D’Alene, Idaho were Mr. Hansen is em ployed. Jim Davies, manager of the Vernonia Auto company, left here Monday for Oakland, California where he will attend a 10-day Chevrolet sales managers school. Mrs. Ruby Newton was hostess they attended the funeral of the to a birthday party Wednesday former’s nephew, Avery Tipton. in honor of Mrs. Tallman of Tim He was a cousin to the other Vernonia, Oregon ber and Mrs. Nellie Thacker of two and was killed by a car Treharne. Those present for the while walking on the highway. occasion were Mrs. Donna Tallman SEPT. 30-OCT. 1 and daughter, Lorraine, Nellie Mrs. Johnson also visited her THURS-FRI. Page of Timber, Pat Galloway daughter and family, Mr. and and daughter, Tamara, Mae Wie- Mrs. Elvin Mills at Medford. ____ Cartoon and Sportsreel____ necke, Silvia Falconer, Laura During the trip Mrs. Johnson and SATERDAY OCTOBER 2 Thacker and the two honored her two brothers were together for NIGHT guests Mae Tallman and Nellie the first time in seven years. Thacker and the hostess. A There are only three left of a TIME IN lovely luncheon was served at family of 11 children. The bro NEVADA noon and the honored guests thers are William and Joe Tip Plus Second Feature received many nice gifts. ton. “LINDA BE GOOD’’ DANCE at Birkenfeld Winema DANCE at Birkenfeld Winema OCTOBER 3-1 Crange hall Saturday, October 2. Giange hall Saturday, October 2. SUN.-MON. ; DANA GENE 1 40tlc Rhythm Vendors. 40tlc Rhythm Vendors. A card was received recently Ernest Swanson and two hr 'It ers, George and Kenne'h, ar from the Sodens by Mrs. Dorthea rived in Vernonia Thursd •, Sep Pearson that they are visiting in tember 16 from Washburn, Wis the old home place at Denneson, This Is America consin to visit Mrs. Swa-snn’s Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Fred TUES.-WEI) OCTOBER 5-6 mother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Soden called on Mrs. Pearson last “ T-MEN ” Saturday, staying over until Sun Harry Lines. Mrs. Swanson had Starring DENNIS O’KEEFE been visiting her folks for a day evening before returning to Cartoon Sportsreel month as had Miss Bernice Har their home at Dilley. vey who accompanied Mrs. Swan MORE TOWN TOPICS PAGE 3 son on her trip here. The Swan sons, his brothers and Miss Har vey left for home Thursday of last week. During the visit here they saw Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richie, who have a barber shop and beauty parlor at Gearhart. Mrs. Marianne Poole, and daugh ter, Linda accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of Vernonia to Olla, Louisianna, for about a months trip. Word was received that Mrs. Moore’s mother, Mrs. Ada Hopkins, was seriously ill COMPLETE there. They left last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller and EODY-FENDER two daughters spent last week end with friends in Portland. SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Berl Arner are the parents of a girl bom last Thursday, September 23 at the Jones hospital in Hillsboro. She was named Theresa Diane and j Our body and fender repair department offers weighed seven pounds, 11 ounces. Mrs. Nan Johnson, Florence Akers and Edwin Justice returned ■ the finest service of its type. All signs of dents from Grants Pass Friday where ef of/ To t/ie Victor 1 ANDREWS • TIERNEY 5 ' the I ron C urtain ! It Will Look Like Nev; When We Get Through and scratches removed to give you complete i 1 Ask us about this service. and MONUMENTS VERNONIA SERVICE STATION Rainbow Granite Red and Black Diamond Mrs. S. L. Kirtland Telephone 311 i Corner Rose and Bridge at the Cemetery House Phone 1024 ^WZHZHZH SHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ^ H H H H H H H H Hunting and Fishing Supplies H SINGLE EGGS All Brands...... H ¡„25' NYLON CASTING LINE 0*185 K 25-Pound ..................... .50 yds.*^^ H 2-OZ. SINKERS H While They Last 3 for H EAGLE CLAW SNELLED H $275 BUTCHER SAWS 24-Inch Blade...... H H H H CLEANING RODS ........ 15c OCc MARBLE MATCH BOXES. Waterproof 75' H H LEVEL WIND REELS H By Ranger .................... HUNTING KNIVES 3-Inch Blade............. H 10' HOOKS.................... Card of 6 Upholstering i j j satisfaction. HEADSTONES H Repairing and Recovering Free Estimates. Pickup and Delivery Are you in need of an up- holsterer? Furniture re- covered and repaired. Theatre $625 BB SHOT Per Tube . 10' H H FISHING AND HUNTING LICENSES ISSUED H H H AH Work Guaranteed I H See Mrs. A. A. Woolsey, 976 | 2nd Ave., Vernonia or call I Hillsboro 5601 H HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO- FOR HARDWARE—SEE HOFFMAN TELEPHONE 181 VERNONIA, OREGON kzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhxhzhzhiìà By Ernie Bushmiller BUSH FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORT LAND PRICES TELEPHONE 592 Get the Best! Get G, E. If its a radio you have in mind, accept nothing less than G.E. for best service and com plete satisfaction. Let us show vou these wonderful sets.