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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1948)
Double Ring Ceremony Read at Church Sun. LET'S BE SOCIABLE Class of ’45 Reunites At I.O.O.F. Hall Sat. The Vernonia high school class of 1945 reunited Saturday even ing at the I.O.O.F. hall for a chili feed and party. New officers were elected for We Clean Clothes! CLEANING conserves clothing because of proper treatment CLEANING keeps your child ren’s clothes in shape CLEANING makes your old clothes look like new Vernonia Cleaners MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS two years, when the next reunion will be held. Officers are: presi dent, Dan Rollins; secretary Ralph Sturdevant and treasurer, Delores Bergstrom. There were 39 pre sent including special guests. Pre sent were: Florence Berger, De lores Bergstrom, Otto Browning, Gordon Cline, Douglas Culbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Erand, Joe Enneberg, Jack Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reznick, Josephine Hanel, Glen Justice, James Johns, Mrs. Ted Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Quen tin Hensley, June McDonald, Wal lace McCrae, Max Millis, Jack Nance, Dale Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Orile Robbins, Dan Rollins and Donna Dorland of Hillsboro, Ralph Roediger and Sally Kaspar, Glenn Shipman, Lloyd Stuve, Jack Sol berg, Mrs. Lyle Walker, Paul Schmidlin, Ralph Sturdevant, Mar vin Turner, Vona Wiedman and Ivan Hess. • A motion-picture camera has been developed which can take 11,000,000 frames a second. Six teen frames is normal. Keep That Car I IN A-l Condition A car kept in A-l condition is 1-A in service. You won’t , have to drive with your fingers crossed for fear of a break down. Let us check your motor npw! Complete Line of Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. JOHNSON’S SALTED & TOASTED NUTS j Before an altar decorated with gladioli and white candles, Miss Mary Ann Johns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Johns be came the bride of Gordon Cline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline, at the Evangelical United Brethren church Sunday, August 15. The ceremony was conducted at 2 o’clock with Rev. Allen H. Backer officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her father. The bride was attired in a white ballerina suit, a white pic ture hat and wore white platform shoes. She carried a white Bible with purple orchid. The bridesmaid, Miss Vesta Christensen, wore a pink suit, pink picture hat and pink satin shoes. Her corsage was white carnations and gardenias. Best man was Kenneth Ander son and the ushers were Don Cline, brother of the groom, and James Johns, brother of the bride. Miss Shirley Bennett sang “Be cause” and “Always”, accompan ied by Mrs. Lloyd Thomas who also played the wedding march. The reception following the ceremony was held in the church social hall which was decorated with pink and white streamers, ferns and silver bells. The wed ding cake was the center of the serving table and was flanked by pink and white glads and candles, thereby carrying out the theme of decorations for the wedding. Coffee and cake were served at the reception by Miss Beverly Erady, Miss Betty Ann Jepson and Miss Shirley Bennett. Mrs. Lester Galloway officiated at the punch bowl and Miss Beverly Bateman and Miss Jean McDonald were in charge of the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Cline left on their honeymoon for San Fran cisco. They will make their home in Portland where he will con tinue his schooling on refrigera tion. Five Committees Named To Prepare for Tea Five committees have been se lected to carry out the various Retails of preparing for and con ducting the silver tea which will Arden Ice Cream — Cookies VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD be held next Wednesday, August 25, as a benefit for the Vernonia public library. Some of the people serving are members of the Vernonia Study club and some belong to the library board. Decorations are being handled by Mrs. Lyman Hawken, Mrs. Harry Culbertson, Mas. J. W. Nichols, Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier and Mrs. R. B. Fletcher; re freshments—Mrs. W. G. Heath, Mrs. Emil Messing, Mrs. Ben Brickel and Mrs. R.D. Eby; kitchen —Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr., Mrs. H. E. Schlegel, Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Mrs. Harry Sandon; publicity —Mrs. Lee Engen and reception —Mrs. Paul Gordon, Mrs. Marvin Kamholz, Mrs. Fred Tousley, Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani. The tea will be held between 3 and 5 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. • Stroke Suffered By Ill Man Tues. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl are visiting with Mrs. Exie Weaver and Mrs. Cassie Riley this week. A number of folks were in White Salmon for the rodeo last week. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Kenneth, Loren and Snook Dodge, Speed Lusby, Sam and Gene Beck, Ed wina Seidleman and Mr. and Mrs. John Seidleman. Rome Whitmire, who has been ill for the last month, suffered a stroke Tuesday morning and is in critical condition. All the children have been called home. A gathering of neighbors spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Laura Thacker to help her cele brate her birthday. Pot-luck din ner was served at noon. She re ceived many lovely gifts. Those present were: Mrs. Sib Falconer and Mary, Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mrs. Mae Wienecke and Lauralee, Mrs. Cassie Riley, Mrs. Ruth Hult and Jimmie, Mrs. Linnie Fitzlaff, Mrs. Eleanor Kells and Marilyn, Mrs. Floy Odam and Judy and Chester, Mrs. Dorothy Odam and Billy, Mrs. Florence Reynolds and Cherylee, and the hostess, Mrs. Laura Thacker. Mrs. Florence Reynolds and Mrs. Thelma Weaver and children spent Monday with Mrs. Ethel Hall. Little Billy Odam had a gather ing of playmates in for his birth day Tuesday. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. He received a lot of nice gifts. Mrs. Helen Livengood has lo cated in Portland where she is employed. • USDA Food Aids Lunch Program The extent to which foods are acquired by the U. S. department of agriculture and furnished with out cost to schools and institutions supplement the annual federal out lay of cash for the school lunch program is revealed in a report released by the USDA’s Produc tion and Marketing administra tion. Oregon recently was allocated $470,722 to support the school lunch program for the ensuing year, an increase of $168,183 over last year’s allotment. For the fiscal year ended June 30, the cash assistance was enhanced by the free distribution of commodi ties valued at approximately $450, 418 for schools and $85,351 for institutions. E. O. DeLaney, western area THAT NEVER LETS YOU DOWN A bank book, with a long string of reg ular deposits, can be counted on with confidence in time of need. Treat your bank book well every pay day; build a reserve fund. You’ll be very glad you did someday, when you turn to it for help in meeting money problems. Vernonia Branch The Commercial Bank of Banks HEADSTONES Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Rainbow Granite Red and Black Diamond AFFILIATED WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO MUTT AND JEFF THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON and THURSDAY, AUG. 19, 1948 food distribution programs chief for the PM A in San Francisco, explained that the donated foods fall into two seperate categories —commodities which the USDA acquires as a result of its price support programs, and other foods which the department purchases outright in sizeable quantities with school lunch funds not allocated to the states in cash. • Democritus, the great physicist of ancient Greece, was the first man to discover the atom and re port that it was the basis of all matter. • The hairspring in a lady’s wrist watch is less than the diameter of an average human hair and vibrates 18,000 times an hour. • Gypsies came originally from India, not Egypt. ------------------------------- - Its Time for a Change That Are Important We carry a complete Line of Office Supplies PENS — PENCILS RULERS — ERASERS TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES PAPER — CARBON INK — PASTE Rubber Stamps Even the best of cars will voice a complaint at mistreat ment. Change your oil before there’s trouble and refill with Made-To-Order The Vernonia Eagle UNION JAKE’S UNION SERVICE (iJebtetun, St&te Your ‘One Stop’ Saving Center Coronado Electric WASHER Smooth 3-vane agitator. Deluxe safety wringer. Power leg construction. Silent transmission sealed in oil. $105.50 Varcon Spark Plugs - - - 45c each Heavy Porcelain Electric Drill.................... $34.95 Heavy Duty. %” capacity in steel, 1” in wood. (Jacobs Chuck) Medicine Cabinets ».is Steel body fitted with plain curve mirror Boys Whipcord Trousers BOY’S CREW ANKLETS Size 6-11.............. 39c Striped Cotton CANNON TOWELS............................. 55c & 69c LADIES NYLONS............................. $1.19 - $1.49 Full Fashioned LADIES ANKLETS............................. 29c to 39c MONUMENTS A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER & JEWELER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Railway Mrs. S. L. Kirtland at the Cemetery House Phone 1024 CLIFF WHITE PHONE 1271 VERNONIA, ORE. WE SPECIALIZE IN By Bud Fisher . . . for your complete satisfaction. Year-round satisfactory service has been our policy during past years. AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE IN THE FUTURE! KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview S