LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE—General CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE—General MINIMUM charge 35c for 25 words or less. Words over min MIXED dairy hay, between 60 imum, 2c each. Three inser and 70 tons. Also four pigs for sale. 3 miles out on Timber Rt., tions for the price of two. Harry O’Briens farm adjoining CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c golf course. 29t3 NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER BEAUTIFUL Merritt & O’Keefe WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR gas range and 30-gal. Mission water heater, very reasonably NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. CREDIT ADDS, 10c EXTRA FOR priced. Can be seen at Sundland Electric shop. 26tfc BILLING. BOLD FACE ads, minimum 75c BERRIES for sale. . Blueberries ea., 3 for the price of 2. Words raspberries and cascades. Boysen over minimum, 3c each. berries and king nectar berries BLIND ads with answers to be will be ripe in about 10 days. handled by The Eagle: Minimum Albert* Sehaloek. Riverview. 30t3 charge 75c. No information ONE Norge refrigerator. 987 given relative to such ads. No information on classifieds will Second Avenue. 31t3 be given out until after paper FAN and Radio. 1 bed and springs is mailed. POETRY accepted only as paid 1 laundry tub, 1 cook range and matter. Rate: 5c per type line. miscellaneous. Stoney Point, H. 31t3c THE EAGLE assumes no finan A. French. cial responsibility for errors SIX-YEAR baby bed. House 15, that may appear in ads publish O-A hill. 31t3 ed in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, TWO, NEW 6 ft. x 6 ft. water will reprint that part of an and mildew proof army tents. adv. in which the typographical $30 each or will trade—what have you? Inquire at Vernonia Eagle mistake occurs. office. 31tl FOR SALE—General LAWNMOWERS sharpened. T. L. DeHart. First house on the left off junction at the end of State St. 13tfc FRIGIDAIRE 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 19tfc FOR LATEST styles in dress making and remodeling, Call 253. 13tfc USED tires and tubes. 6.00xl6’s. Greenwood Motors, Dodge and Plymouth Dealer. Phone 1121. 31tlc WASHING machine and movable tubs. Good Condition. Inquire at 141 B street. 31tfc WE HAVE THEM! s BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL VERNONIA RADIO & APPLIANCE SHOP All repairs guaranteed Our recent shipments of scarce flashbulbs allows us to feature this item at no limit on quan tity to you while supply lasts. Attorneys at Law Joy Theai-e Bldg. Rhone 663 Monday, Thursday and Saturday Afternoons BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Werk Vernonia, Oregon BULBS Ea. 16c Ea. 17c Ea. 28c GENUINE G.E. 5 Press Flash 11 Press Flash 31 Focal Plane The Vernonia Eagle Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge 116 No. Vernonia, Oregon meetings: Regular 2 & 4 Weds., 8 p.m. Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall, Second and Kent Bauersfeld, Commander James Cox. Adjutant Fourth Mondays Each Month AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-48 Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 A. F. & A. M. Meetings: Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.F. A meets A.M. Masonic Temple at at 7:30 p.m. John T. Kirk, W. M. Ray Mills, Sec’y. Order of Eastern Star 153, Chapter 0. Regular E. S. com munication first and 3rd Wed. month each of at Masonic Tero, pie. and I.O.O.F. Fourth of each month Hall Wednesday 2-48 Stated Thursday of each month, Nehalem Second first Communication All visiting sisters and broth ers welcome. VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING AT 6:30 HOTEL MACDONALD DINING ROOM Lynn Thomas, President Bill Wilson, Secretary Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Clara Kirk, Worthy Matron Florence Messing, Sec’y. Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Eaglet) Order of 810 Bridge Street Vernonia Meets Every Friday 8 P. M. W. N. Noakes, W. P„ Timber Rt. Bob Wallace, Secretary 7-48 American Legion Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Calvin Davis, Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer, Sec’y. 4-49 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Bill Heath, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. 1-50 Mt Heart Rebekah VERNONIA POST 11* Meet, first and Third Mon. of Each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1-49 FOR SALE—Machinery 1928 DODGE 4-door sedan. Extra good motor and body. $100. Oscar Weed, Timber Rt. 27tfc ONE SMALL threshing machine, also 9 ft. tandem disc, both in good condition. 6 Mi miles south on highway 47. Charles Schmid- lin. 31tl Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Pauline McKee, Noble Grand Beryl Cline, Vice Grand Opal Counts, Secretary Louise Hamnett. Treasurer 3-48 LOST: Large iron casting 5-ft. by 7 inches square, weighing about 175 pounds along highway be tween Banks and Mist. A part of a Carco logging arch. Reward. G. W. Parman, Birkenfeld, Ore. 31t3 MISCELLANEOUS FOR ALL Kinds of hauling ca'l 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A St., phone 1107. ART FOR SALE—Real Estate 4-ROOM HOUSE with bath. Two rooms in atic. 1 acre of ground. 10th St., Riverview. Bill Bonds place. Inquire at Tommy Tom lins at 676 1st St. 30t3 5-ROOM house, full basement, double garage, corner lot. Com plete modern furniture. Good condition. Corner Bridge and Rose. Call Button ATwater 6653, Ha rold’s Realty, 501 McKay Bldg., Portland. 30tfc FOR SALE—Real Estate 4-ROOM HOUSE with nook. Base ment and funace. Nice location close in near park and swimming pool.. See owner at Park Drive. Phone 716. 31t3 2 ROOM HOUSE, 25x100; Lot 50x100, fence, chicken coop. Table 6x314 ft., $10. Rabbits: 50c, 75c, $1, $2, $3. Helene Hanel. 1302 State Ave. & D. 30t3 INSURANCE on all kinds of cars regardless of age. All kinds of insurance. Phone 773 Vernonia. Oregon. George Bell, Agent 32tfc STATE FARM Automobile and Life Insurance Co’s. Winston Walker, 843 3rd St. (First house behind bakery). Phone 1066. 34tfc FOR SALE—Livestock FRYERS. Capitol Hill Hatchery, Timber Rt. Phone 336. 7tfc 4-YEAK-OLD purebred Guernsey cow, $200. John Winslow, Bir kenfeld, Ore. 30t3c WORK TEAM, wagon and harness reasonable. Dave Reynolds, St. Helens, Oregon. 30t3c LODGE ÄND CLUB NOTICES V. F. W. STOCK inventory for sale at dealer price less 10 per cent. Texaco Service Station. Posses sion August 1. 31tl FOR SALE—Insurance Corner Weed and Maple NEAL W. BUSH MELVIN G. HEIBER NEW REXAIR vacuum cleaner and air conditioner complete with attachments. $100.00 value for $75.00. Phone 141 after 7 p.m. 31tl House 26 O-A Hill. male all black Cocker from 841 Grant St., Wednesday, July 21. Answers to name of “Timmy.” Black leather nail head collar. Reward. Call 533. 31tl GOOD cow & horse. Hay: oat and vetch, grain and Priced to sell. Can deliver. Y unker, phone 1610M, Grove. clover, grass. Mike Forest 31t3c WANTED WOMAN for general housework. No laundry. Board, room, wages. Inquire L. J. Edgerton, Mist, Ore. 31tl JOHN E. EILERTSON is now available for municipal, hydraulic and logging engineering and sur veys. Very qualified. 175. N. 13th St., St. Helens. Phone 424-R. 27t9 --- x ft POSTER PAINT 3Cc Bottle ARTISTS BRUSHES %” Sq. Tip 70c _ •_• WATER COLORS 50c and 60c — • —• — Paper — Cardboard The ESTATE: JERRY ROY MANNING The County Court of the state of Oregon for Columbia County has appointed the undersigned Ad ministrator of the Estate of Jerry Roy Manning, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the under signed at 471 Third Street, Ver nonia, Oregon, or at the office of Bush & Hieber, Attorneys, Joy Theatre Building, Vernonia, Ore gon, within six months from July 1st, 1948. Jewett A. Bush Jr. Neal W. Bush & Melvin G. Hieber Attorneys for Administrator. 27t5c PÄI.NTING Interior — Exterior FLOOR SANDING COLOR MATCHING Charles Seeberger TEACHER AND ‘SON (8 yrs.) need apt. or hskp. rooms by August 15. Laundry facilities, 2 beds and close proximity to schools desired. Write M. Sall- quist, 1044 S. W. Evans, Portland 1, Oregon. 30t3c APARTMENTS for rent. Morrow Apartments, 545 Bridge street. 26tfc Oregon motor vehicle registra tions have climbed to a total of 549,671 cars, trucks, busses and motorcycles for a new all-time high at the mid-year point Sec retary of State Earl T, Newbry has announced. Registrations for the first six months of the year are 10 per cent higher than the total for the same period in 1947. More than 12 thousand additional ve hicles were registered in June. Passenger cars, now listed at 418,189, accounted for the greatest share of the increase Newbry said. The gain in Oregon-owned ve- hides is believed to be off-setting the reported slump in tourist- travel to produce the heaviest summer traffic volume in the state’s history, Total car mileage figures, based on gasoline con- sumption, are running approxi- mately six per cent above the total for last year at this time. June travel claimed 42 lives, over three-fourths of them lost in rural area smash-ups in which highway speed was the major death-d°aling factor. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MAYTAG ? ? Greatest ever. Come in today. -J ■Ss <*) Legal Notices 856 Rose Avenue ROOMS. Comfortable and plea sant rooms, home-like atmosphere. Living room and kitchen priv ileges. 479 Rose Ave., phone 837. Lulah Fullerton. 8tfc TREIIARNE — Mrs. Mern Li vengood and daughter, Leeann, went to Tacoma Friday morning where they will meet Sergeant Livengood who has a nine-day leave before leaving for duty in Alaska. Loren and Snook Dodge, Sam Beck and Speed Lusby were in Corvallis for the Stampede over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Clyde Thomas also spent Saturday and Sunday there. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McCool were business visitors at Hills boro Monday afternoon. Clair and Bob Sunnell and Alvin Sunnell from Astoria stopped at the Bert Tisdale home Tuesday for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family were in McMinnville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Davenport and Mr. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire spent the week end at Sweet Home visiting relatives. Robert Whitmire and family, formally from Castle Rock, but now from Eugene, were at the Rome Whitmire home Sunday eve. Mrs. Zella Davenport made a business trip to Eugene Monday. NOTICE: Columbia County Pio neer meeting will be held at Hudson Park four miles west of Rainier on Sunday, August 8, 1948. Bring your lunch for a picnic dinner at noon. Coffee will be served at the park. Election of officers and business meeting. John J. Banzer, Sec. 31t2c WANTED: 100 sewing machines. We pay more. Will pick up. Write 1549 S. E. Powell Blvd., Portland, Oregon. Phone Em pire 3546. 30t4c FOR RENT Registrations Hit New Peak NOTICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED ON CONTRACT BASIS HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfe Stampede Is Attraction Vernonia Eagle HOUSE wanted to rent, Couple with 8-year old boy wish modern house. Apartment 9, Morrow apartments. 31t3 $25 REWARD for any informa tion given about anybody seen at my place Tuesday, July 20. Stolen articles: 10 rabbits, and 1 pony saddle. R. H. Meyer, Timber Rt. 31t3c THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1948 7 Don’t expect your car to per form up to par after a smash- up or a tough driving season. Get that smooth, fine running service from your car ... let experts recondition it. Jim Bond Chuck Allen Jake Berger Lee Motors Buildings 2nd & Maple 1 , , *ASHER YOUR set ON... $182.45 with Pump Franchised MAYTAG Dealer Sundland Electric & Appliance 786 Bridge Street Vernonia «