TOWN TOPICS are spending a two-weeks vaca­ EVANGELICAL UNITED tion with Mr. Heenan’s parents, BRETHREN Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heenan. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Thomas —Rev. Allen H. spent part of last week at Med­ Backer, Minister ford during the time he was on vacation from his work as man­ 9:45 — Sunday ager of Safeway store. school Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hickox and 11:00—Morning Worship son, David, and nephew, Dean Communion Service Hickox, visited here gart of last 7:30—Bible Study hour. week at the home of Mr. and 7:30 Wednesday—Prayer meeting. Mrs. Judd Greenman. They ar­ rived Thursday and left Monday FIRST BAPTIST for Victoria, B. C. and Lake 847 3rd Street Louise, Canada. They are on an —Rev. Randall Henkle, Pastor extended motor trip from their 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. home at Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. 7:00 p.m.—Training Union. vania. 7:30 p.m.—Evening worship. 7:00—Mid-week prayer service. Those attending from Vernonia the camp meeting of the Oregon Pacific District Church of the Nazarene at the district camp meeting park at S.E. 82nd Ave., Portland Sunday, July 18 were: Rev. and Mrs. Harry Russell, Mrs. Ida VanBlaricom, Mrs. George Hartzell, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russell and family, Mrs. Gilbert Brown, Barbara, Joanne and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hidds and family visiting in Vernonia at the time, Margaret and Pat Brissett and Shirley Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Elgus Frank. At­ tendance was approximately 3,000 people. One of the main speakers of the afternoon was Miss Estella McDonald, missionary from Af­ rica, who is a personal friend of the Russels. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman ASSEMBLY OF GOD and Mrs. L. Mossman, Mrs. Ship­ 9:45—Sunday school with classes man’s mother, motored to Nahcot- for all ages. ta, Washington Sunday for a visit 11:00—Morning worship. and for Mrs. Mossman to stay 7:30—Evangelistic service. a week with her daughter, Mrs. 7:30 Wednesday—Prayer meeting. D. G. Niles. Mrs. Ben Davis, an­ other daughter of Mrs. Mossman, NAZARENE CHAPEL has been staying with Mrs. Niles The church that cares. and came back to her home at —H. L. Russell, Pastor Clatskanie with the Shipmans 1208 Bridge St. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Junken 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. went to Portland Tuesday, July 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Praise and prayer. 13 to visit their son, Lloyd Jun­ ken, and family and they visited in LATTER DAY SAINTS Hillsboro Saturday at the home Sunday school convenes at 10 a m. of another son, Arthur, and family at 925 Rose Ave. under the staying with them till Sunday. direction of Charles Long, Ralph Borton is visiting his Branch President. Polly H. sister, Bernice Harlan, and family Lynch, Superintendent. for a week or so, leaving Ver­ A cordial invitation is extended to nonia Tuesday. visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morgan re­ CHURCH OF GOD port that their daughter, Darlene, underwent an operation last Wed­ IN CHRIST (Colored) nesday, is getting along fine in —Elder J. C. Foster, Minister. the Shrine hospital. Servic»s every Sunday at 1:30 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Heenan and 7:30. At the Churches SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m.—Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m.—Preaching, missionary programs or Bible study. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC —Rev. Anthony V. Gerace —Rev. J. H. Goodrich There’ll be only one Mass at 9:30 at St. Mary’s Catholic church until further notice. FIRST CHRISTIAN —G. Wm. Anderson, Pastor 10 a.m.—Church school, M. L. Herrin, superintendent. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. Sjrmcn: “Change of Heart.” 7:30 p.m.—Evening Praise. I I i QUALITY ; Printing ij Service J .A • You get the finest when you let us take care of your printing needs. Whether large or small, we give qual­ ity service! VERNONIA EAGLE Sermon: “Deity of Jesus.” Special music, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday—Study. Ro­ mans Four. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1948 Miller’s Vernonia DEPARTMENT WANTED We want all your odds and ends in dishes and glassware. Gather up these odd pieces, cutlery, pots and pans, etc. BRING THEM IN FOR CASH OR TRADE Don’t forget our bar­ gains in stoves of all kinds. $16.00 and up. Mott's Used Store STORE LEE Work Clothes Insure Best Fit and Quality Lee Waist Overalls ll1» ounce. Full leg and suspender buttons. Lee Black Jeans With suspender buttons For Pasteurized MILK CREAM and BUTTERMILK right from the farm to , /our door, write or cat! Telephone No. 8812 CUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY 11-25-48 PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Lee Carpenter 0'Alls With double stitched knee Lee Coveralls Lee Suntan Pants and Shirts to Match Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Country Club Lee Bib Overalls Club Championship Match SPECIAL! Money Saving Values SUNDAY, JULY 25 Blue Bell Bib O'Alls............ $2.98 CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT O. T. Bateman vs. Ben George Earl King vs. Duke Byers Bob King vs. Frank Hartwick Jack Anderson vv. John Roecliger James Davies vs. Ralph Roediger Paul Dyer vs. Harry King Ben Brickel vs. Connie Anderson Kent Bauersfeld vs. Joe Dennis SICKS' BREWING COMPANY, SALEM, OREGON Unit of One of the Worlds Great Brewing Organizations SECOND FLIGHT Merle Ruhl vs. Joe Magoff Lowell Hieber vs. Jack Nance George Turner vs. Robert Tunnell Bill French vs. Bill Heath Gordon Larson vs. Ray Brandow Cecil Johnson vs. Calvin Davis E. P. Mullins vs. Wesley Bolmeier Loel Roberts vs. J. A Davis FOURTH FLIGHT F. A. Bush vs. A. L. Kullander Howard Rundell vs. E. A. Shipman R. D. Jackson vs. Lloyd Quinn George Robbins vs. Bill Hom Marvin Turner vs. J. A. Bush George Carr vs. Charles Cederburg Tom Turner vs. Tick Bass Edwin Ade vs. R. A. Thompson Must be played off before August 1 and each player must cantact opponent for time and date of match. Watch this ad for future line­ ups. 4 PLAY GOLF 11-oz. Short Denim Jacket - - $2.98 Full 8-oz. Waist O'Alls - — $1.98 Boys Wrangler Saddle Pants 11-oz. 4 to 11 size $2.49 12-16 size $2.98 28-36 Waist $3.49 Men's Heavy Cords............ $4.95 Top Quality Hickory Shirts $2.65 With double shoulders WHITE OX GLOVES.................... ........... _ 55c LITTLE JEEP LEATHER FACED GLOVES.................. - 89c LITTLE CHAMP LEATHER FACE GLOVES.............. .......... $1.25 BIG CHAMP LEATHER FACE GLOVES......................... $135 5