Mr. and Mrs. Duke Lloyd and children spent the week end with Mrs. Llyod’s parents in Portland. Mrs. Vivian Counts, Betty, and Mrs. Gillham went to Portland Friday. Mrs. Hilda Keasey, Julia Boeck and Eva Jean DeVaney attended the county extension unit program planning day held at Rainier Thursday. Soldier's Rites Are Attended KEASEY — Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodson, Mrs. Earnest Hodson and Jay Hodson drove to San Bruno, California to attend the final in­ terment of their son, husband and brother, Earnest Hodson, in Amer­ ican soil. He was killed in the battle of the Bulge. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner and Deanna went to Salem for Me- morial Day. Mr. and Mrs, Chet Fugate made a business trip to Portland Sat­ urday. Lloyd Gillham, Jr., had business in Hillsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller of Rainier vis'ited at the Otto Bittner home Friday. Mrs. Ethel McCannon and daughters left Saturday for Marys­ ville, California after an extended visit with her brother, Chet Fugate and wife. INCREASE SEEN M c M innville — Building in McMinnville, particularly that of homes, apparently is getting up full steam in keeping with the improving weather. Twelve build­ permits, totaling construction es­ timated at $63,931 were applied for during the week of < May 18-25, ac­ cording to the records in the city recorder’s office. Eight of the twelve permits were for construction of residences in the city. Alaskan, Colorado Folk 1 Here for Visits with Riverview Friends METER VOTE TAKEN SEASIDE — By what is con­ sidered as an unusually close vote, the people of Seaside, in an un­ official poll last Friday expressed their disapproval of the installa­ tion of parking meters on Seaside streets. The vote was 580 against and 459 for, with a majority of 121 votes against. The vote was entirely unofficial and unsupervised. Ballot boxes were placed at all polling places, and ballots put near them. RIVERVIEW — Willard Barker of Anchorage, Alaska visited at the E. L. Lloyd and Alice Mills home Sunday, He is an old friend of theirs. Erlene Snell of Portland visited at the E. L. Lloyd home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jenkins of Summerset, Colorado, and Mrs. Bregley and Mrs. Taylor of Colo­ rado visited at the E. L. Llyod home last week. Margie Revenguh and Helen Heston of Seattle, Washington are visiting the Bud Rose home. Miller’s Department In Oregon Store Deer Slow Traffic, Bump Car on Highway Near Mist Friday Vernonia MIST — Henry Jepson was returning home from a party Fri- day evening at Birkenfeld when three deer liesurely crossed the road, taking their time. Mr. Jep­ son was not driving fast and slowed down, allowing the animals . the right of way. Then as it seemed all clear, a fourth deer bounced against the car door. The door did not open' but a light dent #as the result. After’ all this excitement, Mr. Jepson con­ tinued on his way home to Mist. The deer apparently ‘ r were unharm- ed. Jihi Hill had turn last week, but around again now. Mrs. L. Davis and two sisters are here from the Vanport area, having lost everything. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Libel were down Sunday from Fairview visit- ing his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. J. O. Libel. READY I BERRY OUTLOOK BRIGHTER GRESHAM — The outlook for this season’s strawberry harvest is somewhat brighter now than ft was a few weeks ago when sudden freezing temperatures damaged fruit buds in many patches in this area. However, comb.ned ef­ fects of recent weather conditions have prompted considerable reduc- tions in early season estimates of this year’s harvest. FOOD CANNER BALKS FOREST GROVE — Hudson- Duncan and Company Northwest food processors who operate a large cannery here is challenging the city’s newly enacted sewer rental charge, it was revealed last week. In a letter to Mayor Joseph M. Loomis and members of the city council, F. T. Rowell, man­ ager of the company’s packing division informed the city that "we shall be forced to refuse to pay the increased water charges attributable to the sewage dis­ posal sinking fund.” • Pulled a Fast One Jacob was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg and he pulled a fast one on his brother, Esau, and left Esau holding the bag. At that Esau vowed to kill Jacob who then fled into a far country. Years later Jacob started back home. On the way back, there came the night when God met him to handle him until day-break. Out of it Jacob the liar surrendered to God and God then gave the man a new name — ISRAEL—which means— NOT MY WILL BUT GOD’S; So Jacob the liar became ISRAEL, living to do God’s will. See Gene­ sis Chapter 27-32. God sees a lot of born liars like Jacob. ONE—He sent Christ, his only Son to die for them. Believe IS YOUR TRUCK UP TO PAR? If not, let us condition it for you. Our experienced mechanics and up-to-date equipment assures »you of satisfactory and economical repair jobs. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL Gao. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON God, that Christ died' for you and God gives you new birth Into eternal life. TWO—Then he sets to work in your heart to make you fit. He may even need to send you into rags, sickness, trouble, or distress until you will say— Net my will but God’s be done— And in it all, you are to look away from self to Christ for strength. THUR8., JUNE 3, 1948 5 spokes out from Christ the Hub.” —“Christ is the Hub, the very center of life, with prayer, Bible Witnessing and obedience as the —A CLACKAMAS COUNTY .SCHOOL GIRL. S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland- This space paid for by a Wash­ ington county professional man. NOTICE Due to the increase of business we are adding additional help and for your convenience we are staying open until 9:30 p.m. Mon.f through Sat. 7:00 p.m. on Sundays Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 At the Mile Brige, Riverview NOTICE Vernonia Taxi Opening Monday, June 7 Under New Management 24-Hour Service » Call 1353 Quick, Courteous Service D. Zuroff A. 0. Shaw Corner of 3rd and Bridge FOOD BUYERS NEWS FOR Guaranteed foods for your entire table needs are to be found in abundance at SAM’S. Our grocery items must be satisfactory to you before we’re satisfied with our service. Shop here today and everyday for complete satisfaction. FOR • • • Van Hensen Phone 761 Our shop is ready to serve your needs. Welding ties, pajamas sport shirts P. S. And you’ll find a big selection at Car Repairs Body and Fender Work Jim Bond Chuck Allen Jake Berger LEE MOTORS BLDG. 2nd and Maple 7- S A M ’ S BUSINESS Reading Gave Me Headaches If you’ve had to cut down on your reading because of headaches, take a tip from me. I had the same trouble until I had my eyes tested. With my new, scientific glasses I can read as long as I please wjth no ill effects whatsoever. NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING 18 HFREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the city of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, a municipal corporation has filed in the office of the levying board, to-wit; the City Council of said city, its detailed estimate of the total amount of receipts, and also the t tai amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the period from July 1°1948 to June 30, 1949, which estimates are as follows: ’_______ __________ ______________ i---- —--------------------- - ----------- ----------------------------------- 1 EXPENDITURES mottcf Actual for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-44 to 6-30-45 $ 1,150.00 44.69 660.00 2.75 420.00 566.64 23.75 417.13 3,200.00 135.29 95.66 1,369.91 150.00 1,134.66 540.00 125.00 60.00 220.00 530.89 L A. JACKSON ELECTRIC Formerly FRANK AND JACK’S ELECTRIC Phone 371J — Cornelius, Ore. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES APPLIANCES Electrical Contractor Actual fo Fiscal Yr 7-1-45 t 6-30-46 $ 1,500.00 39.67 660.00 1.75 420.00 3.00 1,036.87 50.13 4,919.58 123.87 208.00 685.71 143.25 2,556.92 531.70 125.00 60.00 792.06 846.11 225.00 28.24 229.92 185.50 42.36 348.05 203.27 337.83 183.50 2.175.92 2.128.84 2,500.00 1,200.00 3,400.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 3,532.46 1,500.00 1,500.00 DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Kullander's Jewelry Store "You Can’t Be Optomisitic if You Have MISTY Optics” TORE FOODS We Deliver Actual for Fiscal Yr. 7-1-46 to 6-30-47 7-1-47 to 6-30-48 Actual for Budget for Yr. 1st 6 Mos. 420.00 210.00 3,673.18 43.51 547.62 5,932.32 442.58 119.80 316.10 81.85 1,937.61 660.00 125.00 60.00 497.41 524.68 461.66 32.72 649.05 2,950.83 56.01 28.00 127.54 169.77 852.37 330.00 125.00 30.00 438.56 251.58 259.20 42.36 638.20 496.89 94.67 8.00- 4,447.30 ’ 245.20 56.80 110.64 471.45 126.80 916.54 2,482.69 $ 1,500.00 50.00 660.00 10.00 420.00 10.00 1,150.00 100.00 500.00 6,580.00 200.00 100.00 800.00 300.00 1,500.00 660.00 125.00 60.00 2,000.00 500.00 50.00 250.00 56.80 450 00 800.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 6,390.00 2,700.00 1,200.00 3,022.52 163.56 1,500.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,353.28 124.98 750.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 250.00 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 28.83 660.00 $ 750.00 35.26 330.00 General Fund Expenditure! * Estimated for Fiscal Yr. July 1, 1948-June 30, 1949 Recorder .................................... Office Expense i..................... Treasurer .................... ,.. • Office Expense ...................... Attorney .......................... Office Legal Service ............. Building and Grounds ............ Elections and Publications ... Audits ......................................... Police Department ""alagies . Police Department Expense . Fire Department Salaries ... Fire Department Expense . .. Street and Sewer Salaries ... Street and Sewer Expense .. Library Salary ........................ Library Expense ..................... Health Officer ........................... Park .................................... ........ Cemetery ................................... Airport ....................................... Ctiy Dump .................. .............. I.eagijf of Oregon Cities .... Bonds" and Insurance ............ Employees Retirement Fund Emergency ................................. Road Disrict No. 16 ................ State Tax St. Fund ................ Total ........................................... $ 1,500.00 100.00 600.00 5.00 430.00 10.00 1,500.00 100.00 650.00 7,480.00 200.00 100.00 1,000.00 300.00 1,500.00 840.00 200.00 60.00 1,000.00 600.00 150.00 200.00 56.80 450.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 7,019.35 6,162.80 $34.513 95 $ 1,500.00 100.00 660.00 1000 420.00 10.00 1,500.00 100.00 650.00 7,480.00 200.00 100.00 6.000.00 . 300.00 1,500.00 840.00 200.00 60.00 1,500.00 600.00 150.00 WATER DEPARTMENT Superintendents Salary ........... Collectors Salary ..................... Supplies and Maintenance ... Employees Retirement System Sinking Fund ........................... Total ........................................... 3,000.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 250.00 1,500.00 $10,550.00 3,300.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 250.00 1,500.00 $10,850.00 56.80 450.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 7,019.35 6,162.80 $39,818.95 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 3,000.00 3,000.00 Fines and License ................... 14,500.00 16,000.00 Water Receipts ......................... 5,500.00 1,000.00 Rent and Sale Property .......... 600.00 600.00 Misc. Receipts ............................ 400.00 . 400.00 Cemetery ............................... 1,400.00 1,400.00 Dog and Liquor Tax ........ 600.00 Road District No. 16 ................ 600.00 6,162.80 6,162.80 "*tate Tax Street Fund .......... 8,462.07 Cash on Hand ............................. 8.462.0T $36,124.87 TOTAL RECEIPTS ................... $42,124.87 .............................$50,««8.96 TOTAL BUDGET ............................... 42,124.87 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED .BY DIRECT TAX ... 8,544.08 And notice is hereby given that the said City Council of said city sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting in the city hall in th» Wednesday evenm«, evening, •> June 23, ii 1948, at the hour •»* of 8:00 o'clock p.m., at which time and r place City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, on Weonesaay u, ”°, ■» —~ all persons who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and be heard in favor or against said tax levy, or any part thereof. <>. j u-i A 8 Dated this 25 day of May, 1948 George W. Johnson, Mayor • ATTEST: Albert Childs, Recorder 2,493.10 12,029.29 1,024.50 787.95 666.00 1,074.82 591.29 1,937.62 2,926.65 12,962.99 1.720.01 444.56 444.56 1,077.56 3.677.96 2,128.84 4,298.84 13,627.59 1,131.00 1,085.57 480.00 1,831.81 7,138.54 528.76 489.61 90.00 t 3,000.00 12,500.00 1,000.00 300.00 400.00 1,000 00 2,000.00 6,390.00 o