2 THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lines of Timber are the parents of a baby boy born May 6th at 7:30 a.m. He weighed 6% pounds and has been named Patrick Howard. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Russell are the parents of a baby boy bom at 4:29 p.m. May 12. He has been named Ronald Leroy and weighed 8 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Peters arrived here last Tuesday from David City, Nebraska for a visit of several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden and family and relatives. Dinner was held in their honor and also for the 6th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderzanden’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mcs. B. J. Meiwes. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peters, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Meiwes, Sis­ ter M. Elizabeth Ann of St. Marys, Mathew Thurven, Mrs. Mary Spiering, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Weverka and family, all of Hills­ boro. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meiwes and sons, Conrad and William. Among Portland golfers who played here Sunday were Bill Pierce, Cliff Smith and Ray, Tom and Bill Engles. Jim Latimer, Washington grade school janitor, was injured last Saturday while attempting to start the power mower. A gasoline explosion caused facial burns from which he is recovering satisfac­ torily. The roof on the home belonging to Mr. and Mrs. George Thacker was shingled in about five hours Saturday. Doing the work were Wilbur and Hulan Thacker, Lester Tieling, Walter and Ellis Wool­ ridge and Royce Newton. Mr. and MrB. Marvin Porter­ field were here last week from Portland for the class reunion. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Porterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hartzell of Everett, Washington were here from Sunday evening to Tuesday noon visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartzell. The elder Mr. Hartzell has been ill for some time. Mrs. Nancy Horsely was at Banks from Thursday of last week to Tuesday of this week visiting relatives. Geo. S. Epperly and Jim Jones Change of Plate Sale Intended AT HOFFMAN’S $2095 Events of Week Noted by Writer Vote for M. R. (Cal) Calhoun for SHERIFF COLUMBIA Newbry pointed out that for ployees. accompanied J. W. Rose on a Another phase of license plate the first time license plate No. trip to the Tillamook beaches May 12. Not very many clams distribution being given careful 500 000 has been ordered by the were obtained due to severely study by Newbry is issuance of state. “Oregon is the second stormy weather. permanent plates in 1950 with fastest growing state in the na­ • Mrs. Otto Siedleman, Mrs. Secretary of State Earl T. date tags showing date of ex­ tion and facilities of the secretary Julia Felong and Mrs. Nora Keith of state’s office must keep pace Newbry has announced that plans piration to be clamped to the per­ traveled by bus to Los Angeles, with state growth.” manent plates. California leaving Vernonia on for local county seat distribution April 19 and returning Sunday, of license plates in 1949 are being H!HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZNZMZH2 May 9. Mrs. Siedleman says ironed out so that approximately X H she is feeling fine and had a good half of the state’s motorists will M trip. next year save the 25-cent tem­ H Mr. and Mrs. Elgus R. Frank H and family have moved from the porary license sticker charge. Newbry explained that the legis­ H O-A hill to the old home place past Treharne on the Timber lature provided for the issuance H road. H of driver’s licenses on a staggered Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and Mrs. basis. This made necessary the H HANDYHOT TABLE-TYPE WASH- fl?9Q95 Paul Gordon attended a reception H for Mrs. Irene McKinley at Myrtle employment of secretary of state ING MACHINE Stainless Steel Tub Chapter, O.E.S., Masonic Temple employees in most of the county H ALL-AMERICAN PRESSURE in Portland Friday evening. H seats not previously given local Mrs. A. E. Jennings spent the service by this branch of state H COOKER 7-Quart Jar Size......... past week end with friends at government. “We have the em­ St. Helens and also attended a H GARBAGE CAN Townsend club meeting at Forest ployees in the county seats on X 27-Gallon Size..... Grove. At St. Helens she visited essential jobs. It is our plan to H BROOM 5-Tie Mrs. Emma Harrison and that have them also take on the duty evening attended a club meeting of distributing license plates,” Extra Fine Grade H there. Part of Saturday was Newbry said. With the help of the legislature, H YACHT MOP spent with Mrs. Jenny Gartman. The Harrisons and Mrs. Jennings Newbry hopes to issue license 10-Ounce Weight. drove to Forest Grove for the plate? on the same basis as the H driver ’ s license, thus avoiding the R1D-JID IRONING BOARD club meeting Sunday where Joe Dunn, Portland, spoke to Town- annual rush which necessitates the Z Steel Legs and Braces................. sendites. Mrs. Jennings returned hiring of many temporary em- M MEDIUM SIZE WAGON Just here Monday. COUNTY Honest : Courteous : Efficient COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF I COOKIES Arden Ice Cream VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER CRUST BREAD RIVERVIEW — Oscar Steele brought some friends home from Sweet Home with him last week end. Mrs. Bert Hawkins called on Mrs. Steele Saturday. Mrs. Lola Williams of Steam­ boat Springs, Colorado is visit­ ing the Lloyd family. Mrs. Wil­ liams is a nurse from Steamboat Springs hospital. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Atkinson and family visited th“ Bud Rose Clyde Jenkins and E. L. Lloyd homes Sunday. Claribel Lindsley left Friday to get a job in Portland. Donnie Cline is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell visited at the George Woods home Sun­ day. Mrs. Polly Hudson mjade a business trip to Portland Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger and sons, Marvin and Bill, visited at the W. J. Lindsley home Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. Bud Rose and son, Bobby, and grandson, Jackie Greenwood, made a trip to Portland Friday and returned home Sunday morn­ ing. LeRoy Cook and Shelby Cook of Camp McGregor visited at the Art Owen home one day last week. Nate Huntley of Carlton and his sister visited at the Louis Huntley home Sunday. the Thing for the Kiddies eJof/ Theatre Vernonia, WASH BOARDS Rust Proof Metal.............. DOUBLE SHELF CAKE AND BREAD BOX SILEX STEAM IRON Price Includes Tax Oregon Thurs.-Fri. May 20-21 “THE OTHER LOVE’ Barbara Stanwick - David Niven T OWER BEHIND THE NATION’ Cartoon May 22 “INTRIGUE” George Raft - June Havoc FIGHT of the WILD STALLIONS Saturday Sun.-Mon. May 23-24 “THIS TIME FOR KEEPS’” Esther Williams News and Cartoon Tues.-Wed. May 25-26 DOUBLE FEATURE CORPSE CAME C.O.D. George Brent- - Joan Blondell “I HE LONE HAND TEXAN” H SPECIAL THIS WEEK! SCREEN DOOR Made by H Bernard Dowling, Mist, Ore H H H HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO FOR HARDWARE—SEE HOFFMAN TELEPHONE 181 VERNONIA, OREGON H H _ ^ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH A Savings Account in which regular deposits are made affords that feeling of security which nothing else Only the Best Is Good Enough for can supply. Why not open that account now and lay All Our Customers aside that “NEST EGG” against future emergencies. Vernonia Branch TJie Commercial Bank of Banks That’s just what we have — THE BEST MILK in the val­ ley. A. L. KULLANDER NEHALEM Ry. Affiliated with The Commercial National Bank of Hillsboro, (Oregon) OHIRV PR00Ut15 (0. WATCHMAKER — JEWLER Official Watch Inspector S. P. A Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 BUSH FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORT- LAND PRICES TELEPHONE 592 SPECIAL 65-Piece Bridal Dinner Set $27.95 Set includes: 35 pieces in dinner set, 18 pieces of stainless steel silverware and set of 12 cut glass tumblers.