8 THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Yesterdays Monroe Sweetland FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 6. 1913 The motor corps' mechanics course will start tonight, Thurs­ day, at 7:30 o’clock at the Ver­ nonia Auto company garage. Vern Sykes will be the instructor and anyone interested may take the course. * Sales of U. S. Savings Bonds at the local post office totaled $39,- 918.75, a figure surpassed only by that of last January, $44,006.- 25. Friday was one of those days on which the sun chose not to shine and on which the rain chose to fall. It was therefore im­ possible to give Vernonia's annual MONROE SWEETLA.ND, editor May Day program scheduled for of the Newport news, is a can­ that afternoon. didate in a 4-way race for the top-office of the democratic party TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 6, 1938 in the May 21 primary. Mr. Sam Hearing and Bob Tipton, Sweetland seeks election as Ore­ formerly with the local Safeway gon's member of the democratic Store, announced plans yesterday national committee to succeed Lew for a grand opening of their new Wallace, who has become his grocery store here, to be located party’s candidate for governor. in the building now owned by Mr. Sweetland is democratic coun­ Geo. Shaber, and formerly opera­ ty chairman in Lincoln county, was chairman of the successful ted as the Fairway Market. The Vernonia Eagle was succes­ committee against the sales tax sful in securing the new motion in Clackamas county in 1947, and picture cooking school, “Star in in 1910 was Oregon manager of My Kitchen”, which will be pre­ the independent committee for sented at the Joy Theatre on June Roosevelt. He is opposed by Mike DeCicco, Portland; William Wilk­ 2, 3 and 4. Vernonia saw stark tragedy ins, LaGrande and Henry Aikin, mark the past week end with two Heppner. deaths reported, at least three serious injuries, and a dozen min­ or injuries, all resulting from ac­ cidents. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, May 5, 1933 Four boats were reported as having been stolen Sunday from their moorings on the Nehalem. One, belonging to Harry Kerns, was recovered some distance down stream. • Read and They get use Eagle want ads It—E—S—U—L—T—S • Race Events Seen Sunday TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson spent Saturday afternoon at the Dave Reynolds home at St. Helens. Those that attended the horse races at Portland Meadows Sun­ day were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tis­ dale, Albert Walker, Snook Tis­ dale, Loren Dodge, Albert Rey- nolds, Donovan, Forrest and Ken­ Earl T. Newbry neth Reynolds and Floyd and Edna Snyder. Sergeant and Mrs. Livengood were down from Tacoma for a few days. Leeann returned with them after spending a week with her 'grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Odam. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Odam re­ turned Friday after spending a week in Washington. Mr. John Riley who has been very sick is about the same ac­ cording to latest reports. Mrs. Curtis Pierson visited with her daughter, Mrs. Krykholm, in Portland over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daven­ port and Mr. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire were visitors at Castle Rock over the week end. Dave Reynolds and family were EARL T. NEWBRY, candidate for over from St. Helens on business the republican nomination for Tuesday. secretary of state, has developed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker plans for permanent license were callers at the Chas. Schooley plates and changes in the distri­ home Monday afternoon. bution of license plates that will YOU'RE CERTAIN OF MORE QUALITY PLUS SAVINGS S A save Oregon taxpayers several hundren thousand dollars per year and provide more convenient ser­ vice to motorists during the five months that he has been in office. Newbry was appointed secretary cf state after the accidental death of Robert S. Farrell, Jr., last fall. The position he seeks is one of ut­ most importance and he is suited in background and training to fill it capably, having served as state representative in 1939 and 1941 session and as state senator in 1942 and 1946. In 1947 he was chairman of the senate labor and industries committee. • CITY TO GET INFORMATION SEASIDE — The city council will obtain information on costs for parking meters, and their in­ stallation and other necessary in­ formation as a result of action taken at the meeting of the city council last week. The move, how­ ever, does not commit the council to purchase the meters and it is expected that a further check on sentiment in Seaside will be made BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’» most mo­ dern plant. Two pick­ ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners THRIFT-T-TIP Compare the wide variety of known brands we FOOD $$ offer and the quality with brands found else­ BUY where You’ll find, item for item, that quality MORE means more savings because of no waste. You’ll neer go wrong by relying on known brands. QUALITY FOOD HERE F O © K> STO R E Phone 761 We Deliver Chevrolet Owners!— Here’s tiler’s Vernonia DEPARTMENT STORE MOTHER’S DAY SUNDAY, MAY it Ideal Gift Suggestions for Ycur Mother and. Your Wife APRONS About fifty numbers to select from in 80 sq. percale, woven ginghams and plastics. Very colorful. In either waist or over-the-head styles SLIPS Sizes 32 to 50 in white, T rose and pink BERKSHIRE & NYLON HOSE Sizej 8 to 11. America’s most popular hose in quality and in price. 51 gauge 15 denier, 51 gauge 20 denier, 51 gauge 30 denier, 45 gauge and nylace. CAMERON BLOUSES Perfect for Mother. Tailored. In many colors and patterns. NORCROSS CARDS If long years of hard driving Every part of these Cylinder Block Assemblies Is have taken the pep out of new. The block itself, crankshaft and main bear­ your pre-war Chevrolet, here’s ings, camshaft and camshaft bearings, pistons, a special you won’t want to pass up. Of course, a new cylinder block assembly in and a savings in gas and oil consumption! So drive in and talk it over. There's no wait­ Outstanding for a personal gift that Mothers and wives can always use. PLASTIC TABLECLOTHES Beautiful colors end plate, timing gears—everything. They’re assembled at the Chevrolet factory and meet Chevrolet's rigid specifications In every respect. your car is going to mean finer performance Also gift wrappings, fancy paper and ribbons. HEISEY GLASSWARE GOWNS piston pins and rings, connecting rods, front­ ing, no complications. We'll work out a payment plan to suit you; and almost before you know it, you can be driving out with the old car so full COMPLETE ENGINE ASSEMBLIES ALSO AVAILABLE You can easily arrange for installation of a complete engine assembly in case liberal payment same prompt, friendly service. required. Same it’s plans, of zip, you'll think it’s a new one! USE OUR LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN COMPLETE INSTALLATION INCLUDING SHORT BLOCK AND LABOR Monthly Payments as Low as $14.95 VER^GNiA AUTO CO. “A Safe Place to Trade” Phone 342 Vernonia, Oregon t I