/ - -—~ A A BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric ai moi FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVES I •• I a. HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS Xt Metal Covered Asbestos Stove Pads 60c EJ Broom 95c Hoe $1.25 & $1.50 Spading Fork $2 Rake $1.50 X k /J ✓ t v/ 'St Í Proctor Automatic All Metal Lawn Mowers $23.50 - $31.75 Pop-up Toaster $19.50 Johnson Power Lawn Nesco Elec. Roaster Mower $139.95 $45.00 For Mother's Day — Youngs­ town 66” Kitchenaider Sink $199.45 For Mother’s Day Frigidaire Electrit Ranges Sy RJ60 $299.75 RJ 20 $208.75 | RJ 40 $249.75 ------ RJ 10 $179.75 ««• Chicken Feeders and Waterers 39c and 49c r \ Ao I j N Q 4*1 32-Pc. Set Blue Ridge Hand Painted Dishes $9.95 t Miracle Walltone Gal. $3.25 Qt. 98c K For Mother’s Day — 9-ft. Frigidaire Semi-Deluxe 7-Ft.................................... MJ7 Frigidaire .............................. .is1" y aSfe, *¡9 •V Ì Double Hot Plate $14.25 Single Hot Plate $10.95 *K9 tv I Oil Cloth 36-inchs Wide 59c yd. 54- inches Wide 75c yd. 3 colors to choose from Waffle Iron $11.35 Bergman Hvy. Duty Work Shoes $13.75 and $10.95 Bergman caulked boots Reg. $33.75 Spec. In­ troductory offer $28.50 ■\ Heavy Duty ABC Washer, Large Size, 2-Wheel Garden Cart $8.25 $149.95 a $ *3 K4 EL ___ Bamboo Fly Rods, So. Stock of Re­ Bend, Mantague and CORY Electric Knife Complete Sharpener Spec. $11.95 vere Ware—A wonder­ Union Hardware ful Mother’s Day Gift $13.95 to $16.00 Just Rec’d. Rubber Fishing Boots $10.95 Level Wind Casting Reels $2.65 to $15.00 Dazey Churn $4.95 Automatic Reels $5.40 to $10.00 AMMUNITION 55-lb. roll roofing $3.50 Bristol Telescope Nearly All Sizes Rods $4.25 and $5.50 45-lb. roll roofing $3.25 Hvy felt bldg paper Tru-temper Casting $3.95 Rods $6.95 to $16.00 A 10 «a « i z ) Si I-,» Just Re’cd. New Shipment of Linoleum. Beautiful Inlaid Pat­ terns at $2.25 sq. yd. 2 New Beautiful Pat­ terns Regclar Linoleum at 85c square yard. Used Westinghouse Range $89.50 Hw dfh New Skil Floor Sander to Rent. $5 Per Day. 52.50 Half day %Ä\\w i '!*sV«** Lilly’s Garden Seeds in Stock Onion Sets 25c pound Grass Seed 75c lb. Vigero 100 lb. $4.50 M MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE & BUILDING MATERIAL IN COLUMBIA COUNTY THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1948 Special Program Due I A Mother’s day program is scheduled for the Evangelical U. B. church Sunday morning at 9:45. Gifts will be given to the oldest and youngest mother and also the mother with the most <- children. I—■— • I For Pasteurized MILK CREAM and BUTTERMILK right from the farm to your door, write or call Telephone No. 8812 CUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY 11-25-481 PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY IF WE HAYE IT- 6« J mo/uub ha*o ! BERKSHIRE "SHARP" NATURAL WISCONSIN, SHARP Sensational Of ft owo'“ DO THIS: I. Go to your Safeway store, and buy Edwards Coffee at the regular price. 3. Enclose the fast inch of tin sealing strip from can with 30/, your name «nd •ddress, a"d mail to: Sf CHEDDAR CHEESE PACKAGE Yex Indeed! The genuine article. Cheese lovers will rave about Berkshire. W«sv,t" I ' Superior Cheddar Cheese American Cheese Limited - ** ”” 2-ib. w ’1.1» Breeze Cheese Spread • . . serve them at every meal. Nourishing, wholesome foods are essential to health and happiness . . . and we have these foods. DEL MONTE LIBBY SHURFINE In fact we feature them: Along with thexe foods we also offer fine meats. DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10a.m. & 3 p.m. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS PHONE 1391 '*••*• $1.02 Freezing Mix 3 ’’•** 32c <>•”•'*< 2 »**• 13c Jiffy Lou Puddings 2 p '* **•" Grapefruit Juice 13c Gardenside 27c PEAS t I v ” Fresh Ground Beef Lamb Shoulder Roast Breast of Lamb Stew Beef Flank Steak Beef Sirloin Tips Pork Spare Ribs Salt Pork Del Monte Hams AOlira, Fimianto—Fimianto, ,I.M A J K.M Rak Carrots See Diced end Pieces No. 2 caes i«-_ ' M -■*!* 30c •••*■ Safaway, C O h . Swwd» Ivory Soap *•'—1 t Lux Soap *•' 10c Ivory Flakes Supurb Soap G’«“*1«** . __ Peet's Soap «r««M»4 A — Playfair Dog Food S1«“ Cat Food t»» * s—o Graham Crackers Pirate Gold lib 28c Tea Timer Crackers 57e « •». pl,- | |e Jell-Well «•**'•• o...wx Soda Crackers Old English—Rolta Cream Smote I la—Limburger or American Spreads **«•. **’•'« 43c Noodle Soup Mix ***• «., 29* Kraft Cheese Spreads Wk. ’•‘t 49c Sleepy Hollow Syrup Thin Mints r"r’’ *™* Canned peaches, cottage cheese—Mm-m. What a tasty lunch this makes! Shortening B°y»‘ s»“n *-'b. 4ic j.|k. || Qg Pancake Flour Lemon Drops Ultr* fl— Hard Candies s*i* ♦*i* 2-lb. tM, ’1.11 Kraft Cottage Cheese 19c 27c 6c 10c 19c Tomato Sauce G”*“"*« Melt it, spread It, use it for cheese sauces—delicious! 3-lb. «*« $|.|5 « S ot Biskit Mix «•**• GOOD HEALTH Vr 23‘ '*-«■ **»•• 23c 1 Heinz Tomato Ketchup Melted cheese sandwiches are easy with Velveeta. Very tasty, too. Swestsnsd H'A-««. »•**!• 23c Cocktail Sauce »«•»«• Red Hill Catsup 2-lb. lM( ’1.15 Velveeta Cheese Spread Blended Juice for Chili Sauce **•••*• Processed Cheese—pasteurized. Most popular kind for sandwiches. "b- 53c Shortening More Good Values 5-ib. (M( $3.15 Mild whole milk cheese. Most popular for macaroni and cheese dishes. EDWARDS COFFEE Timber Rt., Box 56 | Vernonia, Oregon || GOOD FOODS y 8/W: «T 2,. 15' 3/55‘ iuahankuuL TtlaaU. lb. 49c lb. 65c lb. 25c lb. 79c lb. 89c lb. 59c lb. 39c lb. 59c Chinook Salmon Steak lb. 69c Halibut Steaks lb. 59c Fillet of Sole lb. 53c Boiling Beef —Short Ribs— l .29‘ SMOKED BACON BRISKETS Fancy Peas Caifle Crest Peaches Now— Ne. 2'/x o.., — J aæa A. ASPARAGUS For Caneleg! No- * «•• 19c c# $129 304b. box —E m . Steady Croom No. 2 can | 1 “• io«. Diced Carrots Green Beans S«-*«'’*—Cot h .. NEW 1 u< |/ • Pork & Beans C-., tu. too Lima Beans With HAM, 0eaniaoa Ib-ox. can POTATOES ¿C Chili with Beans '*-«■ “• 2> Chicken Fricassee 2’“- “• 83c U. S. No. 1 Shafter Whites SAFEWAY lb. 11c Oranges Lima Beans »«**•■ «"• » **»• N»- *• 25c LB. u.43‘ th« May Family Circle ÏÏ7 RHUBARB Fancy Peas 0,/**•*•■ *-®- * “• 2lc Corn ’’•»•r-c™. ■tyh. KU. r. 2 /25c Com LB 17^ ÄA How to fraozo if— cm 28e fihßduOL — JI jjC Valencias Apples 34-lb. $1.79 Davis Ben Green Onions lb. 18c Local Artichokes Radishes lb. 10c lb. 16c Garden-Fresh Tomatoes Firm and Ripe Remember Mother! Sunday, May »I 25c