6 THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1948 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON SPORT TOPICS é ROY FRANK, Sports Editor Bowling Results WOMEN’S LEAGUE 24 Dessy’s 23 Vernonia Drug 22 Vernonia Cleaners 18 Vernonia Bakery 18 Riverview Beauty 15 V.F.W. High score for last week, Bobby Dyer, 173. The end of play last week marked the end of the second period for the women’s league. The third period started this week. MEN’S LEAGUE 24 Dessy’s 20 Kings Grocery 19 Sundland Electric 18 Heath’s Service 17 O-A Mill 14 O-A Woods GRADERS PLAY FRI. Coach Paul Gordon announced this week that the Warren-Ver nonia game which is scheduled for this Friday will be played in the evening to give local fans a chance to see the grade school teams in action. Time for the first game is set at 7:30. This is the last confer ence game for the Toppers. GRADERS WIN FROM QUINCY The Washington grade school quintet “rolled” over the Quincy graders last Friday on the Ver nonia floor. A big score of 50-16 ended the game. Crowston made a large percent age of the points, tallying 19. Quarter scores vere 12-3, 21-9, 37-12, 50-16. 16 QUINCY VERNONIA 50 7 Husko Frank 10 2 Morehead Middleton 8 2 Katon Usher 6 2 Solyers Mills 4 i3 McCrosky Crowston 19 Subs: Vernonia—1 I. Fulton 2, R. Fulton, Brewer, ( amer 1. Quincy —Sullivan, Carl. Ike Dass 13 V.F.W. 12 Bush Furniture 11 Legion 7 High score last week, Dessy Laird, 205. Read and use Eagle want ads They get R—E—S—U—L—T—S The Maytag Dutch Oven Gas Range LIONS WIN ON SECONDS WIN VHS WINS BY Foul FOUL SHOOTING CUB TILT OUT THROWING Last Saturday night, the Baby A 52-46 score ended Lower Col INDIAN TRIBE Shots — ... umbia League play between the Loggers chalked up their third BY FRANK win by downing the Clatskanie The factor in naming Vernonia as winner in the Lower Columbia league play over the Scappoose Indians last Friday night on the local floor was the fact that the Loggers made good more free throws than did the Tribe from Scappoose. Both teams had al most an equal amount of field goals, Vernonia 18 and Scappoose 17. The thing that gave the Log gers such a margin though was the fact that they pocketed 12 out of 27 free throws, which in itself isn’t too good an average, but Scappoose only made 8 out or 19, which was worse. Vernonia won this fray 48-37. This was a fast and exciting game that got a little rough at times. Forty fouls were called by the officials, 17 against Vernonia and 23 against Scappoose. Sylvested “Ted” Williams was high for Vernonia with 16 and Engstrom tallied 11 for the Indians followed closely by Lange with 10. Quarter scores, all in favor of Vernonia were: 11-6, 23-14, 36-23 and 48-37. Lineups: VERNONIA 48 37 SCAPPOOSE Williams 16 J. Baker Sword 7 10 Lange Cline 11 11 Engstrom Tapp 5 2 Eaton Frank 7 6 R. Allen Subs: Vernonia — Graham, C. Tapp, Brown, Crowston 2, Rob erts; Scappoose—D. Baker 1, Red wine, Holm, Warren 4, K. Allen, Darrow 3. Officials: Laprinzi and Heared. TICKET SALE ON Tickets for admission to the state V.F.W. basketball tourn ament are to go on sale this week end here, officials of the local post said. Funds gained from the sale will be used to finance the affair. RUDY ON KGW Rudy Lachenmeier’s program now known as “Sports Page Final” is now heard over radio station KGW. Lachenmeier made this move last Monday night and he will be heard as usual, Monday through Friday at 10:15 p.m. Automatically turns off the gas—then keeps right on cookingl LOGGERS VS. FROSH Thrifty? You bet it is! And you can also use the new Maytag Dutch Oven Gas Range like any conven tional modern gas range —with superb results. Its many unusual features will mean a cooler, cleaner kitchen . . . and less work for you. Come in today and have a look! The Vernonia Loggers will travel to Forest Grove Friday night and be guests of the Pacific Univer sity Freshmen team. The game is the next to the last for the Ver nonia five. Suadland Electric & Appliance 786 Bridge Street Vernonia To my way of thinking, a team should not only be judged upon its ability, but also on its sportsman ship. Their was a great man that once said, “If I can’t win fairly. I’ll choose to lose.” That should be the motto, not only of each person, but also of every ball club from the sand lot teams up to the pros. Good sportsmanship has, for several years, been the standard of Vernonia high school’s teams and it is something that we hope will be continued. Sure, they have stepped out of place at times, but who hasn’t? As a rule though, Vernonia has played clean ball which is a great asset to any squad. Take this year for example. Not once have I noticed a Logger deliberately use dirty tactics. An official, after the Clats kanie game last Saturday said to Coach Htrgert that the Vernonia boys were the cleanest players that he remembers playing on the Tiger floor. He also said that even though they were hard fighters, they played clean ball. Even if a team wins all their games by playing dirty ball, it is really far better to come in last playing clean ball. ASTORIA VET TEAM WINS A six point margin of win at the final gun gave the district 4 V.F.W. basketball championship to Astoria when the playoff was carried out here last Thursday evening. Astoria overcame a five- point lead which Vernonia held six minutes before the end and because of that will represent this district in the state tourney scheduled to be held here February 29. High point man for Vernonia was Bauersfeld with 18 and for Astoria, Rietonen tallied 20. The story might have been dif ferent last Thursday had the local vets been fortunate in having a longer list of substitutes. As it was, most of the starting lineup played the full game. VERNONIA 56 62 ASTORIA Sturdevant 17 f 14 Love Bauersfeld 18 f 3 Prohl Eoeser 9 c 4 Kokko Nance 7 g 20 Rietonen Crawford 2 g 10 Quinlan Subs: Astoria — Hungsinger, Irby 3, Takko 8; Vernonia—Mui- lins 1, McKannon, Bass. Officials. Gordon and Pangle. Vernonia Loggers and St. Helens Lions Tuesday night on the Saints floor. The Lions won on free throws. Both teams sunk 18 field goals but St. Helens kept ahead with free shots, making 16 out of 25 tries while Vernonia made 10 out of 16. Serbousek of the Lions squad did his share to top the Loggers, making 10 out of 12 free shot tries. Eighteen fouls were called against Vernonia and 11 against the Lions. Quarter scores all in favor of St. Helens were: 18-11, 23-16. 36-30 and 52-46. Lineups: VERNONIA 46 52 ST. HELENS Crowston 7 8 Anundi Roberts 11 Neveau Cline 14 18 Serbousek Frank 10 2 Sullivan A. Tapp 6 6 Boddington Subs: Vernonia — Williams 7, Brown, Sword 2, Graham, C. Tapp, Wantland. St. Helens— Horn 1, Noble 2, Keenan, Henson, Bratsch 4, Kearsley. Officials: Eilers, Quirk. The Vernonia “B” squacT lost to the young Tigers 59-31. High scorers for Vernonia were Want- land and Crowston, both scoring nine points and for St. Helens, Hamilton with 14 and Patterson with 13. WESTPORT TO COME Scheduled here for Friday night at the high school gym is a game between the local V.F.W. team and the vet team from Westport. The Vernonia team also played a vet team from Portland last night. Cubs 34-24. Wantland and Crowston were the top scorers for Vernonia with 11 and 10 points, respectively, Wilcoxin tallied seven for the young Tigers. In the game between the Baby Loggers and the Scappoose Pap- pooses, the latter came out on top 21-25. For Vernonia, Crowston was high scorer with seven and for Scappoose, Baker had 11. LOGGERS WIN OVER TIGERS The Vernonia Loggers, playing a Saturday night game in Clats kanie, added another victory to their list. Final score in this slow game in which the Loggers were lazy and didn’t work very hard was 27-24. Cline climbed back into top position, tallying 15 points, and Philbrook rolled up 13 for the Tigers. Quarter scores were: 7-4, 16-8, 24-12 and 27-24, all in favor of the Logger squad. Lineups: VERNONIA 27 24 CLATSKANIE Canham Graham 13 Philbrook Sword 1 Hulanen Cline 15 Tapp 4 8 Werroxen Frank 6 Thompson Subs: Vernonia—C. Tapp, Brown, Crowston 1, Wantland, Roberts. Clatskanie—Theis, Reeder 3, Al der, Wilcoxen. BUNDLES of old papers for sale. Inquire at The Eagle Office. - MAINTENANCE - LUBRICATION - PAINTING - WASHING - REPAIRS For Restful Relaxation We have expert mechanics, up-to-date tools and equipment and an ample stock of gen uine Chevrolet parts—to assure you of qual ity service at economical prices. We Service All Makes (Cars and Trucks) Vernonia Auto Co “A Safe Place to Trade” Phone 342 r SICKS' BREWING CO.. S*|M. Ore. “I just want enough money to take my girl to DESSY’S TAVERN. It’s the meeting place of new and old friends, alike and we want to join in the fun. * A S«4. Qualify ProrfuO EVERYTHING THAT GOES TO MAKE YOUR MEALS AL WAYS TASTY AND NOURISHING ARE YOURS AT THIS GROCERY-MARKET—THE STORE WHERE FOOD BUYING IS A PLEASURE. SHOP SAM’S TODAY. ^DESSys^TRVERN^ / Um hm tuait of C/oum atnàveA/utèar Plume 291 I VERNONIA, OREGON SAM'S FOOD STORE Phone 761 We Deliver