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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1947)
t THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TOPICS OF THE TOWN Those attending the 40 and# Christmas party at Forest Grov« I-egion hall Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biggs and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson. Joe Schmidlin returned here Monday to be home because of the illness of his mother. He is in the rrmy and had been stationed in Austria for two years previous io the time the Red Cross officials arranged for his return to this country. He may reenlist for another three-year term. United Brethren Evangelical church Bazaar. Hand embroid ered pillow slips, aprons, crocheted articles and cooked food. Sund- |;,nd Electric Shop. Sat., Dec. 13—By Pollyanna Circle. ltc Mrs. Clifford Lutz and small son, Kenneth, of Anchorage, Alas ka visited the home of her uncle, Henry H. King, the past week. Mrs. Lutz came by plane to be at the funeral of her father, the late Ed King, a former resident of this area. She will return by plane to Anchorage next week. Arriving here last Saturday afternoon from Mantario, Sas katchewan, Canada were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butt, father and mother of Mrs. Bert Brunsman, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butt and small son, brother and sister-in-law, also of Mantario. They plan to remain for a week or 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. George Holding of Oleny are the parents of an eight pound, three-ounce son born De cember 3 at the Seaside hospital. They have named him Alan Reed. Alfred Hays left Thursday morn- irg for Kentucky to visit relatives. This is the first time in 37 years he has visited there and he plans to remain for an indefinite stay. Mrs. Jennie Roswurm has been ill the last week, but is getting better. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Graven have purchased the property at the corner of Rose Avenue and Ne halem from Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Davis. State Prep Game Seen RIVERVIEW — Martha Wells accompanied friends to Portland Saturday to see the ball game be tween Hillsboro and The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson, Bessie Netka and Pete Wells made a business trip to Forest Grove Monday. Miss Claribel Lindsley made a business trip to Portland Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and son of Portland visited at the Frank Mills home over the week end. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and son Lee, Mrs. Bud Rose and son, Bobby end Mrs. Art Owens and daughter, Barbara, made a business trip to Forest Grove Friday. A birthday dinner was given by the W. J. Lindsleys in honor of Lee Lindsley. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lindsley and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lindsley and family. Theatre Vernonia, Oregon Thur.-Fri. December 11-12 “FUN ON WEEKEND” Eddie Bracken - Priscilla Lane “SO YOU WANT TO BE IN PICTURES” Cartoon Now Summer Is Gone Saturday December 13 “ER'ROL FLYNN THE SEAHAWK" Brenda Mar shall - Claude Rains Buckeroo Buck Bugs Bunny C’toon Sun.-Mon. December 14-15 "FIESTA” Big Technicolar Spec tacle Esther Williams - Akim Tamiroff Cartoon A Mouse in the House News Tues.-Wed. December 16-17 “THE ADVENTURES OF DON COI OTE” in Cinecokir. Frances Rafftlrty-Ricbard Martin “BEAT THE BAND” Ralph Edwards - Phillip Terry . NANCY Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brunsman the parents of a daughter, Carol Anne, born last Saturday morning at the Emanuel hospital. She weighed seven pounds, 14 H ounces and is their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Rourke of San Francisco have been here for the past week visitipg at the home of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bruns man. They plan to remain until after Christmas. Mrs. Merle Ruhl and Mrs. Her man Dickson were in Portland Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman returned here Monday after spend ing last week end at Depoe Bay. They left here Friday. Mrs. David Thoreau and son, Tavid, Jr., arrived here Monday to stay through the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson. Her home is in Los Angeles. Bazaar and cooked food sale on Sat., Dec. 13 at Sundland Electri Shop. Given by Pollyanna Circle of U. B. Evangelical church. ltc • shut down there due to snow. Social Events Are Enjoyed TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds from Canby, Califprnia are at his mother’s, Mrs. Cassie Riley, until after the Christmas holidays. Work has visit relatives and they picked up Mrs. Matz on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steele motored to Portland Sunday. Mrs. Jim Bond and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen made several bus iness trips to Portland last week. Arthur Sabin and a friend from Canada are visiting at the Charlie Allen home. Mr. and Mrs. Lahmers of Port land visited at the Walter Moore home Saturday. H Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale made a trip to Hillsboro Friday. Robert Sunnell spent the week end at the Bert Tisdale home. Ernie Sunnell was up from As toria over the week end at the H H H H line Tisdale, Mrs. Flora Whit mire and Mrs. Carl Snyder at tended Mr. Virtue's funeral in Portland Wednesday. Help Buy Fight and Use Tuberculosis Christmas Seals Rain or Shine, YOU'LL GO! Bad weather driving is good with Shell Premium Gasoline In Shell Premium you get exactly what your car needs for to days’ driving. You can measure the results in quick-starting and pick-up, on steep, steady climbs, or along smooth straight away travel. Fill up today with SHELL PREMIUM. WcO. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. CAST MASTER Casting Rods ffû GENUINE EAGLE KKc Claw Hooks 6/ . NYLON LEADER ÚM 90 on lk vrl J Mat. 20 lb. so 50 yd. CAKE DISHES Aluminum Cover SINKERS, WEIGHTS SPINNERS AND LURES ENAMEL WARE Coffee Pots.......................$1.15 Saucepans ......................... $1.60 Stew Kettle 6 qt. $1.95 Percolators ....................... $1.60 H H H H 24-IN. MAYES ALUMINUM LEVEL WILSON Hack Saw H’vy Duty SERVING SET M 6 Glasses and Tray HAMMER 12 -oz. Finishing H FIESTA WARE Open Stock Dish Sets. Service PIPE WRENCH 18-in. Ridgid * Atkins Silver Steel HAND SAWS 10 Point Buying Power Rallies After Steady Decline BOWL SETS (4) Pyrex Colored WATER PITCHER SETS—6 Glasses [PURCHASING P0WÊR1 YEAR AGO A number of young folks had a wiener roast Friday night at the home of LaVonne McCool. Those attending were Edna, Vel ma and Floyd Snyder, Georgialee and Kenneth Reynolds, Le Roy Thomas, Betty and Bill Usher, Ida West and brother, Lloyd Worely, Forrest and Donovan Reynolds and LaVonne McCool. WESTINGHOUSE C11 AUTOMATIC IRON'D SILEX STEAM IRON. Inc. Tax 2-SL1CE ELECTRIC TOASTER SAMPSON AUTO. HEATING PAD Serviceman Arrives Sun. RIVERVIEW — W. J. Lindsley received word that his brother who lives at Coquille is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biggs and family of Kelso, Washington visit ed at the Clifford Fowler home Sunday. Carnett Falconbury, who has been stationed at Jaconsville, Florida, arrived home Sunday to visit his folks for several weeks. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Pearl Wilkerson home were Mr. and’ Mrs. Buford Wilkerson and children, Margie and Bill, of Til lamook and Mrs. Alice Ruff and ltodney of Portland. Thanksgiving guests at the Charles Ratkie home were Mrs. Edward Matz of Sultan, Washing ton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kah ler of Seattle. Mrs. Matz is Mrs. Katkie’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. Kahler went on to Portland to Mrs. June Calhoun gave a stork shower for her sister, Mrs. Mar ian Reynolds, Friday afternoon. Refreshments of coffee, pie ala mode and jello were served. She received many lovely gifts. home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Sunnell. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Sunnell sold their home last week to a couple from Portland. Harry Wilson attended Mr. Thornbrugh's funeral at Banks Monday. Mrs. Zella Davenport, Mrs. Pau TODAY YOUNGSTERS 8-WATT FLUORESCENT Pin-up Lamp...................................... SH1CK COLONEL Electric Razor.................................... ELECTRIC HEATING BLANKET Tax Included DOOR CHIMES Electric IKVfJfOtl HROKRTt, tUlttiiPOUS MINNEAPOLIS — Comparative purchasing power of the average American family has made a sharp comeback, the monthly Investors Syndicate survey of “real income" reveals. “Real income" is the rela tion of revenue to tiring costs. While purchasing power levels, compared with a year earlier, had been going down steadily for sev eral months, this month's survey shows the real income level has gone up to $1.01. This means, In vestors Syndicate said, that the average consumer in October had $1 01 for each dollar the year be fore. While prices of all cost-of-living items continue to rise, various types of income are also still on the upgrade, Investors Syndicate re veals. Significant shifts are seen in both prices and income. While food had been going up faster than other items, last month “miscel laneous" costs shot up more than food, shelter or clothing. At the same time, while farm income con tinues to increase fastest, salaries and investment income—which had been lagging behind farmers' and wage earners’ revenue — .have ad vanced sharply "The rapid shifts in the 'real income' index and the cost-of-living items.” said E E. Crabb, chairman and president of Investors Syndi cate. “indicate the extreme change ability of present conditions. The recovery of the purchasing power level, however, again demonstrate« the basic soundness of our eco> •my." H Tea Sets ... $1.25 H Ping Pong Sets $6.75 Roller Skates $3.98 H H $1.25 Dolls $4.95 $2.95 Grand Piano Football $2.95 Steam Shovel ...... $2.98 Heavy Duty H Bake Sets Alum.... 60c H Clay Sets Dump Truck....1.__ $2.95 Thermos Jugs 1-gal. Size............ $3.65 Smoking Christmas $4.95 Tree Stands ........ $1.40 Stand .... Christmas Plastic Shower Tree Lights ........ $2.35 Curtains ............. $4.75 Wood Circulating Coleman Oil Stove Heater ............... $47.50 Model D............. $47.95 » H H H H H H H K X H H ■ FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS — S E E HOFFMAN TELEPHONE 181 FIRST -MOW3^ VERNONIA, OREGON H H H H HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX By Ernie Buahmiller BUSH FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORT LAND PRICES TELEPHONE 592 MATTRESSES Our selection includes both single and double sizes and these reliable brands — SEF.LY, SUPERBUILT, SLEEPMASTER and MONTES.