LET’S BE SOCIABLE I.O.O.F. Officers Installed Tuesday On Tuesday night, July 8, Ver- nonia Lodge I.O.O.F. installed their oficers for the coming term. Brother William D. Heath, Dis trict Deputy Grand Master, and his staff composed of D. D. Grand Marshall Bob Spencer, D. D. Grand Warden Carl Davis, D. D. Grand Secretary Dwight Strong, D. D. Grand Treasurer Mike Wil-, lard, D. D. Grand Guardian Tom Turner and D. D. Grand Chaplain Earl Atkins did a very good job of the installation and should be commended for their work. The elective and appointive of ficers are Noble Grand, Louis Schroeder; Vice Grand, Homer Gwin; Secretary, Calvin Davis; Treasurer, Rex Hess; Warden, Ivan Hess; Conductor, John Grit- dahl; I.G., Q. 0. Cantwell; 0. G. Tom Turner; R.S.N.G., Mike Wil- lard; L.S.N.G., Ralph McKee; R. S.V.G., Carl Davis; L.S.V.G., M. A. HAMILTON Because Hamilton is the fine ♦ American watch. People waited longest because they wanted it most. Are Hamiltons ( back? Yes, some—and more are on ( the way. Ask about them. A. L Kullander Oakes', L.S.S., Loren Atkins; R.S.S., Albert Tandy; Chaplain, Wm. D. Shafer; Past Grand Orvel Edwards and Musician, Cecil Johnson. We extend to the officers best wishes for a prosperous term and extend to all the membership the invitation to attend your lodge and support these men. Brother J. A. Bramblett of Reedsport and J. H. Page were visitors and refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Next week the first degree will be conferred on Brothers Cain and Violette. Oregon’s motor vehicle use taxes, including the federal excise taxes, amounted to *71.59 per registered vehicle in 1946, officials of the -Oregon State association disclose Motor vehicle taxes paid in Ore- gon last year totaled *33,662,045.- 15. Of this amount, *18,814,506.81 was paid in state gasoline taxes, *10,130,000 was paid in federal excise taxes, and *4,717,538.34 was paid in vehicle and driver fees. For the nation as a whole, America's 34 million motor ve hicles paid $5,000 a minute in special federal, state and local • taxes last year, the motor associa Announcement of tion reported. Uncle Sam took a hevy share of the country’s auto Engagement Made motive tax cut with a total of Announced this week is the en *796,000,000 in excise levies on gagement of Delmer Michener, purchases of new cars and trucks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michener, gasoline and oil, tires and tubes to Miss Violet Martin, daughter and parts and accessories. of Mrs. Welch of Libby, Montana. “The average motorst could The couple plans to be married buy six months supply of gasoline August 3 at Libby, but after the with the $70 federal excise tax wedding they will make their home levied on new automobiles in the here. low-price class,” association offic ials pointed out. A move for repeal of the federal excise tax on Two Candidates Get automotive equipment is under way Initiatory Degree at the present time with virtu On July 1 the in-coming officers ally all automotive organizations of Vernonia Lodge IOOF were pre supporting it. “A study on taxes paid by high sented two candidates to start their term. Clark Cain and Leo way users shows that state receipts Violette being admitted to member from this form of taxes were much ship, were taught the mysteries of higher than those from any other the Initiatory degree. After the state levies during the year 1946. meeting strawberry shortcake and ' Gasoline and motor vehicle taxes coffee was served the members. Brothers J. H. Page of Alberta Lodge of Portland and Chas. Hick man of Barnum Lodge of Cor vallis were visitors. Both Brother Page and Hickman are employed locally now. • Out here in Oregon jobs grow on trees. Yes that’s true. Our forests support two-thirds of all payrolls in Oregon. Help protect payrolls by Keeping Oregon Green. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Ry. Vehicles Average $71.59 in Taxes OUR SPECIALTY For your satif action . . brought *1,333,561 to the states last year. This income outstrips sales tax receipts of *900,588,000, the next highest revenue raiser. y _ ■ ■ ' .. - With the CAB THAT BREATHES 1. Driver’s compartment is wider and deeper —more leg room. 2. Wider, deeper, more comfortable seats, fully adjustable. 3. Larger windshield and windows give 22% improved visability. 4. F'oxi-mounted cab rubber cushioned against road shocks. Greatest Contribution to Driver Comfort and Safety in Truck History! PLUS STRONGER, STURDIER FRAME LONGER WHEELBASE VALVE-IN-HEAD TRUCK ENGINES HYDRAULIC BRAKES INCREASED LOAD SPACE VERNONIA AUTO CO ■ SEE YORK, THE BUILDER FOR ESTIMATES YORK CONTRACTOR 4 BUILDER Eagle Classified Ads CHEVROLET TRUCKS J is carpenter work, whether it be new construction or repairs, u E. M. Market Place oi the Nehalem Valley • If you are a parent and interested in good schools for your students, you will be interested in prevent ing forest fires for forests and lumber pay much of the school tax load in Oregon. Keep Oregon Green. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1947 S THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. “A Safe Place to Trade” Phone 342 Vernonia, Oregon St. ARDEN ICE CREAM Large Assortment of CANDY You don’t Coneys and Hamburger Buns for Picnics VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD The gaiden^resh tastiness of fresh fruits and vegetables will please the most par- ticular plate. No lack of these greets the shopper for foods at King’s Grocery. Good health and good eating are yours in abundance at this modem store. So Why do This? YoU don’t drop a burning cigarette KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Phone 91 Riverview your living room rug, because you value that rug. Growing trees are valuable to you, too. From them come thousands of products you need. They create millions of jobs. They build your home, give you paper and other things, may even be the reason why you have an income. A spark in the woods can cause many thousands of times more damage than a cigarette on your rug. Forest fires destroy not only today’s forests . . . but tomorrow’s forests, too. Protect this vital national resource by never being the cause of a forest fire.