Survey Shows limber Growth More than 10,000,000 acres of once-logged timber lands in the Douglas fir region of Oregon and Washington is growing timber at an average rate of from 300 to 1,000 board feet per acre annually, it was disclosed in a survey just completed by the joint committee on forest conservation. Total Douglas fir timber area in the two states, according to the report of the committee, which represents the West Coast Lumber- DOUGLAS FIR TIMBER WILL SUPPLY JO?S FOREVER THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, MAV 29, 1947 Too late we are coming to the realization of the necessity to re­ habilitate devasted areas. Any ef­ I fort expended after a fire ds too late. Let’s prevent fire “KEEP OREGON GREEN’. <0.997,000 MATURE OLD GROWTH WELL DRILLING YOM Phone 3524 5,0.16,000 Hillsboro, Oregon A WHEN ’ 4,392,000 I7.Q 2,812,000 10.9 *1,383,000 17.0 & B Drilling company. waiting. No 528 East Baseline. YOU 'RE BROKE \ AND YOUR Shallow or Deep Wells Drilled TRUCK 'S BROKE 25,790,000 -------- Pay-as-you-drive PLAN Whatever lervice you need, you can get it NOW—and pay in convenient monthly installments. Don’t post­ pone needed work. See us— today! Reasonable prices. Greenwood Motors Dodge Dealer Phone 1121 men’s and Pacific Northwest Log­ gers association, is 25,790,000 acres. Of this total, 42.6 per cent, or 10,987,000 acres, is mature and over-mature timber which has largely ceased to grow, and 17 per cent, or 4,383,000 acres, is poorly stocked or has been cut over s'nee 1920. The remaining 10,420,000 acres, from which at least one crop has already been harvested, is the real producing area, and is divided as follows: 12.5 per cent in growing trees more than 16 inches in diameter; 17 per cent in growing stands from 6 to 16 inches in diameter; and 10.9 per cent in trees under 6 inches. “The survey shows clearly that the timber wealth of the region is steadily increasing, “said Colonel Warren G. Tilton, forest engineer Sundland Electric & Appliance 786 Bridge Street, Vernonia r~ BUSH FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORTLAND PRICES Telephone 592 Trade in your used Davenport and Chair or Daveno for one of our new «et», We have many new pieces from which to select. ------- TOT A L_ 100.0 for the committee. “Good forest management has played an important part in this increase, and as additional mature timber is cut, new growth will be permitted to start. “In the past 15 years, the re­ corded timber growth in Washing­ ton and Oregon has increased ap­ proximately 50 per cent. In 1933 the growth of trees over 16 inches in diameter was 2.5 billion feet a year. In 1945 a resurvey showed that the growth had jumped to 3.7 billion feet. “In addition, several billion feet of growth are being added annually to trees less than 16 inches in diameter—a growth volume which present inventorying standards do not include. “The survev shows the encour- aging results of better fir pro- tection and cutting practices, both of which are being constantly improved.” Approximately 36,000 people are engaged in operating New York’s City subways which carry 5,410,- 000 passengers on an average workday. Nearly 4,000 pounds of cultivat­ ed mushrooms are being produced monthly in the caverns of aban­ doned l'me diggings near Great Barrington, Mass. INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON Electric Fence Rules Listed The increasing use of electric fences and electric fence control­ lers has prompted the Nationel Bureau of Standards to list safety rules for their operation. Easily and cheaply operated, fences and controllers have proven satisfactory for temporary and permanent fencing. While either plain or barbed wire may be used, the latter type is preferred because the barbs penetrate the thick coat of animals which some­ times insulates them against shock. The wire may be at­ tached to porcelain insulators and mounted on posts or stakes as far as 50 feet apart. set up by the National Bureau of Standards: No fence shall be energized from any electric source except through an approved controller. Any electric fence or portion thereof installed along a public proved markings or sigr.s clamped to the fence wire or fastened to posts at intervals not greater than 200 feet. An approve 4 marker shall be as board, or other durable water­ proof material not le.^s than 4x8 inches, painted on both sides with a pure chrome yellow back ground the following text: “ELEC­ TRIC FENCE.’” The lettering of the text shall be in black let - ters not less than an inch high. Other lettering, with letters not more than five-eighths meh high, may be placed on the reverse of the side with the required letter- See this bank for LOANS of all types '4 • ■ ■ - A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank READY FOR Little Pussy has got a mother Tabby Cat’s her name— And the milk she drinks no other Than THIS MILK OF FAME. NEHALEM ORIRV PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurized “ Milk & Cream PHONE 471 Exclusive Places ■ SB| The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK Precision built gas ranges with many new time-saving and step-savixg exclusive features. O’Keefe & Merritt propane gas ranges are ready for immediate delivery. No matter where you live you can use modern gas appliances with all their beauty, economy, and luxury. Come in today and find out about it! PLENTY OF WATER HEATERS BROODERS AND RESTAURANT GRILLS 1 We deliver to Farms, Houses, Auto Courts, Restaurants and Industrial Plants. Modern Gas and Appliance IN OUR RECORD DEPARTMENT The Latest Numbers Many new »election« available on Columbia, RCA Victor and Maje»tic Record», ¿¡ck$® ¿elect PAUL HINAMON, Rt. 2, Box 322A, Hillsboro . Phone 3101 Agent—Lewi» Morgan, Vernonia, Ore- Local Phone 423 191 North St. 5