A 2ND ROUND OF MATCH DUE SUN LOGGERS WIN FROM CLATSKANIE The Clatskanie Tigers bowed in defeat to the Vernonia Loggers as the Vernonia nine won the last game of the season, by a big score, 14-4, May 16. The home team had a scoring spree in the second inning, scoring seven runs. The Loggers also did ROY FRANK, High School Sports BYERS NAMED ON ALL-STARS Vernonia high school is rep­ resented for the first time in the Oregon All-American boys base­ ball team through the selection of Duke Byers for a short stop berth on the up-state all star team which will play the Portland all-stars Saturday night at 7:30. The game is arranged under the auspices of The Oregon Journal for the benefit of the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. Players for the teams were se­ lected by Jim Partlow, coach of Lincoln for the Portland team and Bud Page, athletic director of Lebanon high school, who will coach the up-state group. The players will work out sever­ al times before Saturday, meeting first at Vaughn Street Thursday. Saturday’s game will be the third time the benefit game has been played. Byers was selceted for the short stop berth. NATIONAL MATCH GAME CHAMPION—Andy Varipapa of New 7 ork, who won the title at the annual All-Star bowling meet in the / uditoriuni theater in Chicago last December. Andy is the world’s c..ampion trick shot expert. VARIPAPA TO ROLL MONDAY AT DESSY'S National Match Game Cowling ( hampion Anly Varipapa comes to Vernonie, Monday, May 20, to r .e an exhibition »f his p n-spil- ling ability and world-famous ti ck sho'n al l\..s, s. Bowlines “Little Giant” has set so many scor ng r cords during his career that a icsunie cf them would take c damns, but he is proudest of all his triumph in the All-Star Tournament held in Chi­ cago’s Auditorium Theater last December. There Andy met and defeated in man-to-man competition the cream of the nation's bowlers, winning 40 games while losing 24, and averaging the splendid score of 213.34 per game to win the national match game title. This marked the sixth consecu­ tive year in which Andy won a place in the finals of this rugged event, the only bowler in history to boast such a record. He has never finished lower than 14th in this competition, admittedly the tourhest in the game. The astounding Varipapa, who is conceded by all to be the greatest trick shot bowler, was not always the perfectionist that he is today. He reminds beginners that he shot a snappy 84 in his first game, and only two years ago he ran afoul of a 109 game in the Paterson Classic. Just to prove that all-star com­ petition is not the only place where Andy shines, it might be well to point out that he is tied for the lead in the ten-year averages of the American Bowling Congress, believed by many to be the great­ est test of a bowler. Long recognized as one of the NEW AND USED PARIS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW KINGS, HEATHS LEAD BOWLING Heath’s Service Station doesn’t hold the lead position alone on the Vernonia Bowling league roster as the result of Monday night’s game. The top spot is shared with King’s Grocery because King’s captured three points that night to jump from third place. The standings after Monday are: TEAM POINTS Heath 22 Kings 22 Pal Shop 20 Dessy’s 19 V.F.W. 16 Bush Furniture 13 This week will end the league season Dessy Laird said Tuesday, but a playoff will be required to eliminate the present tie for first It is also possible that games Wednesday night and later this week may also lead to a third team being added to the top place listing. Tentative plans call for the start of another bowling league later this year, probably starting in September, with more teams competing and a longer season being played. * • Vernonia Wins Sunday Match Seventeen golfers, who went to the Wildwood golf course Sunday to meat a team from St. Helens, won the return match with the county seat players 34 to 17. St. Helens came here April 20 to play the local country club and lost 22 to 8. some heavy scoring in the fourth and sixth, tallying four runs in the fourth and three in the sixth,mak­ ing a grand total of 14. Sylvester “Ted” Williams was on the mound for Vernonia until the sixth, and held the Tigers to one run and one hit. Jack Frank took over the pitching position in the sixth and in that frame, Clat­ skanie piled up two runs and one more in the seventh. Eight oppos­ ing men were struck out by Wil­ liams and two by Frank. Vernonia took advantage of the weak Tiger pitching and banged out 10 hits. Byers hit a home run and a double. Koski tripled and Williams got a double. VERNONIA Wantland 2b Stuve If Frank lb, p Byers c Williams p, lb Schaumburg ss Nightwine 3b Grenia cf Brown rf Oveson if DeHart 3b Koski rf Totals CLATSKANIE Jacobson ss Wilcoxen c Pierce cf Theis If Anderson 3b Bakko 2b Nusom rf Philbrook lb Alder p Boski, p Totals The Vernonia Country Club’s spring handicap golf tournament will go into the second round Sunday with eight matches sched­ uled for playing to determine the winners. Losers of the first round play for consolation. Matches for Sunday as listed by , . . the club tournament committee 4 10 1 _ „ 4 10 0 4 0 12 are: 3000 .NAME 3 110 Bauersfeld 2 0 11 Brickie 2 0 0 1 Mullins 3 0 0 0 Hartwick 1 0 0 0 Bateman 2 110 E. King 28 4 4 5 Anderson VS. R. NAME Dyer Tunnell Roediger Davies B. King Ruhl Byers FREDRICKSON TAKES FIFTH Fifth place in the mile at the state track meet went to Bob Fredrickson, Vernonia, Saturday when the event was run at Cor­ vallis. The state meet was a tie between Washington of Portland and Grants Pas3 with Melvin Brock, former school student here, taking two firsts in the meet for Washington. Brock was high-point man in the A bracket with 10% points. His wins were captured in the 100-yard dash and the 220. • Treat your family to a tender steak or tasty roast tonight— and its sure to please if you order it from the Nehalem Market. • Whether you want meat, fowl or fish it pays to shop here where better meats arc available for your choice. We carefully select your needs if your order is phoned. NEHALEM • MARKET AND GROCERY AMADONS LOSE TUES The Longview Amadons, playing here Tuesday evening under lights at the city park field, lost to the Vernoria Eagles team 5 to 4 in a JO-inning softball game that gave fans everything they could ask for in exc. .ement. Hurling for the F.O.E. was Clair Sunnell. The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mad matter. August 4, 1922, at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2.50 yearly DO YOU NEED WATER SERVICE Our business is to furnish and install the modern equipment for your water needs. ELECTRIC I’JRIC OR GAS water systems if it h has to be pumped. iRS OR soft water. filters “ SOFTENERS : for __ clear, ‘ ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC water heaters or coils and rapge bo lers for hot water. INSTALL AND FURNISH fituxres for the kitchen, bath, laundry room, etc. ALSO, electric rr gas irrigation systems from the size for a garden to a whole farm. REMEMBER US TOO. FOR STOCK MILL- W^RK. DOORS. WINDOWS. ETC. ALSO BROKEN GLASS REMOVED AND NEW GLAZED TO REPLACE ANDERSON BOEDIGER Plumbing and Stock Millwork Supplies Vernonia, Ore. Phone: Plumber, 5713, Shop 575 - You are entitled to enjoy BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST Only Chevrolet gives you the Big-Car beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher ... at lowest prices I . . . and only Chevrolet offers it! Only Chevrolet gives you the Big-Car performance and dependability of a Valve-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine . .. together with such remarkably low cost of upkeep I nation’s outstanding instructors, having conducted bowling schools from coast to coast. Andy is em­ inently filled for the role of teach­ ing beginners the finer points of bowling achievement. The average bowler too, will find that Andy may be able to pick out at first glance a fault that has been undermining one’s game for years. Of all cars, only the new 1947 Chevrolet gives you HEAR-HERE! ETTER HEARING CENTER • Food needs selected from King's shelves can be depended upon to give the utmost in tasty meals for your family. KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Phone 91 Riverview MacDONALD HOTEL Vernonia. Oregon Saturday, May 24th Hours: 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. KENNETH R. SAX. Consultant Come in—see the sensational new all-in-one Sonotone with the "Magic Kev" to double hearing comfort! No charge for examination or advice— free checkup for Sonotone users. SONOTONN The House of Hearing BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, with all that this means in extra motoring satisfaction. See ut today. Place and keep your order with u* for a new 1947 Chevrolet. Enjoy the Ml motoring satisfac­ tion to which you are entitled ... BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST . . . found only in this one cart Only Chevrolet gives you the combined Big-Car comfort and safety of the Knee- Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydrau­ lic Brakes . . . together with such extremely low operating costs 1 NEW 1947 CHEVROLET CHEVROLET VERNONIA AUTO CO. PHONE 342 Vernonia Oregon