LET’S BE SOCIABLE Nehalem Chapter, OE.S., Hostess to Moth era Nehalem Chapter No. 153, 0. E. S., was hostess to its mothers on Wednesday evening. A special program was given containing two lovely solos a piano solo by Maxine Hartwick and a vocal number by Dorothy Ann Hogberg, accompanied by Bess Nichols. A humorous skit was given by Florence Brunsman, Dorothy Sandon, Ethelle Tousley, Allie Dickson, Mollie Eby, Evelyn Hearing and Wauneta Timmons. A special treat of wild black­ berry pie a la mode and coffee was served for refreshments and the tables were cleverly decorated JUST ARRIVED Afternoon Dresses Gowns Slips Starlight Bras WARDS OF THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION with miniature May poles with tiny figures winding them and at each place for favors. The com­ mittee members were Velva Ram­ sey, Florence Messing, Evelyn Hearing and Clara Kirk. Due to the next regular meet­ ing falling on high school gradua­ tion night, there will be a short meeting promptly at ,7:30 so that the members may attend gradua­ tion if they wish. ! The Apparel Shop | Phone 396 Thurman The regular meeting of the V. F.W. Auxiliary was -held, Wednes­ day night, May 7 and during the evening an initiation of candi­ dates for membership was held. The initiated were: Reatha Horn, Shirley Sunnell, Clara LaFontaine, Pauline King, Mary Sasse, Margaret Junken, Alice Ade and Kathleen Worth. Silvia Turner was reinstated. After the meeting, a delicious lunch of sandwiches, salad, ice cream and cake were served by Celeste Poetter, Bessie Netka, Virginia Walker and Adeline Walker. Thirty-three members were pre­ sent. The number of dependent children that are becoming wards of the Veterans Administration has shown a steady increase during 1946. This total jumped from 55,296 in December, 1945, to 90,716 in December, 1946. During the same time the number of incompetent veterans increased only from 41,022 to 41,806, and the number of other incompetents from 4,656 to 5,206. In baseball you are either safe or out. In Oregon’s vacation land your fire must be out and safe so that we may KEEP OREGON GREEN. I i The Cozy I No Down Payment Tires! Battery! New Motor! Paint! Body Work! Fender Work! Auto Repairs on All Makes of Cars! | AT TERMS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME! Greenwood Motors YORK DODGE-PLYMOUTH CONTRACTOR * BUILDER 108 A St. Open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. COURTEOUS SERVICE BUTTER KRUST BREAD Arden Ice Cream Large Assortment of Candy VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD A Plea For BOTTLES A serious shortage of milk bottles threatens your milk supply. Glass factories are unable to secure enough soda ash used in glass making to m.eet demand for bottles. Bring those stray bottles out of hiding. Return empties promptly. Nehalem Dairy Products Telephone 471 Grade A Milk ESI DANCE MUSIC BY LEE’S RHYTHM KINGS i . LEGION HALL Rt. SATURDAY, MAY 17 ADM. 75c Per Person WEDDINGS Howdy Folks: “Take me out to the ball game.” The good old season for cussing the umpire is back. * * * One reason Americans en­ joy baseball more than foot­ ball is because they don’t have to have a college education to get a ticket to a baseball game. * * * We know a gal so dumb she thinks they only use pitchers on hot days to fan the players. * Easy Monthly Terms! Let us build for you or make needed repairs now. We speci­ alize in this work and our prices are reasonable. SEE YORK, THE BUILDER FOR ESTIMATES E. M. 52 GIFTS IN ONE— THE VERNONIA EAGLE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR CAR ON CARPENTER WORK | They’re made with Rainier ice I cream. DeHart Keasey ATLEY SEZ 33 Members Present At Auxiliary Meeting Mrs. A. J. Hughes was hostess last Thursday to the 0-A bridge club. Mrs. J. W. Nichols was a guest for the afternoon. OUR SUNDAES . . . 273 • Mrs. Hughes Hostess To 0-A Bridge Club J TOPS FOR A TASTE TREAT LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED State Street, • { Jonah is reputed to be buried near the site of Nineveh in what is now Northern Iraq. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1947 3 Call The Women’s Foreign Mission­ ary Society of the Nazarene church met at the home of Mrs. Fern Ralston for their annual meeting. Officers elected for the ensuing year were: Mrs. Gilbert Brown, president; Mrs. H. L. Russell, vice- president; Mrs. Bert Makinster, recording secretary; Mrs. Fern Ralston, corresponding secretary; Mrs.’ Foster Wanamaker, treasur­ er; and Mrs. H. L. Russell, super­ intendent of study. r~ THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Bring your lawn mowers and garden tools to us to be sharp­ ened and repaired. Our prices are reasonable. Missionary Society Names Officers Nylon Blouses i MORE DEPENDENT CHILDREN ARE BECOMING GROUPS BANQUETS Zeman’s Studio CHILDREN A SPECIALTY Phone 1262 714 Third St 24 Hour Kodak Film Service * * Baseball is a standard sport for Americans just as MAR- FAK Lubrication is standard for motorists in Vernonia and vicinity. Chapman's Service Store Bridge and Second Telephone 853 Vernonia, Ore. BUSH FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOME ON E-Z TERMS AT PORTLAND PRICES Telephone 592 Special SALE on Davenport Sets Davenoes Swing Rockers Platform Rockers REDUCED FROM 10 TO 40%