March Traffic Volume Goes Up Oregon motorists shattered an other driving record during th» month of March, it has been dis closed by Robert S. Farrell Jr., secretary of state. Averaging ■well over 12,000,000 miles every day for the whole month, the total mileage passed the ,180.000,000- mark. “This is the greatest March traffic volume in the state’s his tory,” Farrell said. “When high ways are carrying loads they are For Pasteurized MILK CREAM and BUTTERMILK right from the farm to your door, write or cal! Telephone No. 7F51 CUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY 11-22-47 I PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY U Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon now, every driver has to do a good job ‘or else.’ Foolishness and carlessness have cost us too many lives already.” He stressed the fact that most of the March traffic deaths were in rural areas outside any city or town. Oil companies reported fuel cales in excess of 31,000,000 gal lons. These sales brought the state's gas income to $3,885,000 for the first quarter of the year. This is an increase of approx imately $1,000,000 over the same period in 1946, which was itself a record year. Fuel sale figures confirm the findings of traffic courts, which show auto volumes at levels un precedented for this season. • Veterans—Here’s how to file a claim for DISABILITY ( O THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1947 5 camp area clean for the next per son. KEEP OREGON GREEN. COMPENSATION y°ur credentials to your nearest VA office v and fill in claim forms. 6 Report for physical exam, if requested by VA. Growth of Holly Being Increased So many requests about com mercial production of English holly have come to the Oregon State college experiment station that a 20-page mimeograph cir cular on the subject has been issued in advance of later publica tion of a printed bulletin. The circular of information is No. 409 and is written by A. N. Roberts, assistant horticulturalist, and C. A. Boiler, research assistant at the station. The return to commercial holly growers of nearly $150,000 in 1945 has added impetus to the expansion of the holly acreage which now totals about 755 acres THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. If you are grateful for the beau ties and restful solitude which you enjoy your week end vacations, show your appreciation by being sure these things are preserved. Be sure ypur fire is out, and your Protect your home with a new, colorful, slate surface roof or insulated brick siding. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP NO DOWN PAYMENT Certified Roofing and Supply Phone 1103 ----- ------------------ ..„nr. SPRING CLEAN-UP Let us wash away winters accumula tion of mud with a thorough car clean- Vernonia, Ore. Phone 311 o DO YOU NEED WATER SERVICE Our business is to furnish and install the modern equipment for your water needs. After claim is processed,you will be notified of findings. Decisions may be appealed ELECTRIC OR GAS water systems if it has to be pompoL FILTERS OR SOFTENERS for clear, soft water. ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC water heaters or coils and range boilers for hot water. INSTALL AND FURNISH fituxres for the kitchen, bath, laundry room, etc. ALSO, electric or gas ix-rigation systems from the sise for a garderi to a whole farm. REMEMBER US TOO, FOR STOCK MILL- WORK, DOORS, WINDOWS, ETC. ALSO BROKEN GLASS REMOVED AND NEW GLAZED TO REPLACE ANDERSON-ROEDIGER That Smile of Satisfaction . . . comes with every lube job at this Signal Station. Up-to- the-minute technique along with Signal oils and greases is the reason. Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 At the Mile Brige, Riverview Advertisement From where I sit...Z/ Joe Marsh Where's the Argument? You should have heard Ed Carey and Spike Miller debating the merits of Guernseys versus Hol- »teina. Ed's our firechief, and Spike handles hardware — but to hear them argue you’d have thought that they’d been dairying for life. Finally they put it up to Sam Carter, who breeds dairy cows! Sam hems and haws . . . and con cludes there’s a lot to be said for Holstein*, and about as much for Guernseys ... take your pick! Actually, Ed and Spike were like people arguing about — say, beer versus buttermilk. Folks who’ve never tasted beer will sometimes get mighty vehement about their choice of beverages. And folks who’ve never tasted buttermilk will be equally pig-headed. From where I sit, it’s in things we know nothing about that we get bigoted and stubborn. But when it comes to things we know a lot about, we’re able to see both sides ... be tolerant and reasonable . . . and above all, understanding. Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation Good Lamps Make Good LIGHT! in Oregon, the circular shows. Less than half the total acreage is now in production, and some will be unsuitable as the tiade is de manding increasingly higher qual ity. “Although the demand at pres ent would seem to justify some ’ expansion in acreage, it does not warrant plantings which, because o ' wrong variety or growing con ditions, will meet the rigid re quirements sure to develop by the time they come into production,” the authors say. The circular, available free through county extension offices, discusses species and varieties of holly, requirements of commercial holly, cultural practices, harvest ing, packaging and shipping. • Proper 2,4-D Use Bulletin Out According to W. G. Nibler, coun ty agent, 2, 4-D should, be applied to weeds when they are growing rapidly and when soil moisture is good for maximum control. While 2, 4-D is a very good weed control material, it must be applied under proper conditions for best results. Trials have shown that if soil moisture is good, re sults are much better than under dry soil conditions. Canada thistle, one of the worst perennial weeds in Columbia coun ty, should be sprayed when about eight to ten inches high and grow ing rapidly. Rate of application should be 2% pounds of parent acid 2, 4-D per 100 gallons of water. Manufactures’ directions for the use of the various mater ials available should be followed. A few other Columbia county weeds on which 2,4-D has given good results are nettle, wild morn ing glory, mustard, dock, and lawn weeds. Persons planning extensive use of 2, 4-D are invited to contact the county agent’s office for further details on the use of this material. A bulletin “2, 4-D for Weed Con trol in Oregon” is also available at the county agent’s office. There is a large opportunity for doing some good weed control work in Columbia County through the use of 2, 4-D when properly applied according to Nibler. One of the best opportunities is spray grain fields, grass pastures, and fence rows to prevent Canada thistle from growing seed. Plumbing and Stock Millwork Supplies Vernonia, Ore. Phone: Plumber, 5713, The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON 208 B St. Vernonia Telephone 283 See this bank for LOANS of all types CONTRACT DAY WORK INSTALLATIONS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS^ A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank J. E. FOSSUM Electrical Service Home, Commercial, Residential HEADQUARTERS FOR FOOD BARGAINS Listen Ladies: If you have a family to keep happy and healthy you’ll find happy hunting for food needs at Sam’s. The selection is wide to make your shopping easier and more convenient here. Avoid eye strain caused by improper lighting. Plenty of outlets and proper wiring will add convenience to your home. Ask us for estimates today for your electrical work. SIH’S FOOD STORE Phone 761 Delivery to Your Door CHOICE TENDER CUTS OF ALL TYPES OF MEAT Residential-Commercial Wiring Roper Electric Co. 704 First St is featured every day at this modem market. They are inspected for health protection and guaranteed to satisfy every time. Just call your order if too busy to come town. AL HERRA’S MARKET Phone 583 Vernonia, Ore. Shop 575 Phone 761 Delivery to Your Door