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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1947)
THE WANTED FOR LATEST STYLES in dress making and remodeling call 253 for appointment. 12tfc FOR SALE.—General FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Livestock NEW, Perfection oil kerosene cook stove. 956 Rose Ave. 18tl STANDARD Remington typewrit er. Vacuum cleaner with attach ments. New Home sewing ma chine. 1046 Rose Avenue. 18t3 FORTY 5-week-old Leghorn roos ters, 35c apiece. Mrs. J. A. Arm strong, Timber Route, box 71. 18tlc FOR SALE—Machinery PIGS FOR SALE. Fred Dusek, Stoney Point road, Epping place. 18tl GIANT Swiss pansy plants in bloom. 998 First Ave. ' 17t3c CHILD’S desk and chair for sale. Like new $15.00. Also electric iron $4.00. Inquire 876 Rose Ave. 16t3 BASEBALL SHOES, size 9^ and fielders glove. Both for $9. 1050 Second Avenue. 16t3 WOOD circulating heater in good condition. Will take wood 20 inches long at 926 Weed Ave. Mrs. Staley. 17t3 WOOD circulating heater white enamel cook stove. Grenia, Grant St. and Les 18t3 LODGES AND CLUBS VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY NOON AT 12:00 LO.O.F. HALL Rev. Ernest Baker, President Bill J. Horn, Secretary 5-48c 2 & 4 Weda. 8 p.m. Bert Brunsman, Commander James Cox. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meet.: 1st & 3rd Wed. 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 I.O.O.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Orvel Edwards, Noble FGrand Calvin Davis, Sec’y__________4-47 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Carl A. Davis, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. 1-48 Mt. Heart Rebekah Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evening, of each month fa, LO.O.F. II »11. Noma Callister, Noble Grand Juanita Edwards, Vice Grand Beryl Cline, Secretary 3-48 Ella Cline, Treasurer Vernonia F. O. E. Order FORDSON tractor with 2-bottom, 14-inch plow. Tractor has high tension magnets; Cletrac 20. John Winslow, Birkenfeld, Ore. 18t3c 1939 CHEV. 4-yard dump truck, 7-inch hoist. 1946 high torque motor, 3-speed brownie, Timken double reduction rear end, heavy fish plated frame, 9-inch vacuum booster, New brakes. 8.25x20 rubber, Also ’35 Chev. 1%-ton truck, Fair condition, Stake rack. Terms 1 available. R, M. Baker, box 45, Vernonia, Ore. First house on right on Stoney Point road. 18t3c Eagles) of Vernonia 1937 CHEV pickup for sale. In good condition. Max Oblack, Mist Oregon. 16t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate NINE-ROOM house with base ment and 1 acre of land in Buxton. Electric pump, garage, chicken house, fruit trees. Price $3500. E. O. Shafer, Buxton, Oregon 17t3 FIVE-ROOM modern house with floor furnace and oil range includ ed. Lot and one-half of ground. 841 North Rose Ave. Phone 454 17t2 MODERN HOUSE 24x50. Daven port, bed set, 4 chairs, table, range cook stove, heating stove, cooking utensils, dishes. Immediate pos session. If you want a beautiful home come see Andrew M. Parker. 15t6 HOME with good income. All nicely furnished and another 3- room furnished all modern house on rear of lot. On another lot, a warehouse 76ftx28ft and garage 20fexl2ft. L. M. Porterfield, 376 North St. 45tf 8 7-47 No. 116 LO.O.F. NEAL BUSH Each Month Attorney-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: Second and Hall I.O.O.F. Wednesday Fourth of each month___________ 2-48 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. S. E. Regular com« munication first and 3rd each of Wed. month pie. All visiting sisters and broth welcome. M Mona Gordon. Worthy Matron Florence Messing. Sec’y. 1-43 BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland - Timber • Vernonia Sunset - Elsie • Cannon Beach Gearhart A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.M. meets nt Temple Stated first Communication A.F. A Masonic - Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 Quick Guaranteed Radio Service Thursday of each month. at 7:30 p.m. Herman Dickson, W. Ray Mills, ZEMAN’S M. 1-48 Sec’y. American Legion POST II» Meets first and Third Mon. Each Let a vet do your work. Septic tank and cesspool pumping. Drain Line Service. off Free inspection 1-47 J. D. MADDAX Mist, Oregon month. AUXILIARY First and Third Taeedays 714 314 St. SANITARY SERVICE VERNONIA FOR SALE OR TRADE TWO-year-old horse. Gentle. Also good cooking or eating apples. Two miles out on Keasey route. O. M. Hudson. 18t3 FOR RENT WANTED HOME and business painting and decorating contracting. Free esti mates. 856 Rose Ave. Charles Seeberger. 17t3 ONE Rural wall telephone. See or write Mrs. Joe Doyle, Phone 5F2, Camp McGregor, Ore. 17t3c STRAWBERRY pickers wanted, register now. Good, cabins, elec tricity, fuel and water. Telephone or write, Glenn Heisler, Route 2, Box 81, Forest Grove. Telephone 17F5. 18tlc AM IN MARKET for beef cattle, all kinds, fresh or heavy springer milk cows. Also: good colored hens and feeder chickens -for fryers. Phone 7714, Vernonia, G. C. Kirk bride. 17t3c CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Before selling your car, let us make you Greenwood Motors, an offer. Dodge and Plymouth dealer. Phone 1121. 17tfc HELP WANTED: 25 strawberry pickers to start approx. June 2. Trans. will be furnished. Only 10 mi. from Vernonia. Write to Ervin E. Mead, Buxton, Star Rt., or sign up at Kullander’s Jewelry Store. 18t2 HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc STRAWBERRY pickers. No child ren under 12 years of age. Can sign up with Mrs. Les Grenia in evenings. Pickings will probably start between 15th and 20th of May. Mrs. Carstens, Banks, Ore. 18tfc WE ARE looking for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop erty. If you want to sell, come in and see us. Reehec’s Real Es tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc A SALESMAN CAN’T CON TACT 3200 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK — BUT THE EAGLE CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. Berry Pickers Pickers must be 12 years old or over or accompanied by guardian or parents. .Only pickers fur nished transportation free. Reg ister by post card at ROLLING HILLS FARM Bankt, Oregon LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay fer Realty comps' y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— J. E. FOSSUM electric service, 208 B St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, installations, altera tions, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial. Phone 283. 22tfc NOTICE GREEN’S SHOE SHOP Will close 1st of May for 1 to 3 months All persons having shoes are urged to get them out by the first. 17t2c THE UNDERSIGNED hereby de clares intentions to construct a fish trap 100 feet above what is known as Dobelbower F. I.R . . . extending in a north-easterly direction, towards the channel. Signed, Ole Soleim 16t4c ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf- FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- Legal Notices NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by R. M. Aldrich, clerk of School Distr.ct 47 Jt., of Vernonia, Oregon, until 8:00 P. M. Monday, May 12, for twenty- five (25) cords of four foot wood. Bids will be accepted on any of the following: Green old growth slab wood. Second growth slab wood Green old growth wood. This wood is to be of a size not smaller than six inches cross section at smallest point. Bidder to specify kind of wood. Wood to be delivered and piled under the supervision of Mr. Charles Dübendorf, janitor at Lincoln school, not later _ than August 1, 1947. The board reserves the right to reject any and all gids. ATTEST: Glen Hawkins, Chairman R. M. Aldrich, Clerk lfltSc Let us build for you or make needed repairs now. We speci alize in this work and our prices are reasonable. SEE YORK CONTRACTOR 108 H Dry Cleaning H Dry Cleaners YORK. THE BUILDER FOR ESTIMATES E. M. Laundry & and T Code Compiler and Cryptanlysis Technician. Administrative positions include Auto Mechanic, Translator, Heavy and Light Truck Drivers, Tabu Twenty-six military specialties lating Machine Operator and Re in the army security agency were pairman, Clerk-typist and Admin announced to direct enlistments istrative NCO. Training in certain this week, according to Capt. Ken of these specialities will be given neth Swenson, army recruiting at the Army Security Agency service. Individuals meeting the School, in Warrenton, Virginia. prescribed qualifications ard who Captain Swenson said know enlist for three-year periods will ledge of a foreign language is de be considered for one of these sirable but not essential in the case technical ratings in the regular of men applying for Traffic army. Analyst or Cryptographic Code The positions, which are divided Complier and Technician. into two categories -Administra Interested young men are in tive and Technical—are open to vited to visit the army recruiting men of the white race: high in- ' station at Vernonia post office on telligence scores and satisfactory Thursdays for complete details on qualifications in at least one oc any of the specialties offered cupational specialty must be at qualifier! three-year enlistees in tained by all applicants, the cap the regular army. tain explained. A complete list of technical posi Soviet engineers are reported tions available is as follows: preparing to develop history’s Teletype Operator and Mechanic, greatest water power project on Wire Chief, Voice Interceptor, Communications Chief, Radio In the Angara River, sole outlet of telligence Control Chief, Telephone Siberia’s Lake Baikal, deepest Switchboard Operator, Message lake in the world. Fully utilized, Center Clerk and Chief, Traffic this huge reservoir is expected to Analyst, Intermed;ate, High and yield 30,000,000 horsepower, or Low speed Manual Radio Opera more than the combined output of Niagara Falls, Muscle Shoals, tors, Interceptor Operator, Cryp tographic Repairma i, 'Technician, Wilson and Boulder dams. 26 Specialties Open in Army WE IT DO ALL . . under one roof. We are equipped to re build chasis, body, top and upholstery. For complete repairs and service see Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta. A 4 Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon i PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR SUMMER DRIVING O Body Rebuilding O Painting O Fender Straightening • Underseal Rubberized Protective Coating CARPENTER WORK H OREGON Laundry 1, 1947 MISCELLANEOUS Send your to Portland’s most mo dem plant. Two pick ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP 3tfc HARTWICKS THURSDAY, MAY BUILDER St. Credit Terms If Desired GREENWOOD MOTORS Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Job Rated Trucks Vernonia, Ore. AT HOFFMAN’S H For Hardware — See Hoffman H SCOOTERS H CARTS, 2-wheel H H H H Ph. 1121 $5.25 to $11.95 ............... $2.60 Phone 181 Vernonia WAGONS STROLLER $9.95 $11.95 SPECIAL 25 PED CENT DEDUCTION ON ABOVE ITEMS AS LONG AS THEY LAST! See Them in Our Window 7HZHZHZHZHZMZHMZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZM ZHZH2 at Masonic Ten* ers Films Developed 714 3rd St. Mondays Fourth cheaply. ZEMAN’S Second and Hall, and One Print Each 35c a Roll Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: quickly Business - Professional Directory Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge results M. P. H. W. Carrick, Geo. Armstrong, Sec’y. this classified, so are thousands of others. Moral: Use Eagle ads to get Fridays CANARY BIRDS. $7.50 and $10.00. 1446 Nehalem St.. Mrs. Worden. ’ 16t6 NICELY furnished apartment. 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. latte 4tb 2nd and TWO, YOUNG milk goats. Just fresh. Also goat milk. 945 Third Ave., Corey Hill. 17t3 ‘30 MODEL A truck, short wheel base, good tires. M. B. Steers, old Condit place, Stoney point road. 17t3c JUST AS YOU are reading Street COW for sale. Giving better than 5 gal. milk a day now and due to freshen in September. W. R. May, Buxton, Ore. 17t3 ONE, HEAVY farm or logging team with harness for sale or trade for cattle. Sec E. W. Kom- mer, Buxton, Ore. 16t3 Bridge ) TWO RIDING horses. One 8-year- old bay, army trained. One 4- year-old black, green broke. In quire Lee Motors, Vernonia. 16t3c ‘41 DODGE army-type station wagon,. 7 pass., 4x4, %T., sound all metal body. Looks good, runs fine. Wm. Mears, 120 NW Trin iti Pl. Portland or BR 5189. 17t5 meetingai Regular (Fraternal 1934 DODGE panel. Motor com pletely overhauled. Good mechan ical condition. Greenwood Motors, Dodge and Plymouth dealer. 17t3c WANTED EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE.