LET’S BE SOCIABLE Harry Culbertson, Jr., Married March 27 Harry Culbertson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson, was married to Elyane Lacour March 27, his parents learned in a recent letter received from him. He is stationed now in New Caledonia and is employed by Pan American Airways. The couple is living at the Santos air base. After a trip to Australia, they plan to return to this country where he will attend school. • Mrs. Lyman Hawken Hostess at Bridge 1 Mrs. Lyman Hawken entertain­ ed the Bridge club Thursday, the 24th. Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. William Manning and Mrs. Marie Davidson. Mrs. Hawk­ en won high honors, Mrs. William Manning second and Mts. F. R. Olin low score. Refreshments were served at the end of the afternoon. J.U.G. Club Meets With Mrs. Michener The J.U.G. club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Tressie Mich­ ener. Four tables of pinochle were played with Mrs. Marie Shafer receiving high score, Mrs. Timmons, second and Mrs. Soden, low. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Jennie Lusby, Mrs. Mary Sawyer and Mrs. Michener. The next meeting will be May 16 at the home of Mrs. Laura Junken. • Missionary Society Holds Regular Meeting Evangelical United Brethern’s Womens Missionary Society, held the regular meeting last Wednes­ day the 23. Mrs. Weidman had devotional.. Mrs. Alice Malmsten gave the book review. Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. A. J. Hughes served refreshments. FtAV-R-PAC FROZEN FOODS • • • A treat for any table Very reasonably priced Many fruits and vegetables for your selection VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AS EASY AS SNAPPING YOUR FINGERS 4 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Pythian Sisters Plan lor Convention Plans are being made for a Pythian Sisters convention of District No. 5 to be held at the I.O.O.F. hall on Mav 28, the after­ noon session to open at 1 and the evening meeting at 8. Edna Heenan, District Deputy Grand Chief, will be the presiding officer and Silvia Turner will serve as secretary. Other convention officers to serve are Wanda Garrigus of Hillsboro, Past Chief; Emma Gene Emerson of Forest Grove, Ex. Sr.; Deane Bowen of Yamhill, Ex. Sr.; Lesta Garner of Vernonia, manager; Irma Johnson of Ver­ nonia, M. of F.; Lyda Fletcher of McMinnville, Protector; and Edith Hoodempyl of Gaston, Guard. • Mrs. Steele Entertains Business Women Tues. Mrs. Charlotte Steele was host­ ess to the Vernonia Business Women’s club Tuesday, April 22. The members enjoyed a delicious chili dinner which was served on the lawn. Guests at the dinner were Mrs. Elva Kleger and Mrs. Grace Ma­ thews, former members of the club. A short business meeting was held and candidates for officers for next year were selected. Can­ didates for president are Margaret Brockhaus, Jane Pace and Char­ lotte Steele. Mrs. Elva Kleger invited the club members to a party at her home near Cornelius, May 13. • V.F.W. District Meet Attended at St. Helens Members of the both the V.F.W. Post and Auxiliary were at St. Helens Monday evening of this week to be present for the dis­ trict meeting and election of of­ ficers. Bert Brunsman, Commander of the local post, was named District Junior Vice-commander and O.T. Bateman, District Sergeant-at- arms. For the Auxiliary, Mrs. Eva Poynter, president, was elected District President and appoint­ ments were made of Mrs. Fern Kullander, District Color Bearer and Mrs. Dorothy Cederburg, Dis­ trict Treasurer. Auxiliary members going to St. Helens were Mrs. Poynter, Iurs. Kullander, Mrs. Cederburg, Mrs. Jennie Lusby and Mrs. Mae Mulkins. The post was represented there, in addition to the two officers, by Kent Bauersl'eld, Jim Cox, Kenneth Anderson, Guy Hanson, Edwin Ade, Ralph Sturdevant, Bill Wil­ son and Bill Guillaume. M.H.C., School Join on Proaram MIST—The M.H.C. met Thurs­ day at the home of Mrs. L. B. Eastman. A few members were absent, but there was a good at­ tendance. A lovely dinner was served by the hostess. After the ladies had done justice to the food, the business meeting was called to order and the regular business taken care of besides new business that came up. Our next meeting place will be at the Gar- lock home on the 4th Thursday in May. The M.H.C. will go in jointly with the school Wednesday night and have a pie sale while the teachers and pupils furnish the program. The money derived for such will go half for the school amusement needs, and half for the club treasury for the good of the community for a project we have in mind but not yet material­ ized. The L. P. Wikstroms purchased a large refrigerator this week. Mrs. Fred Siegenthaler and Mrs. Geo. Kalasse motored to Warren­ ton a week ago to see an old friend, Mrs. G. B. Galeton, who lived here formerly. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling were in Vernonia Saturday night, Mr. Dowling to see the doctor. Mrs. Dass was a Vernonia shopper Saturday. Saturday evening movie visitors from here were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ballet, Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom and children and Jim Hill. • Logger Injured Thurs. In Accident; Station Being Constructed MIST—Mrs. I. E. Knowles is expecting guests from California this week. Mrs. Fred Siegenthaler is going to Astoria one day this week. Cecil Arup had the misfortune to break his leg Thursday at the Roy Hughes’ operations on the Claud Johnson place. A log rolled over him. He stays at the A. R. Melis home. Ralph George moved his wife to Newberg Saturday where he has work. Gloria will stay with Mrs. J. 0. Libel until school is out, then go with her folks. The Dass filling station is going up fast. It's quite a sizable struc­ ture and in a fine location. The Garlock family was in Till­ amook Sunday, a week ago, to see Willard in the hospital there with a broken leg. He’s getting along fine. • Mothers, Daughters To Banquet May 9 Easy food shopping can be attained by every housewife who takes advantage of King’s qual­ ity merchandise and convenient delivery ser­ vice. Try it today. KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Phone 91 Riverview I Why not start a SAVINGS ACCOUNT? I• You can start as low as $1.00. Prepare for the future of your family and your­ self. _______ ; VERNONIA BRANCH, THE COMMERCIAL BANK i OF BANKS Affiliated With THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK of HILLSBORO, (Oregon) ¡ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The mother-daughter banquet, to be(held at the Christian church, is scheduled for- the evening of May 9 at 6:45 p.m., Rev. Ernest Baker said Wednesday. Mrs. Jua nita Kono is in charge of tickets for the occasion. • • In normal times, the world’s supply of pork, excluding lard, an­ nually averages 27,328,000,000 pounds. Astronomers use the simplest calender, which contains no div­ isions of years or months. Each day has an individual number, be- THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 ginning at a date corresponding to 4,713 B.C. Thus the astronomical date for July 4, 1947, will be J.D. (Julian Day) 2,432,186. NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gaa and Oil Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO. PARTS RIVERVIEW Phone 773 V NEHALEM DIARY GRADE A MILK. IS YOUR ANSWER! You should see the infinite care by which Nehalem milk is prepared for your use. Every step is safeguarded to assure you purity, flavor and freshners which in turn mean— HEALTH VIGOR VITALITY Nehalem Dairy Products Telephone 471 Grade A Milk Knock that Coating of Grease & Dirt off your car Perk-Up...Tune-Up for the SPRING PARADE Handkerchief Shower Honors Mrs. Girod • Mrs. Francis Mullins’ home was the scene of 500 club meeting and Mrs. Lou Girod was honored by a hankerchief shower. Mrs. Girod won high honors and first prize, Mrs. Lena Schroeder won traveling pr.ze Mrs. Homer Gwin, low prize. • 11th Birthday Celebrated Sunday Helping to celebrate Arleigh Laramore's 11th birthday Sunday afternoon were four of his frieinds, Buddy Fulton, Buddy Herra, Sam Carriker and Donald Shaefer. A lunch of potato chips, sandwiches, ice cream and birthday cake was served at 3 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, PERMANENTS HELENE CURTIS' PARK AVENUE MACHINE Have your car steam cleaned with our new Kerrick steam cleaner. THE ONLY WAY TO STEAM CLEAN YOUR CAR IS TO HAVE IT ON A HOIST —WE HAVE IT- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WASH, POLISH AND WAX BUMP OUT WRINKLES TOUCH UP PAINT ADJUST BRAKES TUNE-UP ENGINE COMPLETE LUBRICATION MACHINELESS Other nationally adver­ tised permanents COLD WAVES RIVERVIEW BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 7712 At The Mile Bridge Marinello Graduate J Vernonia Auto Co Phone 342 “A Safe Place to Trade”