2 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr* Tressie Michener spent Monday visiting her mother, Mrs. Nancy Wirth, and her cousin, Mrs. Myrtle Metcalf, at Forest Grove. Mrs. Richard Holm and son Richard, Jr., visited at the home of Mrs. Kobow’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Arullinger, home after a two-weeks visit with relatives in Portland, Scotts Mills and Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyster motored to Portland Saturday, then returned to Astoria to attend a wedding Saturday evening and also to visit Mrs. Lyster’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Weber of Lebanon, Thelma Embody and Earl Oldes of Portland were week end guests'of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Olinger. We Use Rainier Ice Cream 100 Per Cent THE COZY Mrs. Marie Roediger and daugh­ ter Mrs. Al Kinder of Hillsboro spent Sunday in Vernonia visiting her four sons. Mr. and Mrs. John Lanahan of Portland were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brunsman Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. Roland Eby was on the sick list last week. Mrs. Judd Greenman has been confined to bed the last few days with a temperature. Holly Holcomb Sr., visited his son Holly, Jr. and family in Beaverton Friday and Saturday and spent Sunday at Gresham with his son Bob, and family and was honored with a birthday dinner. Mrs. Marie Davidson visited her sister, Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Thurs­ day and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall, Sherian and Beryl Arner visited Mrs. Hall’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McNutt, in Eugene over the week end and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olin of Eugene. On their lyay home the Hall’s stopped in Monmouth to visit with Rev. Scheuerman and family for awhile and also encountered Mr. and Mrs. Macinnick. Mrs. Mac- innick, is the former Erma Kent. They are living in Newberg, where ATLEY SEZ Howdy Folks: The average man's arms are 28 inches long. The average women’s waist is 28 inches. Ain't nature grand? When a man puts his arms about a lady’s waist, would you say it was a round about way of expressing affection ? r Perhaps the place where the man most frequently puts h>s arm around the lady’s waist is on the dance floor. But the way samejmen dance the least they can do is hold the lady up,. Homemakers Day Is Attended Well, its all right to kid the ladies a little, but we’re not kidding when we say that you can’t do better than buy our Sky Chief Gasoline. Chapmans Service Store Bridge and Second Telephone 853 Vernonia, Ore. A. L KULLANDER J ZT/te &xce//ena¿&'