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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1947)
8 THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric Mill Market & Lockers FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION NAILS ELECTRIC WIRING PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE We are happy to announce that we have been accepted as a member of United Grocers, Inc. This is an organization consisting of independ ent merchants grouped together in cooperative buyers association. Eliminating many costs in in the distribtion of merchandise, enables the the distribution of merchandise, enables the merchandise at lower prices. United Grocers, Inc. features the Del Monte and Libby brands as well as their own private label which is Shurfine. 3 P.M. PARKING METERS GO INTO EFFECT HILLSBORO—Parking meter operation started April 21. The 200-odd meters are to be used on a trail basis for six months through an agreement between the city and Duncan Meter corpora tion. The meters will provide 12-min- ute narking for one cent on up to an hour for five cents and on two hour meters one cent up to 10 cents. Twelve minute zones are being established in front of each hank and three 52-minute zones at the postoffice. LIONS STUDENTS COLLECT 20 TONS OF WASTE PAPER SEASIDE—Spring houseclean ing must have been a popular pastime in Seaside during the past few days because the members of the Seaside Lions club and the junior class of Seaside high school collected a total of 20 tons of paper, the largest tonnage ever collected here. With a crew of 15 men operating trucks the city was thoroughly canvassed. The proceeds of the drive, which will go to the junior class of the high school, will lie about $150. PAINTING PAPERHANGING I Paint and Wallpaper for Sale Carlin Hackney Call 422 RUST AND WEAR ATTACK UNDER YOUR CAR SALESMAN 3200 WEEK — BUT CON CAN’T EVERY PEOPLE Upright Mod. $74.50 CLASSIFIED PAGE DOES. ^Compare both PRICE andÇUAUTy..,seehow much yoqfave at 'J ’_____________ - I ATE WAY Tender Peas Edwards Coffee Wakefield Coffee Gardenside or No. 2 2 for Sweet Pickins Cans 25« I -Ib. size 49c, 2-lb. 96c I-Ib. can 45c Tangerine Juice •''** 4-oz. jar 37c I lb bo. |4c Our Mother^ Cocoa Hershey's Cocoa . i*, u. 25c Cocomalt cu«/.r. OrM '■'b43c FLOUR No. y« u< 2 Steero Bouillon Cubes Noodle Soup Mix r>N«', Soup Mix Crtkf. 25c Pockifo 0« 11 23c Noodi» 47-n- u* 29c **«• “• 29c $4 89 I Sandwich Spread 2***4 *•' Cheese Spreads Fricassee Fowl *’«•'•'•4 Ib. Meat features ore for Friday ond Saturday No. 2 co« |gc k 1 VALUES IN SPRING PRODUCE Fresh, crisp, and right at their flavorful best. 12-ox. con | 5c Fresh PEAS N o . z u« 17C £»«•• Nationally Advertised Tall brands can Giant Strides—Bright green poda—well filled 4 1 New Potatoes UM («•> SS.O Tea Biscuits ■*"•'«»• Gum Drops *■•*•• Assorted Cookies Assorted Caramels *•* Orirat *•* Hard Candy Soda Crackers *•••«•*•• U. 3. No. l'a—'A' sue Shafi.r White« s**;« *>'• Mint Chew Cendies '*•*’**'• Walnut Meat *• fm Soda Crackers Graham Crackers "•••» **«4 Fancy Grapefruit ®'M* *’» Diced Pears 2 >««"•»•'• Citrus Salad Choice Plums *•* r*e **•*•" 17 No »14 n . ’”*• Sweet Juicy Roasted Peanuts Oregon Welnuts **• Grapefruit GREEN ONIONS Mild ,1b fhvorfwl Pecan Meats J*’'4«'" Ritz Crackers *•'•*•'» > «• 23 GRAPEFRUIT Baking Soda *■ • «•••«». 1 Texas Ruby Royal Baking Powder Reds *. hi «.35 Baker's Chocolate No. iy> «o« 19 Baking Chocolate «*•>»*•«! Dried Prunes, Heart's Drlight No 2 rn 29c tlG MAT YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 25c Breast o< WMa Kwl No. 2 enn | qc fWro Sfon^or^-Koc. Nc. 59c 49c ib. ^ec Xwricee Fancy Corn C®«n/ry Com Ib. 57c ib. • Green Beans *••*•—Arm«* S*x<o Cream Corn Ib. 67c «•» ib. $075 J No.!u. 14,. Campbell's Vegetable Soup 11-oz. can 13c tall 50 Green Beans 6on/o^«—c«r Campbell's Tomato Soup 11-oz. can 3/25c Ib. 67c ib. 3M* 29c cans ° p vAo/n Mayonnaise N* Morf* Chili Sauce Canned MilkT.t 2 an^ Roasters 4*-oc.c««2|c Libby Tomato Juice sack Fryers 20c Vegetable Juice Mtn'’ ""M 3*H*-29c — 12c Ib. 25c N*- 2 “■ 10c Duchess Salad Dressing "■* — 14c lb. 65c Fresh Cooked Crabs*’4*'* 2 10c; 46-oz.23c 3*^ 28c 10-oz. can 9c lO'/i-o«. “• 16c • Chinook Salmon Steaks **■••- “• 25c Fisher's or Kitchen Craft Kippered Snacks ®- *• Ib. 45c <2.95 Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice 25-lb. Ib. 65c 0,M* Ib. 49c '••21c Blended Juice *'*"4 •' Sperry, Pillsbury, Gold Medal, Sliced Bacon Fillet oF Sole rwtr-*»»»'"» Grapefruit Juice’’••'• M*"* Nescafe Instant Coffee They must be tender and juicy,or your money back. 24 for Qwrt 37e. Grape Juice Grapefruit Juice •*”'• Soda Crackers Have that service work done now. If you .ww your car you may pay later—on our easy budget plan. Motor service, body rebuilding and painting. Zenith tire« guaranteed in writ ing. Hobbs batteries. «1.49 SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS Assorted Luncheon Meats 12 for Nob Hill Coffee I-Ib. *•» 42c, 2-lb. *•« 83c Mb. 39e s ib. $ 1.15 Airway Coffee Heinz Vegetable S oud Service On Credit Orange Marmalade UUJ1 Salad Vegetables Orange Juice J™ ^2^ Apples & Pears evoporated-pkg. 194 Grocery features are effective — through Wednesday, April 30 Cream of Tomato Soup H,in Dodge Dealer Phone 1121 — • — SAFEWAY __________________'________'______________________________ . ' There’s one best way to know you’re getting the most for your money. It’s by comparing values. When you check prices item by item and quality by quality, you know where you get the best buys. Safeway invites exactly this sort of comparison. We base our bid for your food business on the values you will find in each sectiun of the stores. Prices listed here reveal typical savings. For dozens more, visit Safeway today. Stidd's Chicken Broth Greenwood Motors %-Inch and 14-Inch Plywood in Stock Rotary Oil Pumps................................ $17.50 Fishing Boots ......................................... $9.95 Hair Clippers ......................................... $3.75 Enamel Dipper ......................................... 30c Enaimel Percolators ............................$1.50 Dish Pans.................................................... ?5c Enamel Pails .............. ...........................$1.10 Enamel Cups ...... :...................................... 25c ^COMPARISON Will PROVE IT! Chicken Soup for fna htimaf Co« and decorating. Tb 29c I Pea Soup Mix *•** CrmW « RUST * CORROSION * GRAVEL ABRASION * DRAFTS * FUMES $2.40 Wash Tubs Oil colors for tinting Wilson Tennis Balls 50c Coleman Automatic EAGLE THE $69.75 $1.10 Wilson Tennis Rackets $5.95 $2.95 $5.95 Value Chicken Fryers $91.90 Large Coleman Oil Stoves $2.25 Wear Ever Aluminum French Fryer $21.00 China Wash Biowl and OoubSe Faucets Nails ¡82 Stock 3,4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 60, Slpls & 4, 6, & 8 Finish Nails, Roofing Nails Ammunition 22 cartridges , shotgun shells , deer cartridges Call 776 for twice a day deliveries. 10 A.M. & A Tank Model Boards foot iy2c Aerial Wire in Stock Double Sockets ......................................... 25c Electric Switches and Wire in Stock Mail Box ................................................... $2.25 Bale Ties 500 in Bale............................$7.50 Steel Fishing Rod ................................ $1.00 Level Wind Reels ................................ $2.85 $4.00 value glass coffee brewer......... $2.50 Cold Pack Canners ...................... .... $2.40 Premier Vac. Cleaner Remember, we are headquarters for the Loma Linda Health Foods. TACT Wash Lauglin Dishes $24.85 WE SINCERELY BELIEVE, WITH THIS AD VANTAGEOUS CONNECTION, WE CAN MAKE THE MILL MARKET A STILL MORE DESIREABLE PLACE TO DO YOUR COM PLETE FOOD SHOPPING. OUR EVERY DAY PRICES WILL GRADUALLY FIND LOWER LEVELS AS WE START TO PAR TICIPATE IN THIS ORGANIZATION. Events in Oregon Set Homer 62-pc. Sunkist Lemons nM «>., Avocados c««« w Rhubarb go .« m Carrots »**«« Lettuce Radishes lrM lb. ¡ge 5 lbs. for lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 29e 111/2C 43c 5c 6I/.C I2V.C 18c" lb. g Produce features are for Friday & Saturday asparagus Tender, green young spears— f lb. 14'ic Early Spring Crop! you GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY