Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 24, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    4-H Clubs Meet with
Leaders April 17, 19
Mrs. Schlegel Hostess
To Study Club Group
Rainbow Girls Plan
Anniversary Tea
Mrs. H. E. Schlegel was hostess
for the April 17 meeting of the
Vernonia Study, club.
The election of officers resulted
in Mrs. Fred Tousely being named
president; Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier,
vice-president and Mrs. Harry
Culbertson, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Ralph Valpiani read a
short story by Dorothy Canfield
Fisher entitled “Sunset at Six­
teen.” During the business meet­
ing Mrs. Judd Greenman, chairman
of the cancer drive in Vernonia,
enlisted the help of volunteers to
carry on the solicitation.
On May 1 the group meets at
the home of Mrs. Marvin Kamholz
at which time Mrs. A. J. Hughes
will review “Home to India” by
Santha Rama Rau.
A tea in commemoration of the
25th anniversary of the founding
is scheduled by the rainbow Girls
for the afternoon of Saturday,
April 26, at the Masonic Temple
from 3 to 5 p.m.
Th,e public is invited to the
Circle Makes Final
Plans for Bazaar
The Pollyanna Circle met at the
church on Wednesday, April 16, to
make final plans for the pre­
Mother’s day bazaar to be held
this Saturday, April 26, at the
Sundland Electric Shop. Members
turned in hand embroided pillow
slips and scarfs, aprons, and
crocheted articles which will be
placed on sale and will make ideal
Mother’s day gifts.
Also on sale will be cooked
food including homemade cakes,
pies, cookies, salads, etc.
Grange Home Ec
Club Organized
The Natal Grange Home Econ­
omics club was organized under
the directorship of Ruth Steers
Wednesday, April 16, at the home
of Grace Mathews at Mist.
Ruth Steers, being the home
economics chairman for the sub­
ordinate grange, automatically
became club chairman. The other
officers are Laura Carmichael,
vice-chairman and Grace Mathews,
Dora Waddell was appointed
membership chairman.
The members decided to meet on
the third Wednesday of each
month at 1:30 p.m. Dora Waddell
will be hostess at the next meeting
which will be held on May 21.
Charter members of the club
are: Ruth Steers, Laura Car­
michael, Grace Mathews, Dora
Waddell, Florence Wells, Isabel
Carmichael, Elsie Peterson, Inger
Ashley, Dorothy Jones, Clara Libel
and Emma Melis.
A traveling basket will visit
pmong the members, Dorothy
Jones being the one to start it
on its way.
Refreshments were served after
the meeting.
Initiatory Degrees
Given Mrs. Heenan
At the regular meeting of
Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O.E.S.,
Wednesday evening, the 16th,
initiatory degrees were given Mrs.
John Heenan.
The next meeting will be
Mother’s night.
Nehalem Chapter was well rep­
resented at the silver tea at the
Masonic home at Forest Grove
Those attending were
Nehalem Club Meets
At Nanson Home
The Nehalem Social Club met
Wednesday evening, April 9, at
the home of Mrs. Arthur Nanson,
with Mrs. Oscar George assisting.
There were 15 members present.
At the close of the meeting
delicious refreshments were served.
The ne-t meeting will be May 14.
Couple Married in
Portland Saturday
Miss Evelyn Stevenson and Mr.
Ralph Krieger were united in
marriage last Saturday evening at
9:00 p.m. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Armand Millen in Portland.
Present for the ceremony were 24
friends and relatives of the couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger,
Jr. attended the couple and a re­
ception was held following the
Mr. and Mrs. Krieger will make
their home here.
X •
Your Child’s Right in Liking
Youngsters instinctively like Nehalem milk for
a good reason—its wholesome, fresh from the
At your store—At your door
THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1947 t
Periodic checking of the tires on
your car or truck is good insur­
ance to overcome frequent trouble.
Let us check them- for you today.
Rose Ave. Garage
H. H. Sturdevant
The Forest Grove
See this bank for
LOANS of all types
A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank
Nehalem Dairy Products
Friendship Club
Meets April 17
Telephone 471
Grade A Milk
Mrs. George Miller entertained
the Friendship club at her home
April 17. A delicious luncheon
was served at 1 o’clock. The fol­
lowing members were present:
Mrs. A. E. Wood, Mrs. B. Steers
and daughter, Mrs. R. N. Mahar,
Mrs. J. L. Biggs and grand­
daughter, Mrs. W. Chalmers, Mrs.
C. E. Gibson, Mrs. P. Meilis, and
Mrs. Louis Carmichael.
Mrs. Shanten, a new neighbor,
was introduced at the meeting.
Mrs. George Mdler was present
with a begonia as a farwell gift.
She is moving to Gresham.
Mrs. Ralph Mahar will have the
next meeting at her home in River­
view, May 22.
Grade School Graduation
$7.98 to $9.98
The Bust Your Buttons sewing
club, a 4-H group, met twice last
week, April 17 and April 19, at
the home of the leader, Mrs-
Harry Kipp. At the first meeting,
plans were made for Mothers
visiting day, May 3 and achiev-
ment day which is set for May 17.
By the latter date all, or most of
the girls will have finished their
projects. At the April 19 meeting
the girls were taught to crochet
by Mrs. Florence Kirkbride. Mrs.
Ralph McKee was a visitor that
The Nehalem Valley Livestock
club also met last Saturday at
the G. C. Kirkbride home at 2
o’clock. The leader, B. A. Kirk­
bride, made suggestions for demo-
strations to give at the achieve­
ment day and also taught the
ad04 sqBUi o; Moq sjaquiatu qnp
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sandon, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Gordon, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
Hamp Roberson, Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Messing, Mrs. Herman Dick­
son and Mrs. Myrtle Ramsey.
The ^DDarel Shop
Phone 396
is Your Car Safe for Spring
and Summer Driving?
Bfakes not in tip-top condition are
a constant menace to everyone’s
safety. Have them adjusted or re­
Wholesale Disttibnto1 to
lined as needed.
Lt* »•« Estimate the Work for You—
Vernonia Serv. Sta.
Gao. Johnson
stata« »I °*""a
that Delicious Home Flaw!
in Vernonia
an4 Vicinity
Bread and pasteries—baked to bring out the best of flavor,
the flavor that smacks of home cooking every time.
your needs from the tempting displays at the
From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh
"As Homelike
As a Bam"
Cy Hartman finally got his new
barn painted, but plenty of folks
had a hand in it. Whenever some­
one got a free day, or a little extra
time, they'd come over and help
out with paint and brush.
And Cy, to show his apprecia­
tion, held a big “barn warming”
Saturday—for all the folks who’d
helped him (but not barring those
who couldn’t). Ma Hartman sup­
plied sandwiches, and Cy rolled
out a mellow keg of beer.
Yoa'd never think of a barn as
’■homelike." But with those lanterns
hanging from the rafters: make­
shift tables spread heavy with
food; and Ed Carey’s fiddle play­
ing while the folks enjoyed their
beer—Cy’s barn was sure a mighty
hospitable-looking place!
From where I sit, it’s just about
as appropriate to have a barn
warming as a housewarming . . .
if only because it’s another chance
to get neighbors together in a
spirit of good fellowship.
CapyrigA«, 1907, L'iùicJ Suiti Brnrtri FetuOuim
Knowing what folks want is the surest
way of pleasing them. Being a local
man, and having spent 30 years in the
petroleum industry, I’m in the best posi­
tion to know what you Nehalem Valley
folks want and need in service and pe­
troleum products. My association with
Standard of California will enable me
to see that you get them.
Remember, I’m an independent, local
merchant. Equipped with modem fac­
ilities and the experience to give custo­
mers in this area prompt and intelligent
service, I’ll carry the complete line of
Standard of California products , . .
Chevron Supreme Gasoline . . . famed
RPM Motor Oil . . . RPM DELO, the
Diesel Engine lubricating oil used in
Navy submarines . . . Diesel Fuel . . .
Stove and Furnace oils . . . industrial
and special petroleum products of every
kind for the lumber industry, home and
I take this opportunity to thank you,
in behalf of my former employer, for
your past patronage and to solicit your
good will and patronage in this enter­
For Your Petroleum Needs Call
Lynian G. Hawken
Rose Avenue
Phone 502 .............. Residence Pilone 503