THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1947 TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frazee and W. T. Graves who a week ago underwent an operation Good Samaritan at the hospital, is re­ ported making a good recovery. Sunday spent last Betty Lou Jim and at Stayton where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nelson. Ed's Recreation Center 712 Bridge Street CARDS and POOL Tobaccos-Candy-Ice Cream tA/s 17jewel B ulova A. L. KULLANDER Watchmaker — Jeweler Official Watch Inspector, S. P. & S. Railway Admiral Radios Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bosch and family formerly of Vernonia, who now reside in Portland, were Sun­ day guests at the Ludwig Schodn- felder home. Mrs. Bud Bush and daughter, Judy, Mrs. Calvin Davis, Neoma McMullen and Bessie Lusby spent last week end at Grants Pass where they visited relatives of Mrs. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren. They returned here Monday evening. Mrs. Ollie Roberts returned last Saturday evening by plane from a four-months visit in California and Idaho. In California she visited a brother and sister at Modesto, a son at Los Angeles and sisters at Long Beach. She also visited relatives in Idaho on the way home, the entire trip covering 2000 miles, all by plane. Dennis Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves, is in the Coos Bay hospital recovering from an emergency appendectomy perform­ ed April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hieber of Hillsboro are the parents of a daughter, Glenda Marie, born last Thursday at the Emanuel hospital, Portland. She weighed six pounds, three ounces. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hieber are two of the new ar­ rival’s grandparents. Weekend guests at the Michen- er’s on Stoney Point were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wooldridge and two daughters, Shirley and Madeline from St. Johns and Teddy Hughes from St. Helens. The birthdays of James and Delmer were cele­ brated as Delmer’s was the 19th and James’ the 23rd. Cake and cream were served after dinner. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Weve- teka and son, Robert, of Hills- boho, Mrs. Ben J. Meiwes and daughter, Margaret and Conrad Meiwes. Mrs. Charlie Minger returned home from St. Vincents hospital Sunday with her baby daughter, Katherine Ann, who was born Monday April 14 and tipped the scales at six pounds, 13% ounces. Mrs. Grover Howard underwent an operation at Smith’s Hospital in Hillsboro Thursday the 17th, and returned home Sunday. She is convalescing at her sister’s home, Mrs. Robert Fulton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Springer and Mrs. Evelyn Nordberg of Portland were visitors of Miss Vera Finnell’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hewitt, Virgil and Mrs. Roy Frazier of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roediger and daughter’s and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee Sunday. MORE TOWN TOPICS PAGE 4 1 Own the one car that gives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST in all these all these ways Yes, this even bigger-looking, better-looking Chevrolet for 1947 is the on/y car that gives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, as witness the following facts: I • It alone gives you the Big-Car performance and dependability of a Valve-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine—in a car that has such surprisingly low cost of upkeep! • It alone gives you the combined Big- Car comfort and safety of the Knee- Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes—in a car that has such remark­ ably low operating costs! • It alone gives you the Big-Car beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher—in a car that stands out as the lowest-priced in the Chev­ rolet field! Be wise! Place and keep your order with us for a now 1947 Chevrolet. Own the one car that gives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST ... in all these features, in all these ways! NEW 1947 CHEVROLET VERNONIA AUTO CO. PHONE 342 Vernonia Oregon e Safeway Aims to Reduce Food Prices This Way Theatre Vernonia, Oregon Thur-Fri. April 24-25 “TILL THE END OF TIME” Dorothy McGuire-Guy Madison Cartoon Dumbell of the Yukon Combination Table Models Farm Battery Radios GREENWOOD MOTORS Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Job Rated Trucks Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1121 Saturday April-26 Walt Disney’s “MAKE MINE MUSIC” Feature-Length Comedy Musical in Technicolor. "BAR BUCKAROOS” Ray W’hitley and his 6 Bar Cow­ boys "I* AN AM A"-This is America Sun-Mon. April-27-28 “THE TIME, THE PLACE, THE GIRL” in Technicolor. Dennis Morgan-Jack Carson-Janis Paige. "NEWS and CARTOON Tues-Wed. April 29-30 "LITTLE IODINE” Comedy Fea­ ture Jo Ann Marlowe-Marc Cramer "THE DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND” William Boyd-Andy Clyde-Hop- along As a distributor, Safeway does not control the wholesale prices of raw or manufactured foods and other products. With a few exceptions* Safeway buys currently at going market prices the r kind and quantity of products needed to supply the demands of the consumer-customers of Safeway neighborhood stores. Thus, Safeway has no control over and cannot influence the prices at which it buys and which account for the largest part of the retail price. However, SafeWay can and will contribute to reducing the cost of living by strictly living up to the following policies: 1. When merchandise is acquired at lowered costs, Safeway will immediately drop its retail prices on its existing inventory to the new lower market level. The inventory r mark-downs involved will be charged to profit and loss. 2. The Company’s full resources and years of experience MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL are intensively aimed at bringing about still further re­ ductions of the in-between costs of distributing foods. This is the way in which Safeway increases it productiv­ Two Portraits for the Price of One ity with consequent benefits to consumers, producers, employees and stockholders. PORTRAITS TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY DURING THIS MONTH. 3. Small profits on large volume will continue to be the », A present for mother need not be expensive and what could be nicer. keystone of the Company’s operation. , In 1946, net profits were lHc per dollar of sales. HI-LITE STUDIO Located at Zeman’s Itadio Shop •Safeway maintains inventories of a few commodities which must be purchased dur­ ing the harvest and stored for later consumption. WEDDINGS BANQUETS GROUPS CHILDREN A SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed Safeway Stores Any kind of photographic work accepted b >