5 8 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947 Homemakers to Hear Freeman Columbia' tfóúhty homemakers ■will hear Edith J. Freeman of the Oregon State college extension service when they gather for their annual Homemaker’s Festival to be held in St. Helens, on April 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mrs. Freeman, who is both home economist and socialist, is a new­ comer in Oregon. She is an old- timer in the Northwest, however, since she was a resident of Wash­ ington state before going East for several years of study and teach­ ing. The extensión service at Corval­ lis added Mrs. Freeman to their staff in October, 1946. Almost immediately, however, she was temporarily “farmed out” to the resident staff kt the college to help ease the load of teaching caused by the heavy enrollment of veterans. Back in extension again, Mrs. Freeman will have an opportunity to become acquainted with Oregon families following her rather brief association with some of Oregon’s college youth. First on her list will be her appearance as speaker at the Homemaker’s Festival sponsored by the home'economics extension service. REA Funds Payed Ahead of Sked REA borrowers have paid back more than $20,000,000 before the due date, in repaying loans on their rural power systems, accord­ ing to year-end summary figures of the rural electrification admin­ istration made public by the U.S. department of agriculture. By the end of December 1946, $107,085,709.42 had fallen due in interest and principal on the loan funds advanced to nearly a thou- own power systems in accordance with principles of good business management. These payments have been made after all neces­ sary operating expenditures have been met—wages, supplies, replac­ ements and taxes—and cash, re­ serves established for emergen­ cies. The operations of these in­ dependent local farmer-managed with any other types of business THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. The Senior class boys made the first annual flash of the school key Wednesday at noon. This annual affair consists of several flashings and its recovery is fought between the Junior and Senior boys. This flashing event lasted about 15 minutes during which time there was a free-for- all between the two classes. Owen East finally made the getaway for the Seniors by carrying the key out of bounds. Later the Juniors retrieved the key from the Sen­ iors’ hiding place. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE ELECTRIC WIRING NAILS Gray or Plaid Shirts $2.25 Blue Shirts lb. 38c Pot Roast Rump Roast Rib Roast Round Steak T Bone Steak Loin Steak Rib Steak lb 42c lb. 40c lb. 42c lb. 53c lb. 55c lb. 50c lb 50c Here are a few grocery items at very substan- tial savings: Sweetheart Toilet Soap bar 10c Lifebcuy Health Soap bar 8c Fancy Bing Cherries in heavy syrup 2'» can 29c Fey Royal Anne Cher­ ries in heavy syrup No. 21-’ can 29c Tender Leaf Black Tea '<-lb. pkg. 19c Sauerkraut, solid pack, No. 2'-’ cans 25c YOU ARE AS CLOSE TO THE MILL MARK­ ET AS YOUR PHONE. WE DELIVER TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. PHONE 776 Oil colors for tinting and decorating. Tb 29c $4.50 Baie Ties 5OO in bdl $7.50 $4 Vai. Coîe Brewer $2.50 GalVe Square Tubs $2.40 Lg. Cole» Oil St®ve $91.80 $2.95 $5.»5 Value Chicken Fryers $6.65 per sheet 1-4 Inch Plywood 4 X 12 $7.95 per sheet 3-4 Inch Pl v wood 4x8 $21.00 China Wash ¡Bowl and double Faucets Nails in Stock 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 60, StpU & 4, 6, & 8 Finish Nails, Roofing Nails Ammunition 22 cartridges , shotgun shells , deer cartridges Certified Roofing and Supply Roofing Siding and Painting Residential or Commercial ESTIMATES FREE Phone 1103 Coleman Automatic Floor Furnace $153.15 FRUITS & VRGFTABIES Serve a variety of spring produce with every meal Fresh Produce Features for Friday and Saturday Only low puces N0W AT SAFEWAY J PRODUCER-CONSUMER CAMPAIGN Here’s your chance to make big savings on your favorite canned citrus luices. It’s really an opportunity to stock up on health, because each kind is extra rich in vitamin C Safeway offers zestful, golden orange |uice, tangy grapefruit juice, and a taste-tingling blend of both. You can keep your family interested in citrus luices by serving a different one every day Fill the pantry now while prices are low at Safeway. Grocery features 'n this od ore effective Tov" House S**«» gordo Brand Natural Grapefruit Grapefruit Juice Juice Beans Small White 5-lb. $1.15! 2 lb. pkg. 29c BEANS Great Northern LIMA BEANS c.h(on,u 2-lb. pkg. 49c CREAMETTES 8-01. pkg. 9c lb. 25c FRILLETS TENDERONI v„ Cam,., 2 pkgs. 15c pkg. 35c Spaghetti Dinner Bor-Ard.. Spaghetti Dinner P,„ Am.rk.„pkg. 25c Egg Noodle Dinner JI 10c C_ - _L-ii! With Mushroom opagnerTl Sauce fan American s r AVOCADOS Calavos- RHUBARB Spring Crop lb. 39c lb. 5c ASPARAGUS Local Crop lb. 16c TOM ATOES Pre-ripened lb. 27c CARROTS No tops to buy lb. 6Vic through Wednesday, April 23d eiend-O-Gold Full-O’-Gold VITA-NIP Grapefruit and Orange Juice Tangerine Orange Juice < Blended) 10e 46-«*. can Oregon Walnuts No , 39c DRIED PRUNES 2lb.35c 4 lb. 69c EVAP APPLES or PEARS 9c 9'^ Grapefruit TEXA ' UBY REDS Oc Navel ORANGES Seedfe. Sunkist LEMONS Skins—Juicy lb. il'/ie POTATOES Idaho U. S. No.l the Spec, sizes lb. v Deschutes U. S. No. 1 77c 15-lb. sk. • • WlMa. fe*. 'IfeuA. Winning CoJHfuxAn. Safeway. firdua, — Place order by Friday for Saturday delivery Fresh Ground Beef $4 Value Coffee Brewer $2.50 Edwin M. Knowles dishes $18.95 sand borrowers, mostly coopera­ tives. By that date, the borrow­ ers had made payments of $126,- 098,601.81—including prepayments of $20,052,590.33. Payments 30 days or more overdue totaled $892,941.14, which is eight-tenths of one percent delinquency. By the end of 1946, REA had advanced loan fund* totaling $595,730,269.06. As of the year's end, total repayments of principal amounted to $67,729,229.07 and total interest payments to $58,- 369,372.74. The loans bear 2 per cent interest and are scheduled to be repaid over varying periods, the maximum being 35 years. Commenting on the debt-service report, Claude R. Wickard, REA administrator, said: “The volume of payments made ahead of schedule is a good in­ dication of the basic soundness of the REA lending program and of the ability of farmers to run their businesses compare favorably in efficiency and in quality of service in the same field. Mill Market & Lockers Month in and month out, it will pay you to shop at MILL MARK­ ET. All prices quoted in this ad are not just week end specials, but are good until each lot is completely sold out. Chickens, first quality roasters lb. 55c BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric Seniors Flash Key Green Beans BrtST“ No. 2 can Fancy Peas sur.r b . ii . N o . 2 can Gardenside Peas No. 2, 2 cans Green Giant Peas, No. 2 can Sauerkraut. Highway No. 2l/j can Pork 4 Beans, C. 4 S. I3l/j-oz. cn No. 300 en Pork 4 Beans <£. 2-lb. Peanut Butter Beverly Jar ft 29c; 2,b. Peanut Butter Tlxw! WAKEFIELD COFFEE 20c 19c 25c 20c 10c 10c 13c Art- 55c 1 lb. jar 25c Welch's Grapelade Orange Marm’de, Welch lb. jr 25c CELERY BITS Doodle Dandy 24-oz. glass 10c lb in. can Other Juice Values 1 VEGETABLE juice I V-8 Brand No. 2 can 15c 46-oz. 32c Juice No. 2 can 23* 10 21c Leg of LAMB Sanny Down rt EC 44-0«. can *** GREEN' ONIONS LETTUCE RADISHES Garden lb. fresh TOMATO JUICE Fresh, firm heads lb. J Oc Mild * J flavorful lb. 18c Meat Features for Friday and Sat. I ordinary U cut (jJaihL-J-hUL SUNNY bank CUDAHY'S TASTY Margarine TAHG DUDE OUDE RANCH w» Swell 12c: 10 lb. 27c Sno-White Salt 4 A 4 H Baking Soda, I lb.. 3 pkgs. 25c Baking Powder. Clabber Girl 2 lb. 23c K. C. Baking Powder 25-oz. size 22c Sugar 10 lb. 91c: eane 10 lb. 92c Cake Flour, SwansDown lg pkg 35c Biskit Mix Fisher's 2 lb. pkg. 35c Xrurteaz He Crust 17-oz. pkg. Yellow Corn Meal. Albert 2>/j lb. White Flour, Harvest Bl. 10-lb. sk. Cake 4 Paltry Flour. Sperry 5 lb. Drifted Snow Flour. Sperry 10 lb. J3c 20c 78c 45c 83c Fancy Prunes Red Tag 2>«can 19c Fruit Cocktail 2¡/j can 39c Fancy Grapefruit 'AJJ*’ No. 2 can 17c Broken Grapefruit No. 2 16c Citrus Salad. Adams No. 2, 23c Pears. Harper House No. 2*/j can 39c Pears. Green Tag No. 2'/i can 35c Poors. Hit Parade (diced I VA can 25c GRADE A BUTTER SODA Cracke»’5 apple butter •sr 39* Nationally Tasty Maid Cheese Br’z, Amer. 21b. brick 98c $ 1.05 Nu-Made Mayonnaiso 39c; „ 47c Duch«ss Salad Dr.ssing pt. jar 43c Kraft Miracle Whip 8 oz. 25c; pt. 45c Nalley's Tang Dressing pt. 40c Catsup. Red Hill l3*/y-oz. bottle 19c Heinz Ketchup, 14-oz. bottle 22c Shoestring Potatoes lAnr, 15c Assorted Cookies Araw 7 oi. pkg. 19c Tea BiscuihAau.rK.A> b'/joz. pkg. 17c Snowflake Soda Crackers 2£, 44c Ritz Butter Wafers I-lb. pkg. 29c cur SAFEWAY 'or UaluaA.! EDWARDS l ib. size 49c 2- lb. size 96c HILLS 1- lb. can 49c M. J. ». 2- lb. con 96c NOB HILL 1- lb bog 42c 2- lb bag 83c AIRWAY l-lb bog 39c 3- fc> bg $1 15 Spring Lamb Legs lb. U. $. Government Graded—"Choice" and "Good" Dry Sausages Armour brand. Wide assortment to choose from GOTEM4G MORTADELLA RERPERONI ». O SALAMI CERVELET Found QAc You get more for your money it Meadow Wood À 7 Before a Leg of Lamb goes on the scale, Safeway re­ moves the inedible shank bone and trims off all excess fat. At Safeway you pay only for the meaty, good eating part that will roast just right! Tall i n_ CANNED MILK adv brand» can • zc CANNED MILK Cherub *- cans Hains. Oarber's or Per O_ BABY FOODS Clapp's. Strained tin oc Heins or Clapp’s Prr i n_ BABY FOODS Chopped tin 'vc CORNSTARCH l-lb. pkg. 9c Ch.es. •¡S' 2 29c Ch..,., 1/,-lb. pkg. 29c Chees. *ST A<^“” *'/«-•«• 4 (Y I MffMMr 1 at SAFEWAY 07 ' Beef Pot Roasts Sirloin Beef Steaks Fresh Ground Beef Sliced Bacon swinorioi. Piece Bacon suewnna FDVrDC I n I LllO Eviscerated and cut up lb. . 48c lb. 63c lb.: 39c lb. 65c lb. 65c ROASTERS FOWL lb. 67c lb. 67c lb. 57c Salmon Steaks Halibut Steaks Fillet of Sola lb. 65c lb. 55c lb. 45c — MESH CRABS Whole ■ cooked.............. lb. only IJc 65' PORK ROAST Shoulder Z7 » 4V PORK STEAKS Tender - lean Lb55c FRESH OYSTERS Medium tries ^59*