6 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. SrCRTSCCPE MELVIN SCHWAB, Bowling Editor VARIPAPA TO BOWL HERE ON MAY 26 Andy Varipapa, rated as best of the trick bowling artists and holder of the six-year high aver­ age in the all-star tournament is scheduled to visit Vernonia May 26. Announcement of the ap­ pearance here of the renouned bowler was made by Desmond Laird late last week. Varipapa will conduct exhibi­ tion bowling during his appear­ ance and will also give instruc­ tion to local alley enthusiasts. No charge is to be made for the in­ struction, but an admission of $1 will be made for the exhibition that afternoon. Schedule for the visit was made through the Brunswick. Balke. Collender company. • The technical term of a “tree surgeon” is either dendrologist or arborist. • Commercial fishing, principally for salmon and tuna, is a $25,- 000,000-a-year business in Oregon. PAINTING PAPERHANGING Paint and Wallpaper for Sale Carlin Hackney Call 422 1 MAHONEY RIVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwab and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wood and daughter motored to Forest Grove and Hillsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Peterson and family motored to Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Graham of Portland visited at the Reuben Peterson home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bramblett and son, Bobby, of Reedsport visited at the Louis Schroeder home over the week end. Mrs. George Davis and son, George. spent Easter visiting relatives in Tillamook and Port­ land. Mrs. Hazel Dalrymple and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Borst, Mr. and Mrs. Gill and children, Mr. Gill’s sister of Portland. Mr. O. Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hall and Mrs. George Davis were Sun­ day guests at the Anne Parker home. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shepard and baby of Longview visited at the J. M. Peachey home Sunday. • ROY FRANK, High School Sports DIAMOND READY FOR SCHEDULE The baseball diamond at the Washington grade school was leveled and made ready for local games lest Saturday when a bull­ dozer owned by Sam Wilson was on hand to prepare the ground. The diamond thi3 year is chang­ ed so that home plate is in a dif­ ferent position and so that the outfield is larger than was true with the former arrangement. • INDIANS SCALP LOGGERS 9-0 The Scappoose Indians gave Vernonia a defeat last Friday on the Indian field by a big score, 9-0. t The Loggers have been ham­ pered by not having a place to practice. The ball field was only recently prepared and prior to that they couldn’t do much about getting into field practice. This game marked about the fourth one for Scappoose. The Indians banged out 16 hits while Vernonia hit only three. Vernonia threatened to score in the seventh with Byers and Schaumburg on base, but Scap­ poose soon put the fire out. Duke Byers was the hurler for Vernonia and Jim Baker for the NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW READY FOR YOU NOW Late Social Actions Told Indians. Lineups were: Vernonia 0 AB Grenia ss Stuve If Frank lb Byers p Schaumburg 3b Williams cf Miller c Brown rf Wantland 2b Total Subs: Knightwine, Koski. Scappoose 9 B H 2 0 0 300 3 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 21 0 3 Roberts, AB Caswell If Jorgersen rf Hammerbeck c Engstrom 2b Baker, B. 3b Baker, J. p Vanaler lb Brown cf Miller ss Total • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 34 R 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 9 H 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 16 BANKS BRAVES DOWN VERNONIA Tuesday, April 15, the Banks Braves traveled to the home field of the Loggers to engage in a diamond tussel in which Banks was the victor 9 to 1. Jack Frank pitched the first three innings for Vernonia, but got into hot water, allowing eight runs to come in. It wasn’t all the pitcher’s fault though, as the Log­ gers made five errors. Banks made their first run on a bad error by Miller. Duncan of Banks hit a low ball to Frank on the mound and in turn, Frank threw easily to the plate, trying to get the man coming from third, but Miller dropped the ball. An; other run scored later on a sim­ ilar play which Miller dropped the ball. Sylvester “Ted” Williams took over the mound in the fourth in­ ning and pitched a wonderful game. During the fourth, Wil­ liams faced six hitters. The only run tallied during Williams’ pitch­ ing was scored on an error by Grenia. but Williams retired the side with three strike-outs. During the fifth, Ted, now warmed up, struck out the three men to face him, pitching 10 balls, nine of them strikes. Banks got eight hits while Vernonia tallied one. home during the week. Mrs. D. L. Mahar and children of Yambill came over to stay at ILLINESSES ARE COR the Ralph Mahar home while her husband has gone to California to get their furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mahar have been sick with the flu the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hendrickson of Portland spent the week end at the Ralph Mahar home. Dr. and Mrs.. Logan of Portland visited at the J. W. Nichols home one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson and family motored to Portland Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, Mrs. J. W. Lindsley and family and Joan Lindsley were in Hillsboro April 7 HEATH'S WINS Illnesses Are Here BY THREE PTS. Reported RIVERVIEW—Mr. McGee, It Takes Experience........... to diagnose car aches and pains and skilled hands to make the necessary repairs. At the first sign of trouble drive into Lee’s. had The somewhat confused Ver­ a stroke Saturday and was taken nonia bowling league, wherein a to the hospital at Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Callister and new team takes the lead every son, Donald, of Logsden, parents week, was even more disarranged and brother of Lloyd Callister, then ever last week and this week were visitors at the Lloyd Callister also. Last Wednesday night the favorite team was defeated again. This time it was the Pal Shop YOUR CHILD’S FIRST CHOICE IS ALWAYS which is taking a shellacking from NEHALEM DAIRY MILK the supposedly weaker teams. The Pal Shop got out with one point No need to worry if Johnny’s appetite is lagging as long as he acquired in the first game while drinks Nehalem milk. Youngsters love it—they thrive on the other three points went to it—and there’s hardly a child who will refuse a glass of this Heath’s Service without too much delicious milk. Serve at least a glass each meal. of a fight. The lineups for the teams and players are as follows: PAL SHOP PTS. Telephone 471 Grade A Milk NAME 432 R. Fetsch 399 G. Shipman 445 W. King 478 E. Ade 437 B. Hudson 2211 TOTAL HEATH’S SERVICE PTS. NAME 404 K. Magby 470 C. Van D Bogart 447 R. Chilson 470 J. Riley 446 D. Byers It is difficult to replace legal 2237 TOTAL documents, insurance policies Again it was the handicap that defeated the Pal Shop in total pins. and government bonds that The Service boys had a 25-pin are lost. handicap to their advantage which was just one pin too many for the PLACE THEM IN SAFE KEEPING WITH US ice cream makers. $3.00 per year • Lee Motors Sales and Service Nehalem Dairy Products Saie-keeping Service Improvement on Place Noted ROCK CREEK—Irving Conklin has made quite an improvement on his place since he moved there. Gilbert and John Brown have started moving to their homes in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fox moved their woodshed and garage and have made several improvement chang­ es. Mary Lloyd has returned to school after being ill for several weeks. Mrs. Iva Gillham attended a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Lyle Galloway Tuesday afternoon. • Sunlight can penetrate the ocean to a maximum depth of 580 feet. Vernonia Branch The Commercial Bank of Banks Affiliated with the Commercial National Bank of Hillsboro, Oregon Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Andy Varipapa Holder of the six-year high average score in the all-star tournament and best of the trick shot O'Keefe & Merritt Gas Ranges Precision built gas ranges with many new time-saving and step-saving exclusive features. O’Keefe & Merritt propane gas ranges are ready for immediate delivery. No matter where you live you can use modern gas appliances with all their beauty, economy, and luxury. Come in today and find out about it! PLENTY OF WATER HEATERS BROODERS AND RESTAURANT GRILLS We deliver to Farms. Houses, Auto Courts, Restaurants and Industrial Plants. Modern Gas and Appliance PAUL HINAMON, Rt 2, Box 322A, Hillsboro bowling artists will be at The purchaser of food needs can best deter­ mine the value of the items bought by using those items in the preparation of meals. DESSY'S Monday, May 26 When you have once followed this procedure with Nehalem’s foods you will not desire to make your purchase at any other store. to give instruction on- bowling and on exhibition Phone 31«! Agent—Lewi» Morgan, Vernonia, Ore. Local Phone 423 191 North St. NEHALEM MARKET ANl> GROCERY (Admission for exhibition $1)