2 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Our (Great America ft Node TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mfg. Frank Seelye were ▼iaitora here at the E. E. Greenwood and Lyman Hawken homes here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Seelye moved to Corvallis recently where he is manager of the Ben­ ton-Lincoln Electric Cooperative. Mr. and Mrs. F. . E. Rowie and Mr. and Mrs. Delman Munsey, all of Albany were here Sunday to visit at the Guy Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Rowie are Mrs. Thomas’ parents. Roy Brady is in the Emanuel hospital, going there last Saturday, the 12th. John Rosa entered the Good Samaritan hospital the 15th. Mrs. Bertha Rosa is staying with the Liepolds. Mrs. Viola L. Jeanne a life long friend of the families will remain with Mrs. Rosa. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hom over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Blodgett of Gales Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Frank- enfield of Spokane, Washington. Sunday guests at the Michener home on Stoney Point were Mrs. Michener’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hickox of Wood-« bum and her cousin, Mrs. Myrtle Metcalf of Forest Grove. Jack Baker spent the day at the Otto Michener home Tuesday. Jack formerly attended high school with the Michener’s son, Homer, is working at Timber. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles King and sons, Bobby and Roy, of Longview were guests at the Ernest East home Sunday. a finer gift BULOVA! Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon Thur-Fri. April 17-18 "HEARTBEAT” Comedy Drama Starring Ginger Rogers - Jean Pierre Aumount Adolph Menjou-Basil Rathbone “S T A R S P A N G L E D CITY Featurette JULIET 17 Jewels $42» A. L Kullander WATCHMAKER JEWLER Official Watch Inspector ©MBS/ ■TO TMt CVUMTy * *17 AR80K DAV »4 THE RK5ULI OP TUE IPEA añpefr XTS OF OHE julmstmh I s Saturday April-19 “ BLACK ANGEL” Hin Duryea-June Vincent-Peter Lorre. “BEWARE OF RED HEADS" Featurette with Leon Errol. Car. Sun-Mon. April 20-21 “THE STRANGE WOMEN” Hedy Lamarr-George Sanders and Louis Hayward. NEWS and Cartoon VMOSURTEP ine «Rexresr ■mee piawiins MOVeMEHT IH HiyroRy w the TSee-PooR plains suie cm NÏ8RA4KA O n TME F]R$T AR8OR FA'/ NEBRASKA PIAHIBP OVER ¿000,000 7X? EE5/ R. A Williams returned to his home here April 10, Thursday, after a trip to Lake Hamilton, Flordia where he attended the funeral of his son, George, who passed away March 11. Mr. Wil­ liams returned here after visiting at Dallas, Texas and Kansas City, Missouri, the entire trip requiring a month, George Williams form- erly resided here where he was employed in the O-A office for three years. He left here for Kansas City and later moved to Lake Hamilton where his death » occured. DANCE Legion hall Saturday, April 19. Rythm King orchestra. Admission 75c including tax. Sponsored by American Legion. ® * Extension Unit Holds Meeting DO ra ycAm or ïffcrt . mortoh ruuuy "WK iptàtothc hepaatk * boshp of Mncunune, pwwmuh * them io orrea pane* or «loo ( to me AiKKunuRAi socirry) amp *25 fro THt MPIVIPUAL ; PLAHIIH<4 THt MOST me« oh avril io i 872 IT • Coming of Summer 1« Indicated by Signs; Fish Trip Planned 1oPAV AMeaiCAN* *ae PiAmiHû iResí at the rats of 38 MHUOU PE» yrxipy TOP WAP rat AMIKK/U/ PIMHH« VMÍ1041 MHE/J 98. OOQ OOO SllOliM, WERE SET OUT MIST—Summer is really on its ROCK CREEK—Mrs. May Krie­ ger and Harold Krieger went to Hillsboro today. Mrs. Robert Chilson of Vernonia visited with Mrs. P. McFarland Tuesday. L. O. Gillham, Jr., has moved to Camp McGregor where he is working. Mrs. Iva Gillham and Mrs. Blanche DeWitt visited Tuesday morning with Mrs. C. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris and daughters, Elna and Etha, visited at the Harley DeWitt home Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger F- WAFFLE Shopping for food needs by phone is We select only the best for KING’S Grocery - Market the next time you have a mid- after-noon snack. We have them. “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Phone 91 THE COZY ALL PHONE pleasure here, phone orders. Delicious Riverview J MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL » Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sta BUSH FURNITURE way. The past few days after last week’s rain convinces us of that. The big black ants and little red ones, too have moved in. Butterflys are well on the wing. The younger set seen with sun suits on the streets. Garden planting and the sides of our hi- way being mowed by the genial road boss Mr. Howry. All are signs of the glorious summer season. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. DeRock were up from Seaside one day last week to see his sister, Mrs. W’m. Bridgers. The DeRocks leave for Alaska in their fishing boat the last of this week, for their summer fishing. They were there last season. Taking nine days for the trip from Anchorage. Mr. Emma Aldridge and Mrs. Lizzie McCauley came up during the week end from Seaside for a visit with their sister Mrs. J. O. Libel. Visits Noted By Writer Enjoy a ROCK CREEK—Keasey exten­ Tues-Wed. April 22-23 S. P. & S. Ry. “THE BACHELOR’S DAUGHT­ sion unit met with Edith Mc­ ERS” Gail Russell-Claire Trevor- Farland as hostess April 9. Sub­ Ann Dvorak-Adolph Menjou ject was pest control given by Pluto's Housewarming Cartoon Iva Gillham. Present were Hilda Keasey, Florence Kirkbride Blan­ che DeWitt, Bessie Toothacher, Marie Christensen, Jean DeVaney, Geraldine Baker, Isola Morris, Lil­ lian Schooley, Lucille Lindsay and May Krieger. Guests were Bue- . . under one roof. We are equipped to re­ lah Borders, Eleanor Chilson and Mrs. Judd. After meeting was build chasis, body, top and upholstery. For adjourned a pink and blue shower was held for Mrs. Judd. She re­ complete repairs and service see ceived several nice gifts. Next meeting May 14 with Blanche De­ Witt. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeVaney, Mrs. Louis Boeck and Arnold Counts motored to Astoria Sun­ day to see Johnny Counts who was hurt in a logging accident. Mr. and Mrs. Park Smith and children Bobby and Ethel of Dun­ dee were Sunday dinner guests EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOME ON E-Z of M,r. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay. TERMS AT PORTLAND PRICES Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner and Ralph Fowler motored to Gervais Telephone 592 Tuesday and returned Thursday. Mrs. Bittner and Mrs. Fowler are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Lindsay and Earl Carricker were in Hills­ boro Saturday. While in Hillsboro they «¡sited with Mr. Lindsay’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutchens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh DeVaney and son, Mike, of Vernonia were Sunday callers at the Darrell De­ Vaney home. Mrs. May Krieger, and daughter, Evelyn, were in Portland Tuesday April 8. WE C. A. Toothacker spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his family on Rock Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice and Mr. and Mrs. L O. Gillham attended an auction sale at West- WW DANCE Legton hall Saturday, April 19. Rythm King orchestra, tax. Admission 75c including Sponsored by American Legion. W. H. Kent, city water super­ intendent, has been ill since Friday of last week and has been confined to his home. His work as water superintendent has been taken over since then by H. H. King. visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt Sunday evening. Mrs. Blanche DeWitt visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. May Krieger and to see the new baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krieger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Doc DeVaney, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeVaney and children and Ted DeWitt enjoyed a picnic supper Monday night. It was Mrs. Darrell DeVaney’s birth- Two Portraits for the Price of One PORTRAITS TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY DURING THIS MONTH. A present for mother need not be expensive and what could be nicer. Ill-LITE STUDIO Located at Zennan’s Radio Shop GROUPS WEDDINGS BANQUETS CHILDREN A SPECIALTY * Any kind of photographic work accepted All Work Guaranteed Right to Your Door Davenos and Davenport and Chair Sets Shop at Sam's with the assurance your order will receive prompt and care-- ful attention. Filling grocery orders satisfactorily is our biggest aim in life. We'll deliver right to your door. ... to give your home a designed interior in 4 wonderful ways — BEAUTY, COMFORT, QUALITY and CRAFTSMANSHIP. Sam (Buck) Hearing, Jr. SAX’S FOOD STORE Phone 761 Sleepmaster — Montes — Superbuilt Don’t Forget the Market —• — •— Bed Room Suites Platform Rockers Occasional Chairs DISPLAYED HERE IS A LARGE SELECTION O F A L L THESE ITEMS. UPHOLSTERING INCLUDES VELOURS, TAPESTRY and MOHAIR This one stop store can completely fill your food needs. An important part of your order should always be meat. Your family needs it every day for Xi healthy, vigorous living. 4L HURRA’S HARKET Phone 761