any bills Harry D. 14t3 NOT responsible for other than my own. Keith. FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—General WANTED CARD OF THANKS STRAWBERRY plant Marshalls. $8 per 1000, you dig or $15 per 1000 already dug. W. O. Higley, ■ix miles from Riverview on Peb- ble Creek road. ,______ 13t3 HAY, vetch and oats. Also clover, wheat straw and oat straw. Can deliver- Mike Yunker, Phone 1610M, Forest Grove, Ore. lltfc HEMSTITCHING. Lois Clark, 291 A street, Vernonia. 14t3 I WISH to take this opportunity to thank the families and friends of Brownie Scout Troop No. 1 for the help and co-operation they gave to make our Easter program a success. Mrs. Clarence Brown Leader 15tlc DINETTE table and four chairs. Circulating heater. Cook stove. High chair in good condition. Phone 1054, L. B. Johnston, 458 North street. 14t3 SEMI-DRY, 16-inch slab wood $8 cord delivered iq town. P.O. box 4, Vernonia. 13t3 NEED MORE closet space? Cur- va-dor wardrobe in excellant con dition. Neat looking. Holds 12 or more garments, space below for shoes, hats, etc. 475 South First Ave._________________________ 15tf FORDSON tractor plow, McCor mick mower and rake, disc, stock trailer, hay wagon. 80 acres of land. On Clear creek half way between Vernonia and Timber. Geo. W. Davis 15t3 2-GALLON Enterprise oil burner in good condition. Hy-Van Hotel. Phone 211. 13t3 LODGES V. F. W. meetinfli Regular 2 & 4 Weds. 8 p.nri. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn. Adjutant AUXILIARY 1st & 3rd Wed. Regularly meets: 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 0.0. F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. Orvel Edwards, Noble FGrand Calvin Davis, Sec’y__________ 4-47 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Carl A. Davis, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. 1-48 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Noma Callister, Noble Grand Juanita Edwards, Vice Grand Beryl Cline, Secretary Ella Cline, Treasurer 3-47 Vernonia F. O. E. Order of Eagles) Bridge 810 Street Vernonia 4th 2nd and Friday« 8 116 Second and and I.O.O.F. Fourth Hall 2-47 Order of Eastern Star Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com munication first and of 3rd each All ▼¡siting sisters and broth welcome. ers Mona Gordon, Worthy Matron Florence Messing, Sec’y. 1-48 FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE, BAY mare, weight 1700, and logging harness. Carl Ernest Box 21, Timber Rt. 13t3 LOST: B Ilf old between home on Corey hill and picture show. Re ward. Leave at Eagle office. . 15t3 JERSEY cow for sale. Sunny side Service and Feed. Phone 887. 15tlc Business - Professional Directory Films Developed One Print Each 35c a Roll ZEMAN’S Riverview Beauty Shop V.rnonia Lodg. No. IM A.F. * A.M. Masonic Tempi. meet, Communication BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Portland - Timber • Vernonia Sunset - Ellie ■ Cannon Beach Gearhart A. F. & A. M. at Stated first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Herman Dickson, W. M. Ray Mills, Sec’y.____________ 1-48 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» •A ONE LOGGING team and harn ess. Suitable for farm work also. R. H. Meyer, Timber Rt. 15t3 Wed. month at Masonic Ten* pie. FOR SALE—-Livestock Wednesday of each month. Nehalem FIVE-ROOM modern house with floor furnace and oil range in cluded. Lot and one-half of ground. 841 North Rose Ave. Phone 454. 15tl Attorney-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday Vernonia Temple No. 61 Second HOME with good . income. All nicely furnished and another 3- room furnished all modern house on rear of lot. On another lot, a warehouse 7Gftx28ft and garage 20fexl2ft. L. M. Porterfield, 376 North St. 45tf NEAL BUSH Mondays Pythian Sisters Meetings: MODERN HOUSE 24x50. Daven port, bed set, 4 chairs, table, range cook stove, heating stove, cooking utensils, dishes. Immediate pos session. If you want a beautiful home come see Andrew M. Parker. 15t.3 Phone 7712 Each' Month ▼ table. after State 14t3 I.O.O.F. Meetings: Fourth FOR SALE—Real Estate TWO-ROOM house. Six-foot Fresh goat with 2 kids. Call 6 p.m. H. S. Hanel, 1302 St. Helene Curtis Park Avenue Machine or Machineless Permanents Vernonia, Oregon Hall, \DDING machine rolls, sales books, scratch pads and signs. Get them at The Vernonia Eagle. 714 3rd St. Knights of Pythias No. ARGUS 3 CAMERA and ever ready case $40.00. 2 small bi cycles, girl’s and boy’s as is $15.00 each. Mike Peters 841 Grant tel. 533 12tf M. P. H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec’y.______ 7-47 Harding Lojlge MARSHALL strawberry plants, $10 per 1,000. Vern Wagner, P.O. Box 3, Mist Ore. 12t4c LOST AND FOUND Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge (Fraternal GUITAR for sale. Can be play ed either Hawaiian or Spanish. Phone 12F515 or see Melvin Reid, Timber Rt. 15tl Moots first and Third Mon. of Each month. AUXILIAR"* First and Third Taesdsys 1-47 • Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 Quick Guaranteed Radio Service ZEMAN’S 714 3rd St. SANITARY SERVICE Let a vet do your work. Septic tank and cesspool pumping. Drain Line Service. Free inspection J. D. MADDAX Mist, Oregon HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126.________________________ 14tfc BAILING, 3-wire pitch-in power machine. $5.00 and team feed. Arrange now. No business what soever Fri. sundown to Sat. sun down. Clint M. Seibert, Rock Creek. 15tl SHOE REPAIRING of all kinds. Second street next door to Ver nonia Cleaners. 13t3 SALESMAN to work up to Mgrs. in Vernonia. Exceptionally good earnings, lifetime positions. Write qualifications to the Vernonia Eagle. 15t3c WE ARE looking for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop erty. If you want to sell, come in and see us. Reeher’s Real Es tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc WANTED:Cedar, fir, and larch Poles. All sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spald ing Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. 9t7c FOR LATEST STYLES in dress making and remodeling cail 253 for appointment. 12tfc LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay ter Realty comps’ y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 11.46. 43tf— WANTED THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1947 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE., NOTICE IT IS impossible to express fully our graditude to the many Ver nonia people who helped with the Rheumatic Fever crisis of our son Martyn who is up and around some recently. Special thanks is due Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris and daughter Elna, Mrs. Paul Gordon, Dr. Eby, Dr. Schlegel, Owen East, and the several women who held the fort until Mrs. Seibert could return. Thanks also tq the many who went to Portland for blood typing. Although the community was completely mistaken in its first opinion that our children were underfed, overworked, and desert ed, it is a high recommendation that the citizens felt so deeply about those supposed wrongs. It is our onlv wish that we may in some way be called upon to repay a people that are capable of such compassion in a situation that could not be avoided. We thank you again. The Clint M. Seibert Family spent last week end in Gales Creek visiting Mr. Howard’s sister, who recently moved to Gales Creek from Louisiana. Visitors in Portland were Mrs. Fred Tousley, Mrs. L. H. Rober son, Mrs. D. C. Cason, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. Walt Olinger. Mrs Cleo Caton, formerly of Vernonia has resigned from * Roberts Brothers in Portland and will go to work at a dress shop in Lebanon. Mrs. Robert Holcomb and daughter, Hazel Mae, of Gresham and mother, Mrs. Lemons, visit ed in Vernonia Saturday. Mr, Holcomb returned to Gresham with his family where he will be employed. TAKE BEST OF CARE . . . is what every car owner can expect that enjoys the service here. Signal oils, lubricants and gas are the best for your money every Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 At the Mile Brige, Riverview TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Hammond of Seattle, Washington visited Mrs. Hammond’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Olinger of McMinville also visited the Graves and Walt Olingers last week. Mrs. Harry Hewitt of Portland visited her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Roediger, and family and Mrs. Hewitt’s sister, Mrs. Lee Jessie, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Howard Berry Pickers Pickers must be 12 years old or over or accompanied by guardian or parents. Only pickers fur nished transportation free. Reg ister by post card at ROLLING HILLS FARM Banks, Oregon 3tfe J. E. FOSSUM electric service, 208 B St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, installation:, altera tions, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial. Phone 283. 22tfc U.S. REGULAR ARMY JOB OPEN FOR QUALIFIED MEN Start at $48.79 per week (approximate civilian equivalent of the pay of a U.S. Army Pvt.) This is army week when the entire nation pays tribute to the U.S. Army. If you can qualify physical ly, mentally, morally, you may begin your career with the best employer in the world by joining the Army now. Rapid advance ment in pay and opportunity as you progress. See your local Army Recruiting office today. LONGVIEW VICTORY CENTER Longview, Wash. MISCELLANEOUS ALL KINDS Of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo- W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf~ CARPENTER WORK Let us build for you or make needed repairs now. We speci alize in this work and our prices are reasonable. SEE YORK. THE BUILDER FOR ESTIMATES E. M. YORK CONTRACTOR 108 A & BEFORE WE HAVE ENOUGH EQUIPMENT TO GO AROUND Long ago, like the proverbial early bird, we placed orders for enough telephone equipment to provide service for every sub scriber who desires it. BUILDER St. We are now serving Sandwiches OPEN TO 1 a.m. EVERY DAY We have installed quite a bit of it, too. In the past twelve months we added more telephones and more miles of toll line than in any similar period in our history. We are doing everything in our power to speed this flow of materials, and we will continue to improve our service until it is once again the finest in America. There's still a long line waiting for tele phones, and we are filling these orders as rapidly as we can receive the tremendous quantities of wire, cable, switchboards and many other types of equipment necessary to supply all the demands of this rapidly growing area. Try our specialty— French Fried Shrimp Dessy’s T a FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- JUST AS YOU are reading classified, so are thousands this of others. Moral: Use Eagle ads to get results quickly and cheaply. Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland*« most mo dem plant. Two pick ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners FARMERS and TIMBERMEN ATTENTION CASE CONVERT THOSE STRAY FIR LOGS INTO » SOUND FIR PEELER LOGS OR BLOCKS WANTED MINIMUM LENGTH OF 8 FEET 6 INCHES I PHONE GARIBALDI 166 Nicolai Plywood Company GARIBALDI, OREGON