2 THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. A..B. Kilbngberg recently visited her son, William R. Hall, at Treasure Island, California. Bill was discharged from the hos­ pital at Mare Island, California where he has been since the mid- Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon Thur-Fri. April 10-11 •TOMORROW IS FOREVER” Claudette Colbert-Orson Wells George Brent. NEWS & Cartoon Saturday April-12 “ALONG CAME JONES” Gary Cooper-Loretta Young “COLLEGE QUEEN” in Techni­ color. Sun-Mon. April 13-14 “HUMORESQUE” John Garfield-Joan Crawford NEWS and Cartoon April 15-16 “CRACK-UP” Pat O'Brien-Claire Trevor-Herbert Marshall. “KEYSTONE IIOTEL”-Featurette Cartoon and Hare Force Tuea-Wed. die of November. He is getting along fine and expects to go to sea soon. While Mrs. Killingberg was in California she visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald at Richmond. Mrs. Earl Thibeau, the former Anna Mae Ramey and formerly a teacher at the Washington grade school, was here Thursday and Friday of last week to visit friends. She is teaching in the Seattle school system and was away during the spring vacation there. Mrs. Frank McCord of Esta­ cada was here last Thursday to be present for the Vernonia Study club guest day and to visit friends. The McCords formerly were residents of Vernonia. Mrs. H. E. Schlegel, Sr., spent part of last week visiting at the home of her son and ,family. Mrs. Schelegel’s home is in Portland. Mrs. Holly Holcomb, Jr., and two daughters of Beaverton were here Friday and Saturday. The Holcombs plan to move to St. Helens soon where he is stationed now with the state police. Here .from Springfield last Saturday to visit were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broderick and two sons, Pat and Larry. Mrs. Brod- SPRING CLEAN-UP Let us wash away winters accumula­ tion of mud with a thorough car clean­ ing. Geo. Johnson Vernonia Serv. Sift AND YOU'LL WEAR aBULOVA /7jewe/s • on/y $29 7-s This is the Bulova "Janet" graceful — exquisite — thrillingly smart. The dainty rolled gold plate case comes in pink or yellowi with white back. Lastingly accurate. Only $29.75 including federal tax. A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWLER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Ry. erick is the former Margaret Ben­ nett who formerly resided in Ver- nonia. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goodman are the parents of a boy, Johnny Michael, born April 2 at 4:45 p. m. and weighing eight and one- half pounds. The Goodmans are living at Oklahoma City, Okla­ homa where he is driving a de­ livery truck for a drug company. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman were host and hostess last Friday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lanahan and Mr. and Mrs. John Lanahan of Portland and Mr. ad Mrs. Edward Stelhin from San Francisco. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brunsman and son and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bruns­ man. The occasion was the first birthday of Davey Brunsman. George and Marvin Turner and Jack Riley left Monday for Seat­ tle where they left Wednesday morning by steamship for Anchor­ age, Alaska. Their objective ts Fairbanks where Bill Bassett is attending the University of Alas­ ka. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick for Easter dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stirnweis, Cathleen and Nor­ ma Beroud and Leo Dernbock, all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw and Mary I>ee and How­ ard and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGraw, all of Forest Grove, Nor­ ma Meyer of Hillsboro and Mrs. Mary Walker of Banks. Lee Bundy, who was taken to the Coffey Memorial hospital in Portland last week, is still under- going observation, but is resting much better than when he left here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tousley were visitors in Portland over Easter week end. Here from Cedar H 11s to spend Easter at the Franklin Malmsten home were Mr. and Mrs. Al Greathouse. Clatskanie residents here for the week end at the Carl Davis home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis. He is manager of the F. Hausler lumber company there. Mrs. Sarah Haney of Forest Grove celebrated her 9th birthday Easter Sunday in the chamber of commerce room of the city hall. About 72 relatives spent the day with her. A pot-luck dinner was served and gifts were received. Being a sister-in-law of John and Bertha Rosa of Timber route and an aunt of Wilma Borton, they were among the relatives attend­ ing. .Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer, J. F. Jones and Ethel Graney and children visited the George Bas- lington family at Newberg for Easter. Born at Emanuel hospital in Portland to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bel­ lingham April 7, a daughter weighing six pounds, 14 ounces. The baby has been named April Louise. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hammond have recently moved from Brem­ erton to Seattle. They have pur­ chased a home within a short dis­ tance of the University of Seattle where Edsel is enrolled. He has been making straight A’s in his studies there. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hartwick and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Worth were Sunday dinner guests at the George King home. Frank Kaspar returned to his home here Wednesday from Afri­ ca where he has been for about eight months and has been engag­ ed in logging mahogany. Hawaii’s annual pack of pine-apples totals 10,000,000 cases. Chevron Service With a Smile . . . and lot’s of it. You get the best when you buy Standard Chevron gas. ROSE AVENUE GARAQE H. H. Sturdevant MORE TOWN TOPICS PAGE 7 Six-Tube, Two-Band, AC-DC The Sensational NEW Tirettone supremb SPARK PLUG -TilE ADAM” KA DIO 64.45 Beautiful walnut or mahogany. Distinctively styled in v handsome 18th century cabinet. Greater selectivity ■»? I sensitivity. Improved push button tuning. Foreign and domes­ tic broadcasts. Six-tube (including rectifier). EASY BUDGET TERMS each In tets of 4 or more Especially engineered for today’s high octane gaso­ line. Polonium alloy assures quicker starting. Effective, Easy to Uso Moa.y-kack Guaraafe. Radiator tycMSi Chance ÄEEDS 39*.. CLEANER AND SOLDER Cleaner removes rust, scale and sludge. Solder perma­ nently repairs small leaks. Finest Quality FUEL PUMPS 2.59 Well built to Insure long life and dependable per­ formance. They’ll greatly increase your car’s effl- ciency. WOMEN’S BICYCLE 44.45 Equipped with balloon tires, here’s the smoothest, easiest riding bike you ever owned! Beautiful baked enamel and permanent chrome finish. Complete with light, sturdy kick stand and chain guard. * Safer for Tiny Tots Smart Good Looks for Your Car Three-Wheel SCOOTER WHITE WALLS 5.45 Set of Fo.r The three wheels make It easier and safer for the llttlest folks to ride. Easy-rolling wheels with rubber tires. 9.95 Easy to install, no tools required. Rust-resistant, they'll keep their gleaming white beauty. We have received a shipment of V ï r n D ÍI comPlete plant food for V 1 U U H U lawn and garden. 100 lbs. $4.00 50 lbs. $2.50 CHAPMAN’S Service Store Telephone 853 Bridge & Second Vernonia, Ore. S.4.WS FOOD STORE Sam (Buck) Hearing, Jr. No matter whether your shopping list includes canned goods, fresh vegetables, or packaged goods, you will find them all in abundance at Sam’s. And you'll also notice that many other people enjoy shop­ ping here. Perhaps the reason is the well-filled dis­ play counters and shelves. Phone 761 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Handsome "Poet -War” Models Exclusive Maytag Features Important Post-War" Improvements New Quality, Efficiency. Ruggedness Finest Maytags Ever Built < cxne in now for complete details 1 SUNDLAND ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge St.. Vernonia AL HHItlIVS MARKET The secret to robust living is the eating of meat at every meal. Naturally, when purchasing meat, the best is desired in every cut. That’s where we came into the picture with our displays of choice meats that guarantee you satisfaction in every piece. Phone 761 STEAKS CANNED GOODS ROASTS FRESH VEGETABLES k« \ r ** LUNCH MEATS I* * W fy • *