TuiîDonÀV 8 U a onu THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1947 Auction Sale Proceeds Good MIST—Miss Maragret Dippold from Mt. View was down and spent the day with Mrs. Wm. Bridge». Mrs. John IJhel went to Port­ land Saturday to be with her Enjoy a Delicious WAFFLE the next time you have a mid­ after-noon snack. We have them. THE COZY The auction sale at the Natal Grange hall Sunday brought in good proceeds but not as good a turn out of people as wished. The proceeds go for Red Cross and other charities. Mrs. Fred Seigenthaler was a Portland visitor Thursday. Mrs. A. E. Jones was a visitor at the J. 0. Libel home Thursday. Mr. and Mr» Perry Ballett have been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom, the past several days and also her fatheix Jim Hill. ' The Balletts are in Wash- ington. Wm. Bridgers was a Portland visitor one day last week. The W.M.S. will meet the sec­ ond Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ray Bennett. Mrs. L. B. Eastman is having her house papered and painted inside. Mrs. Crawford is helping her. S & S Club Is Entertained Tues. Licensed Contractors Mrs. Ralph Aldrich, Jr., enter­ tained the S&S club at her home Tuesday evening the 25th. A table of pinochle was played and Mrs. Bob Cline received gifts from her birthday friends for her birthday anniversary. A delic­ ious luncheon was served at the end of the evening. REFRIGERATION RADIO SERVICE Appliance Repairing STRONG’S RADIO AND ELECTRIC 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 • WANTED: Commercial printing THE VERNONIA EAGLE PERFECT for pleasant motoring plea- sure every day. That’s what you expect with Chevron gas. today for a tankful. BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS Square butt shingles (green) $9.95 square 55 lb. roll roofing $3.25 7-qt. cold pack canner Coleman camp stove Oil colors for tinting 2- burner $13.95 and decorating. Tb 29c $2.40 24”xl20” 28-ga Galv. Sheet Tin $2.1,5 Barb Wire .............................................. $6.45 Alarm Clocks .......................................... $3.45 Clam Shovels .......................................... $2.65 Schick Electric Razors $15.00 & $18.00 Revere Ware Pressure Cooker ...,$16.65 Steel Rod and Reel ............................ $1.60 set gold vine Lunch Buckets and Bottle .............. $2.45 dishes Edwin M. Knowles $18.95 Salmon Reels............. $3.00, $5.50, $9.00 $4.75 Loggers Waterproof Coats Bib Overalls ............ $3.95 $27.95 F&M Steel Lawn Mower $2.95 Revere Ware Copper Tea Kettle Load Binders $3.95 Men’s Shorts 79c Men’s Shirts 65c Red, Gray & Black Wool Hats . . $1.2.5 Youngstown Steel Base and Wall Cabinets $25.95, $34.95, $24.60 & $19.10 Ammunition ■* Ammunition 22 Long Rifle, 22 Shorts, 30.’06, 30-40, 32 Special 270 Win., 250, 25-35, 30 Rem, 35 Rem. 303 Sav., 38 S & W, 38 Spcl., 45 Colt, 44-40, 38-55, 401 Win., 380 Auto., 32-20, 25-20, 38-55, 12-16-20-410 shls ALUMINA SHIELD ROOFING $5.95 55-lb ROOFING $3.25 CHINA LAVATORIES $19.50 Coleman Automatic Floor Furnace $153«15 Sizes 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, Staples and 4 and 8 Finish Nails, Roofing Nails NAILS IN STOCK SAFEWAY Rose Ave. Garage H. H. Sturdevant DANCE LEE’S RHYTHM Lowered Price on PEAS or BEANS I Gardenside 2/25« ' No. 2 cans 12/S1.49 I Stock Up! 24/52.95 Also Vocalist 8-Piece Orcestra LEGION HALL KINGS SATURDAY APRIL 5 ADM. 75c Per Person (gpodb^eols ARE HALF THE JOB .That’s true with the mechanic, the carpenter WD THE PERSON WHO PREPARES MEALS. Good tools for the cook includes good foods from which to prepare meals. You’ll find GOOD FOODS at this conveniently-located market and lockers. Ideas for Easier brunch and dinner EARLY (ASTER BREAKFAST No matter what the morning's activi­ ties, this hearty breakfast will see you through. Chilled Grape or Apple Juice Thick Slice of Broiled Ham with Broiled Pineapple Slices Corn Fritters Maple-flavored Syrup Hot Coffee IATE EASTER BRUNCH Serve this combination breakfast and lunch after church or after the Egg Hunt. Chilled Grapefruit Sections in Orange Juice Served in Sherbet Glasses or Grapefruit Shells Baked Eggs in Nests of Corned Beef Hash New Peas in Cream Sauce Hot Rice Muffins Butter or Margarine (Substitute cooked rice for half the flour in your favorite muffin recipe) Plate of Sugar Cookies Coffee for Grownups Hot Cocoa for the Children OLD FASHION» EASTER DINNER If the family’s ravenous after the Easter Parade this dinner will fill them up. Roast Chicken and Herb Stuffing with Hard-cooked Eggs Sliced into the Gravy Fluffy Mashed Potatoes Lima Bean and Corn Succotash Wilted Lettuce with Crisp Bacon Bits Hot Biscuits Apricot Jam Ice Cream Yellow Layer Cake with White Frosting C culo T Director A* tm. Safrway Service Fresh For many Grade AA Large Grade A Med. size delightful results! Pkt. 10" 3 for 25° Baking Powder K-C. brand 25-oz. can 22c White Corn Meal Quaker 20-oz. American Cheese Km,f 2-lb. pkg $ 1.09 Spaghetti Dinner p°" ^erican pkg. 25c No. 2 can | 5C Kidney Beans Joan of Arc 14-oz. can 35c Meat Balls Nu-frhhus brand 30-oz. can 55.C Beef Stew Nalley brand No. '/a can 9C Deviled Meat Libby brand 15t Pork and Beans V. C’p” Tomato Soup Campbeir, IO'/a-««. sans 3/7 Lifebuoy Toilet Soap 2 birs 2lc Swan Soap 3 regular bars 29c Granulated Soap J2oz-29c Diced Carrots Dox. 50C 48c No. 2 can Blue Tag brand Special low price! Crab Meat D m . No. ’/2 can No shells—no waste! Pacific Pearl—Special! Stewed Prunes No. 21/j can Red Tag brand "Choice" pack a* I n* Spaghetti Pan American brand Also Egg Noodle Dinner (ASTIR MÍAT VAlViS) (PP Ready fo fat FRYERS 1947 Spring Lamb HAMS For Easter Dinner! Cut up—ready to cook! Finest Quality— lb. 67c Roasters— lb. 67c Ready to Cook They melt in your mouth! X ib. 65c ' U> ZEc W Tender—meaty SLICED BACON, Special! lb. 69 Shoulder Oysters Msei«i”pint65c Beef Pot Roast Square eut meety roast Crabs fresh, whole Lb. 29c Ground Beef u Fillet of Sole Lb 45c Chops The Homemakers' Bureau PAAS EGG DYES Your choie», loin or rib ■ • 45‘ 39« LB. 1 BLADE CUTS Ground fresh daily LB. Beef Steaks JUICY PORTERHOUSE LB. ST WANT SOME NEW DESSERT IDEAS T 'ie»ua/n Then Carol Drake'» newest leaflet •'SPECIAL OCCASION DES­ SERTS" is just for you. Not only does it have some new dessert ideas, but some old favorites, too. If you’re planning a dessert party or just want an extra • special dessert for your family, then drop a postcard to Carol Drake, The Homemakers’ Bu­ reau. Box 2110, Dept. D, San Fran­ cisco 26, California. FRESH GREEK FOGGS Asparagvs Tender, green lb. 13 c Fresh Peas SWEET—TENDER 16c New Potatoes SMOOTH—UNIFORM 9 2C Southern Yams DELICIOUS CANDIED 13c Crispy Fresh Radishes 12c Fresh Green Onions FLAVORFUL 18c LETTUCE lb. He CAULIFLOWER lb. 14c Sicks © Select CELERY, crispy Ib. 16c ( apples r : lb. 12«ic Rome Beauties GRAPEFRUIT lb. 9c > Texas Pinks AVOCADOS. C»L lb 42c Jta frf mon fa yoor moooy of SAFEWIT Ooes with •varyfhtngf Mrs. Wright’s W hbat Bread I-LB. dftc I'/l iJc WONDER BREAD |l/2-lb. 13c I-lb. 13c Edwards Coffee VACUUM RACKED 47e .’.93e