■7 4 THURSDAY, AJ»y^, 3, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. Rope of Manila hemp actually is made from abaca, the fiber of a wild banana. For Pasteurized MILK CREAM and BUTTERMILK right from the farm to your door, write or call Telephone No. 7F51 As a service to veterans m the community, this newspaper will publish a weekly column of news briefs from the Veterans Admin­ istration. For more detailed in­ formation, veterans should con­ tact or write to the nearest VA Contact Office at Odd Fellows J. E. FOSSUM Electrical Service CUR PRODUCTS ALWAYS SATISFY 11-22-47 208 B St. Vernonia Telephone 283 PEBBLE IICREEK DAIRY CONTRACT DAY WORK INSTALLATIONS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS | Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon Home, Commercial, Residential White House Steak and Chicken Dinner Oscar and Ma Vike will open a STEAK and CHICKEN DINNER INN April 6, Easter Sun­ day, with a baked ham dinner at their home at 1654 West Bridge street, Corey Hill. • • Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat­ urday from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Closed Monday and Tuesday. FOR SPECIAL DNNERS OR PARTIES CALL 1024 Prices will be fair—you won’t go hungry, Ma will guarantee you a full tummy. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Bldg., Portland Oregon GI LOAN INTEREST INCOME TAX EXEMPT Veterans may deduct in their federal income tax report the 4 per cent gratuity payments made by the Veterans Administration as credit on G.I. loans, the VA has announced. In addition, interest paid on G.I. loans may be listed as a de­ duction by the veteran .regardless of whether the interest actually was paid with the gratuity. Originally, the GI Bill provides for payment by the VA of the first year interest on the guaran­ teed portion of the loan. Revised in December, 1945, the law now provides that the VA may pay the lender, for credit to the vet­ eran's account to be applied on reduction of the loan principle, an amount equal to 4 per cent) of the guaranteed or insured portion of the loan. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Q. I am a disabled veteran training course, but have not been able to get a job. Am I entitled to receive unemployment com­ pensation under the G.I. Bill? A. Yes. The Servicemen’s Read­ justment Act (GI Bill) provides that you can draw adjustment unemployment compensation up to a maximum of 52 weeks, pro­ vided that you are able and avail­ able for work at the time. The number of weeks of readjustment allowance payable to you is de­ termined by the length of your service. The service must have been 90 days or more between September 16, 1940 and the end of World War II. Q. As a World War I veteran with a nonservice-connected dis­ ability, which does not permit me to work regular, am I entitled to a pension ? A. Your pension relief is through the law which gives you the right to a pension of $60 per month, provided that you are permanently and totally disabled and unable to follow a substanti­ ally gainful occupation. This pension is not payable if your income exceeds $1,000 if single, or $2,500 if married or with minor children. BENEFITS TO WORLD WAR II VETS AND DEPENDENTS Burial Allowance DESCRIPTION: Cost of funeral and burial, including transporta­ tion of body to place of burial, paid to an amount not exceeding $150. REQUIREMENTS: Veterans must have served during the war period and received a discharge under conditions other than dis­ honorable. TIME LIMIT: Application for burial allowance must be made within 2 years after veteran’s burial. The annual “take" of juke boxes across the United States has been placed at 4,460,000,000 nickles. • Two powerful germicidal sub­ stances which effectively attack pus-forming organisims have been discovered by chemists in wild ginger, a common North Amer­ ican plant. ATLEY SEZ Howdy necessarily will make cause he’s Folks: It doesn’t mean that a man a good match be­ always lit. It’s a proven fact, though, that in the spring a young man s thoughts turn to some­ thing fancy. • * We heard that if a man talks in his sleep ___r___ and ______ doesn _ ’t give away any secrets it’s a triumph of mind over mutter. ♦ ♦ ♦ And you’ll triumph over your car lubrication problem when you bring it in to CHAPMAN’S for regular MARFAK LUBRICATION. Chapman's Service Store Bridge and Second Telephone 853 Vernonia, Ore. THE WISE OWNER PLACES HIS CAR ON Iskin jewelry will make you as beguiling as your new Easter Bonnet . . . your perfect accessory for the Easter Parade. Exquisitely designed gold filled or sterling pins, earrings and brace­ lets, by Iskin, to wear whenever you want to look impressively chic, striking, and worldly. At­ tractively packaged in a New Utility Jewel Box. OUR HOIST FOR LUBRICATION Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JE’.VLER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Ry. TTENTION Truck Owners The lower Columbia truck association At the Mile Brige, Riverview I will Ph. 502 Vernonia at 8 o’clock Wednesday, April 9. PLEASE ATTEND | Healthy stock mean sure profits! hold a meeting at the Legion hall at Vernonia ZENITH TIRES According to the last registra­ tion, there are 10,288 taxicabs in New York; 9,851 in the District of Columbia, and 3,275 in Chicago. mum III •arsa •IF BlSINMCTAN You’ll have healthy, wealth­ winning livestock when you use Standard Dip and Disinfectau It’s a completely safe germ­ destroying insecticide. Mix with water as recommended, to treat animals (except cats) and poul­ try. And use Standard Super Germite solution for cleaning of barns, sheds and pens. Costs only 2 or 3 cents a gallon when mixed properly with water. Rely on this super-strength germicide for keeping sheds and barns clean. 1 STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS GUARANTEED IN WRITING ■ Passenger tires 18 mo. $14.49 Tax 18.15 17.55 21.95 21.45 600X16-4ply 600X16-6ply 650X16-4ply 650X16-6ply 650X15-4ply $1.16 1.41 1.28' 1.43 1.22 Under New Management We wish to announce this week that Girod’s Food Store is under new management effective Mon­ day of this week. We invite those people who have been customers of the store under the previous ownership to continue their grocery purchases here. We will do our best to serve you satisfactorily. Truck & Bus heavy duty N.l.M'S FOOD STORE 6 mo. Guaranteed 600X16-6ply 650X16-6ply 750X16-8ply 750X20-10ply 825X20-10ply 825X20-12ply $20.30 23.45 38.65 61.45 65.55 75.45 Tax $1.37 1.55 2.20 3.43 3.96 4.25 Ready For You Now Our market is well stocked with the items you will need for your Easter dinner. May we supply you with those special meat needs that will make your dinner on that day a complete success. GREENWOOD MOTORS Vernonia, Ore. Ph. 1121 Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Job Rated Trucks — May we also suggest that you patronize this market every day you shop for meat needs. 4L HERRA'S MARKET b