m < THURSDAY MARCH IS 1947 THF. FACT F VFRNONTA OFF THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. resort with its own private air- boards to make changes for the field. U3e of school buildings and re- Dixie is awakening from a 40- QUESTION OF THE WEEK peals the law which forbids danc- year sleep. Q. I am a World War II vet- HB 364 increases Ghost of • gold rush of 1846, eran taking a school course that ing therein, Dixie is in for a face lifting. requires three hours per week. appropiations for a state office Earl Thomas Scott, ex-marine Am X entitled to receive sub­ building from $1,500,000 to $2,- has bought the town. When he sistence allowance under the G.i. 000,000 and makes possible rent­ als from self-sustaining boards was turned down on his loan ap­ Bill? A. If you are taking an under- which will repay the orginal in­ plication to purchase a placer claim, the Veterans Adminstra- graduate course at a college or vestment to the state. HB 78 Aa • service to veterans m the tion appraiser suggested he select university you are elgible for one- decreases the necessary number community, this newspaper will property with buildings or im­ quarter of the fall subsistence of signatures on,a petition calling publish a weekly column of news provements to be offered as secur­ allowance, but if it is a high for a special election to vote briefs from the Veterans Admin­ ity. Dixie was the solution. school or vocational school course taxes, to maintain county fair- istration. For more detailed in­ of less than six hours per week, grounds, from 15 to 10 per cent. Scott’s purchase includes a 153- formation. veterans should con­ acre site, several hydraulic and you are not eligible for subsis­ HB 396 provides for a % mill tax levy for state land board tact or write to the nearest VA placer claims, an eight-room hotel, tence allowance. Contact Office at Odd Fellows post office, general store and gas BENEFITS TO WORLD WAR II emergency use. HB 215 author­ izes port districts to construct 'Bldg., Portland Oregon pump, a vacant saloon, a one- VETS AND DEPENDENTS SB 124, National Service Life Insurance and operate hospitals. room schoolhouse, a seven-grave Description: (continued from under the present law certificates VET BUYS TOWN WITH cemetery and several vacant log last week) Payments to bene­ of nomination must be filed 10 G.I. LOAN GUARNATEE buildings. ficiaries may be made in one sum days before the election, this law Tucked in the heart of Idaho’s Scott plans to turn the town primitive area, the little town of into a dude ranch and hunting or in monthly installments. Loans requires that they be filed at are made on converted policies least 20 days before election. HB up to 94 per cent of cash value 111 reduces the bag limit for the taking of smelt by non-commer- at 4 per cent interest. The policy holder may now cial fishermen from 50 to 25 designate any person or persons, pounds. HB 110 increases salary firm corporation or estate as of members of fish commission from $5 to $10 a day and in­ beneficiary. Veterans who had active service creases maximum salary that may between October 8, 1940 and receive in any year from $200 to September 2, 1945 may now take $600 for each commissioner, HB out new NSLI term insurance, 250 authorizes state utilities com- even if none was taken out while missioner, on petition of a city, in service, except that not more to regulate speed of trains pass­ than $10,000 of government life ing in city, and to require instal­ insurance may be carried at any lation of signals with cost of con­ time, less any NSLI that may struction and maintenance divid­ have been surrendered for its cash ed between city and railroad. HB 96 provides that transfers by value. i Requirements: Any member of banks and trust companies of the armed forces ordered to capital stock funds, which jeopar­ active duty for more than 30 days dize the financial interests of stockholders, shall not be made is eligible to apply for NSLI. until permission is granted by superintendent of banks, and that an officer of a hank liable for the conduct thereof may not resign without approval of superintend­ capitai /•’i ent of bank, SB 134 legalizes deductions from salaries of state 'Hi BZ! • employees of group insurance