THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE., THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 NOTICE YOUNG man wants to rent small house. Call 618 Rose Ave., 1 to 12 week days or Saturdays, lltl TO THE CITY OF VERNONIA Once more the time of year has arrived when the women’s Relief Corps, begins to make plans for cleaning the old cem etery. We are justly proud of our small community. We have our churches, lodges, Lion’s club etc., but don't you think, dear people •of Vernonia, it, is high time we all take time out to help this small band of loyal women in keeping up the old cemetery? Most of us have dear ones laid away there as well as war vet erans from 2 wars and in as much as we now have a nice new cem etery, well kept up, these old settlers and pioneers passed on before it was established. We believe that the City of Vernonia and citizens should have enough civic pride to set aside one day each year to all go en- masse and help with this work, for if it were not for these fore fathers of ours, laid to rest out there, Vernonia would not be the flourishing community that it is today. We will appreciate any help or suggestions that the city or fraternal group« can give. Womens Relief Corps Mrs. Ione Justice, President Mrs. A. P. Bays, press correspondent WANTED ¡Cedar, fir, and larch Poles. All sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spald ing Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. __________________________ 9t7c A CHANGE of price on garb age hauling will be made March 1. Homes, $1.50. All garbage must be at curb on Saturday. Shorty Lee 9t3 Landscaping and garden Work and tree pruning. J. K. Barton Timber route._______________ 9t3 Found Dead FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—General FOR SALE OR TRADE HAY for sale. Oats and vetch. T. P. Johnston, Birkenfeld, Ore. 10t3 NEW, 1946 Chev., 4.5 yard dump, 2-ton 6403, 160-inch wheel base, St. Paul hoist, 900 tires. Green wood Motors, Dodge & Plymouth, phone 1121. title BOY’S Hawthorne bicycle. Paint ed green and yellow. 8 O-A hill ____________________________ 9t3 ONE LANGE range in good con dition. Attractive 53-piece dinner set for $20. One galvanized hot water tank. Mrs. Dan Cason 626 Rose Ave. Otic HAY, vetch and oats. Also clover, wheat straw and oat straw. Can deliver. Mike Yunker, Phone 1610M, Forest Grove, Ore. lltfc WINDSOR mahogany rocking chair. R. Valpiani, Mist Rt. Inquire after 6:30 p.m. 9t3 ‘37 LINCOLN Zephyr club coupe (as is) $595.00. 625 Second St. 10t3 NICE RANGE. Also good cir culator heater. Both in good con dition, Sleeping room for rent. Nice and warm. 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 4tfc BED SPRINGS and mattress, ‘36 Ford Tudor sedan, 36 Hudson Sedan, 36 Pontiac sedan, all in good shape. See Stevens, Mist Ore. 10t3 LODGES WOOD cook stove in good con dition. 19 O-A hill. W. E. Cates. *llt3 GOOD, Hawthorne bicycle with good tires. $25. 191 North St., telephone 423. 10t3 1942 INDIAN motorcycle. Box 233, Vernonia, R. A. Harriman. 10t3 COLEMAN Oil stove. 3 room size. See Bob Cline, 1047 Wash. St. Ht3c ‘30 MODEL A Ford roadster. In quire 843 Third St. after five on week days. lltl CEMETERY markers. Granite Mirro-lite and bronze. Priced $35- $100. Bronze vases are now avail able. Order before April 1 for Memorial Day. George Peters, Vernonia Memorial Cemetery. Ilt3 FOR SALE—Livestock V. F. W. Regular meetings: 2 & 4 Weds. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meets: 1st & 3rd Wed. ________________ .________________ 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 (/^O^I.0.0.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. FOUR-YEAR Guernsey cow, price $100. Will, freshen in July First house past Oscar Weed’s on Timber Rt. 9t3 GOOD, six-year-old riding mare, gentle, with or without saddle. T. F. Hillyer, Mist route, box 70.________________________ llt3 ONE FRESH Guernsey-Durham cow and Whiteface heifer calf. Also 3 New Zealand white rabbits. Sunnyside Service near Trehame. __________________________lltlc FOR SALE—Real Estate Orvel Edwards, Noble FGrand Calvin Davis, Sec’y_________ 4-47 HOME with good income. All nicely furnished and another 3- room furnished all modern house Columbia on rear of lot. On another lot, a Encampment No. 89 will meet the lsfand 3rd Fridays . warehouse 76ftx28ft and garage of each month at the I.O.O.F. 20fexl2ft. L. M. Porterfield, 376 North St. 45tf hall. Carl A. Davis, Chief Patriarch HALF ACRE, 4-room house, two Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. 1-48 bedrooms, bath, small barn, poul try house. Near O-A mill. Price $2500 See T. B. Mills. lltl Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Noma Callister, Noble Grand Juanita Edwards, Vice Grand Beryl Cline, Secretary Ella Cline, Treasurer 3-47 Vernonia F. O. E. Order (Fraternal of Eagles) 810 Bridge Street Vernonia 4th 2nd and 8 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: I.O.O.F. Business - Professional Directory Films Developed One Print Each 35c a Roll ZEMAN’S Fourth Vernonia Temple No. 61 I.O.O.F. Meeting*: and Hall 2-47 _. . _ * Order of Eastern Star Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com munication first and 3rd each of Wed. month at Masonic Ten* pie. All visiting sister* and broth welcome. er* Mona Gordon, Worthy Matron Florence Messing, Sec’y. 1-4S WANTED LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buSr your place. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay ter Realty compa y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— HEMSTITCHING and sew ing for infants and small children. Mrs. Pearl Adams. 9t3 MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 PHOTOGRAPHERS 4 POWER LINEMEN These are only A few of the 40,000 job openings monthly in the new Regular Army. A wide choice of occupations, ex pert instruction and excellent pay while learning make enlistment in the United States, Army a career well worth investi gating NOW. Inquire today at LONGVIEW VICTORY CENTER Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.M. meets at Temple Staged Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Herman Dickson. W. M. Ray Mills. Sec’y. 1¿8 Longview, Wash. WE ARE lookmg for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop erty. If you want to sell, come in and see us. Reeher’s Real Es tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc VERNONIA POST 119 Meets first and Third Mon. Each of month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesday* 1-47 S.W. McChesney Rd. Portland-1- Oregon. This space paid for by a Port land business man. We have 6x8x10 concrete foundation blocks for sale? We have and we can also do you carpenter or concrete work, new or repairs. SEE YORK. THE BUILDER FOR ESTIMATES BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Pickers must be 12 years old or over or accompanied by guardian or parents. Only pickers fur nished transportation free. Reg ister by post card at ROLLING HILLS FARM Banks, Oregon Portland - Sunset - Elsie - Cannon Timber • • Vernonia Beach Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 Quick Guaranteed Radio Service ALL KINDS of insurance: sick, accident, life, car and lire. Geo W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf— FOR ALL Kinds of hauling cal) 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- Classified Ad Rates ZEMAN’S MINIMUM words or les*. 714 3rd St. imum, 2c for Let a vet do your work. Septic tank and cesspool pumping. Drain Line Service. Free inspection J. D. MADDAX Mist, Oregon E. M. YORK & CONTRACTOR 108 A BUILDER St. MIST—The thing which caused quite a bit of interest among the villagers last week was an am phibious Duck brought in the village by Lloyd Garlock. He was parked at the Roy Garlocks place, and much speculation was voiced. It finally turned out that Lloyd had bought it. The Garlocks plan on using several parts for repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and Linda have returned home from Alsea where they went to work over a year ago. Mr. Lar son is working for the O-A. They plan on moving to Vernonia. Now they are staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Batson. The Ernest Kyser family were in Vernonia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers went to Astoria Friday p.m. to attend the anniversary of the first post office west of the Rock ies. A very interesting time was enjoyed. Mrs. L. P. Wilkstrom was a Forest Grove business visitor Monday, going in to take her daughter, Shirley, for medical attention. Mrs. L. B. Eastman ha3 been confined indoors with a severe cold. The Libels and the Knowles had a cousin arrive here from Okla homa. He liked the country here and has decided to stay and work in one of the mills. The new mechanic at the Mist garage is Pete Henderson from Seaside. Earl Knowles was a Portland visitor Saturday. The J. O. Libels and Alton Ashley families went to Astoria Friday to the dairy meeting. PAINTING PAPERHANGING Paint and Wallpaper for Sale Carlin Hackney Call 422 Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo dern plant. Two pick ups and deliveries weekly at Verncnia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners Announcement We have made arrangements with Nehalem Diary, Vernonia so that those of you who have cream to sell and live close enough to bring it to town can leave it at this place. Tag same and get another can, we will pick up same, bring to creamery, weigh and test and mail check direct or to dairy whichever you desire. Our pickup trucks for cream and eggs also operate in your territory twice weekly. If you are unable to bring same to town will gladly pick up at your place. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR BOTH AT ALL TIMES Also have separator service. Drop us a line or give us a call- Let us help you with your tests or other troubles and talk over the value of milk for feed for calves, chickens, pigs, etc., along with or compared to other higher priced feeds. CREAM LEFT AT NEHALEM DAIRY SHOULD EE THERE ON OR BEFORE TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS AT NOON Forest Grove Creamery Forest Grove, * Ore. Phone 126 _______ 3tfe J. E. FOSSUM electric service, 208 B St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, installation;, altera tions, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial. Phone 283.______ 22tfc NEHALEM VALLEY MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR FREIGHT WHITE boar service at the Old Orndorf place. See D. I. Olinger. Frank Hartwick— MS Proprietor SANITARY SERVICE American Legion DEAD INSIDE—Down inside you is a dead man and your throat sends out the putrid stench of the dead. You would not want any man to tell this of you but so you are to God who looks on the heart.—BIBLE Dead as you are in his sight and sepernted from h'm forever by your sins, yet he offers to lift you up into life with himself. This tells it for God so loved you be lieve in Him, you should not perish but have death into life eternal God your heavenly Father by new birth. BORN AGAIN—Receive Christ into your heart as Lord and Sav iour. Stand on it that his blood cleanses from all sin. Make Christ your own and right then God gives you new b rth into eternal life. Feelings or no feel ings, you are born again. God said it. You believe it and let that settle you. GROW UP—Prove the new life. Come sunshine or showers, good times or evil, gain or loss,—in it all look utterly to Christ to see you through. He Saves—Keeps— Satisfies. Helene Curtis Park Avenue Machine or Machineless Permanents Phone 7712 Gearhart A. F. & A. M. A.F. & Masonic LOST: 2 horses. Brown mare and bay gelding. 12-13 hands tall. Reward. Notify Ruth Beck, Timber Rt., Vernonia. lltl Wednesday Fourth of each month. ___________ Nehalem FOUND: 2 small pigs. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this add. Harry Williams, c-o Kenneth Tuttle, Timber Rt. 9t3 Did Yöu Know Attorney-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday Pythian Sisters LOST AND FOUND Riverview Beauty Shop NEAL BUSH Monday* Each Month Second 714 3rd St. Second and Hall, WINCHESTER automatic shot gun in good condition to swap for outboard motor. J. M. Peach ey, Mist Rt. Ilt3c 6 WEATHER OBSERVERS 1 WATCHMAKER FURNISHED house for rent. Also White sewing machine in good condition for sale. 1st house down steps by ball park. Also for sale 2 violins, 1 extra bow. Dickerson, P.O. Box 113. Ilt3c M. P. 1941 WILLYS sedan Americar. Good motor, tires and paint. Value $1000. To trade as down payment on house. Write loca tion and price to P.O. Box 463, Tillamook, Ore. 9t3 FOR RENT Friday« H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec’y.______ 7-47 FOR TRADE 'Duck' Attracts Much Attention charge 30c Words each. ad* with min insertions answer* handled by The Eagle: to be Minimum charge 75c. No information given relative to such ad*. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c BOLD FACE ads, minimum 50c ea., 3 for the price of 2. Word* over minimum, 3c each. CREDIT ADS, 10c EXTRA FOR BILLING. CONVERT THOSE STRAY FIR LOGS INTO 25 the price of two. BLIND ATTENTION CASH SOUND FIR PEELER LOGS OR BLOCKS WANTED for over Three FARMERS and TIMBERMEN MINIMUM LENGTH OF 8 FEET 6 INCHES PHONE GARIBALDI 166 Nicolai Plywood Company GARIBALDI, OREGON 9