8 THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1947 TOWN TOPICS Mrs. John Peterson and Mrs. Garret Blackalaar of North ITatte, Nebraska left for their home Sunday aftir spending two weeks visiting the Roy Brady famtily and friends both in Ver nonia and Portland. Mr. Brady is a brother of Mrs. Peterson Mr, and Mrs. John Rons motor ed to Astoria Sunday to visit the Hansen and Whitaker families for a few days. Miss Aretha Brady and Bill Ritz visited the Roy Brady home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Culbertson and daughter were here Saturday and Sunday from Eugene to visit Mr. and Mrs., Harry Culbertson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Knight. Douglas Culbertson was also home from Pacific University and this was the first time that Doug las and Edgar haul been home at the same time in four years. Dean Brady arrived at his home here Tuesday morning of last week from his station at Seoul, Korea on an emergency furlough granted because of the illness of his father. He made the trip by plane, leaving Seoul for Tokyo February 4. He left Tokyo Thurs day and arrived in San Francisco Sunday night. At Johnson Is land the plane made a bad land ing and plunged into the ocean but all passengers escaped in- jury although the plane was damaged considerably. He tells many interesting things and brought home a number of articles of interest. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. PETE BRUNSMAN Three Car» Purchased By Riverview People; Visits Are Mentioned RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Worley and Venice vis ited at the W. J. Lindsley home Thursday evening. Three cars have been purchased here in Riverview recently. The owners are Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline, who bought a ’39 Chev, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Worley, a ’41 Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, a 1941 Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and son spent the week end at the Frank Mills home. Polly Lynch, Henry Hudson, Alleene Hudson, Bill Hudson, Sister Hart and Hender, Barbara Long and Joan Lindsley attended a Valentine party given at the Davis home at Treharne. V Two Are Honor Guests At Parties Held At Keasey Last Week KEASEY —Mrs. Bruce Bumdt was hostess February 14 at a birthday party for her husband. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Poynter and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts and Betty and Mrs. Flora Burndt of Salem. James Bonnick was honored at a party February 11 for his 75th birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harve (Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner and Lloyd and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Counts. A birth day supper was served and cards were played. • Atkins Hand Saws $3.75 Daisy Can Opener $1.30 Bond Box .................$2.50 Alarm Clocks ........ $1.85 Wrist Watch .......... $5.50 Basket Ball Shoes $2.85 <**rBOLTS, ROPE, SAWS, CRESCENT WRENCHES, NAILS «a* SPORTING GOODS, FRIGIDAIRES, GUNS AND AMMUNITION TACKLE, FISHING TOYS, MARSHALL WELLS PAINT Hdwe.—Paints—Linseed Oil—Turpentine, Elec. Wiring Garden Rakes $2.00 Blue Work Shirt,$2.00 Hoes .............. $1.85 Tricycles, Pre-war Price and Quality Spade ....... $2.3-5 $10.95, $11.95, $13.95, $16.95, $17.95 Spading Fork $2.10 Emerson Radios ............................ $34.60 Youngstown Steel Sinks $148.40 Sport weight Hip Boots ............... $9.90 Youngstown Steel Base and Wall Reels ............ $1.00, $2.85, $5.25, $10.50 Cabinets $25.95, $34.95, $24.60 & $19.10 American Fork & Hoe Cast- Rods $3.50 Rural Galv. Mail Bx ......................... $2.25 6-Gal. Galv. Metal Bread Box with Shelf ........ $2.25 Large Garbage Can ........ $4.50 Garbage Can Red, Black & Gray Sport Hats ....$1,25 Hand Scythe .......................................... 95e $2.25 No. 14 Electrical Wire ........... foot 2>/>c Miracle Wall Tone .................. $3.25 Camilius Cutlery Co. pocket knives $1.35 to $2.75 28-inch SCREEN WIRE ............................. foot 18c CELLO GLASS 32 inch SCREEN WIRE foot 20c; 36-inch, foot 24c HARDWARE CLOTH QUARTER-INCH PLYWOOD IN STOCK 4x8 sheets $3-65 INLAID LINOLEUM IN STOCK $2.25 per Square yard- 9x12 Congoleum Rugs, $9.75; 9x10’$8.75; 6x9, $5.25; 7' ->x9 seconds,$5.15 Special Meeting Dated Spring Trout Releases Begin Spring releases of approximately 2,000,000 legal sized rainbow and cutthroat trout are being started this month by the fish liberation department of the Oregon state game cammission. The fish, which were held over the winter at the commission’s hatcheries, liave been allocated as equitably a 1 possible to waters in all rectums of the state. First releases will be mad? in the coastal area. The bulk of the liberations, however, will com? from/ this year’s production and will be made during the last summer and fall months. The commission plans to have a substantial in crease in the number of fish raised over last year’s production of 14,690,000. Saturday, February 22 is the date set for a special meeting for members of Vernonia Grange No. 305. Purpose of the extra meet ing ¡3 to make plans for In ore grange activity for the future, All grangers are urged to attend. Bring Sunshine to every meal w these cheery, refreshing puces at Safeway's NEW LOW PRICES Parking Fines Levied Fines’ for double parking have comprised the principal business of the city recorder’s court the past week Albert Childs, recorder, said Monday. Cars are not al lowed to double park at any time under the rules of a city ordin ance adopted last year. • Town Hou»» Tomato Juice Sunny D..n h« ««' ‘J,-’“ 11 >• ">«4« l,om ',",h J 4 mnlo.1. riri«4. P'««4 *n<1 P*Ck"i *11 in one day » <»»• hlW PACK Siodc OihaA ßiq Ualuu in ¡filial! 'Ufi.! SUNNY OAWN Tomato Juice No 2 1ftc con I U for pleasant motoring plea- 11 con» Petite Apricot Halves unpi.ljd No. sconce Cceen Cranberry Sauce Spray con *”J Highway— No. iVaOJC Peaches ■ Holves or slices con A J ’p’r H’se 2*4 OQ- Pear Halves , • H Bartletts can vv Red Tag 2% *)*)' c Fancy Prune nr •w brand can — In sonitory 4-lb. ZQc Dried Prune »5 Cellophane pkg. Oz s or Pears K pkg 25‘ Grapefruit Juice .”.’135 ’1.19 V-8 Vegetable Juice Vegetable Juice iC OS* comparì these values sure every day. That’s what you expect with Chevron today for a tankful. »1.25 4 »1.35 Grapefruit Juice LX'XT./10' PERFECT Al 5:21 I’/i Birthday Dance Set A dance at the Legion hall is being planned for the evening of February 22 by the V.F.W. Auxiliary in commemoration of Washington’s birthday. The Aux iliary committee in charge started preparation for the affair over a week ago. Grapefruit Juice Sunny Down gas. You save at Safeway on these favorites Rose Ave. Garage V SPAGHETTI — Blue , D.kk«- Ribbon I brond —Prepored DI 22c Cornbread Mix,Cinch Auger $£•24' Gingerbread Mix, 25-lb. sock »fig Sperry Flour, 50-lb. sack »3.57 Pillsbury Flour, Minced Clams’’¿r Snow's—for GOOD ¿lorn chowder WALNUTS Grown in Oregon—No. 1 large sizes Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Stewed Prunes ? ó 9Rc C & M brond No 303 tors Special low price Noodles *JW Snow Soda Crackers Flakes Soda Crackers, Kri=py 1-ib. pkg. 24c Potato Chips, B,ue Bel1 5Vi-oz. 25c Vs-lb. Porter'» wide Fril-let, or Rrs»Ax> hrnnrl Fee«« Pure Lard Mince Meat Sandwich Bags ¿2. BLACK PEPPER i I I 2-oi. 1 f c tin U Schilling’s brand Back in Stock I I » I FRESH SMELT - - ** What o trect they ore— breoded ond fried golden brown. UN t ! »ssrrw« UCM PICNICS, raekeS B mì R mi I ........ Sliced Bacon J au A IklSe Ulk Ik. 4k Sirloin Beef Steak, . ?»» Cr«4M rss Ik. 55« lb. t>9< ChicAuu! tLADY FOR »k« PAN —- Th«$ new modem woy of buy ing chickens «s p lees mg more ond more »omîtes every — .» 6T ROASTERS I Jus* •••*» *67* I F hcomm FOWL ! *57* 2 lbs. TTI dàs TFlonuf-Savinq (JalusLà fosi you Whde you help the producer reduce surplus crops Vaks« N«. I M m ., Val.. A H. i Desert Wb.te Snfitvtuf ‘ÌTUvdiAi—VUud H* «•»«•> 1 NOW AT SAFEWAY Wlsa/t FRYERS Monday thru Friday: 8.30 a.m. to 6.15 3 BIG PRODUCER-CONSUMER CAMPAIGNS They must be tender, juicy, fine flavored—or money back. I I Fruits and vegetables offer a wealth of health SAFEWAY CUARANTEED MEATS I i I I « » » I » » ♦ I » f I » SAFEWAY FRESH PRODUCE Garbage Bags ¿2. I I I » p.m.; Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. R Pkg. 15c CHEESE New store hours effective Feb. 10th: mJ CHERRIES Vernonia, Oregon THE STOKE WHEIIE SHOPPING IS ALWAYS < OX VEX I EXT 6%*oz. fiCc Pabst-ett Cheese or Standard pimento pkg. ¿J Cheddar Cheese, Superior 'b- 55c Red Hill Catsup 1314.-OZ. bottle ige Del Monte Catsup 14-°2 bo»1« 22c 35r *.55' Halibut Steaks 1.45' Salmon Steaks SablefWi Steaks 1.35* 1.45' Fillet #f Sole Oysters XT pint 65« Grapefruit Per Pound Half Box »1.39 Full Box »2.19 Parsnips Cauliflower LEMONS M.nty Vaia. , Potatoes l.j-lb. 100-lb sack No. 2’s 50-lb. sack >5c Hood Ib9 1 « It 3" ORTLEY» IS ^ou 9ef mt>re f0ry0ur mon*Y af SAFEWAY