Legal Notices FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—General WANTED OATS and vetch. Never been rained on. On Vic Bergerson place six miles out Rock Creek 8tl FIRST QUALITY hay (shock cured). Ton lots. Horse and Cow. Elmer Bergerson, Timber Rt. 49tl3c LOGS and stumpage wanted. Will pay fair prices. Elmer Berger­ son. 8t3c NEW wood range and new Vene­ tian blinds. Also used sewing machine. 105 O-A hill. 8tl 1936 MASTER Deluxe Chev. coupe. In good running condition. Very good upholstery. W. M. Braum, six miles south of Ver­ nonia on Banks highway. 7t3 1941 CHEV truck, military type 4x4, flat bed. $950. Paul Swann, Keasey Rt. 8tl PULPWOOD and small logs. G. F. Brown, St. Helens Junction, Pittsburg. 6t3c FOR SALE immediately, 200-250 tons hay $12.00 stumpage in field. Also sell some machinery. Elmer Bergerson, Vernonia, Orc. 6t3 NICE RANGE. Also good cir­ culator heater. Both in good con­ dition. Sleeping room for rent. Nice and warm. 376 North St., L. M. Porterfield. 4tfc ONE WALL telephone, $12; one cabinet phonograph and records, $10. 987 Second Ave. 7t3 LODGES meeting*! 2 & 4 Wed*. 8 p.m. O. T. Bateman, Commander B. J. Horn. Adjutant AUXILIARY Regularly meet*: 1 *t & 3rd Wed. 4-47 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 .O.O.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M, Orvel Edwards, Noble FGrand Calvin Davis. Sec’y_________ 4-47 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Carl A. Davis, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe. l-48c Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Vernonia F. O. E. Eagles) of Order 810 Bridge Street Vernonia 2nd 4th and Friday» 8 M. P. H. W. Carrick, pres. Geo. Armstrong, Sec’y. 7-47 Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. I.O.O.F. Each Month Second and Fourth 153, Chapter O. Regular E. S. com­ munication first and 3rd Wed. of each pie. All Tisiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Mona Gordon. Worthy Matron Florence Messing, Secy. 1-4S A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A.M. meets at Temple Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. Herman Dickson, W. M. Ray Milla, Sec’y. 1-48 APARTMENTS for rent. Single rooms for men. Morrow Apart­ ments, 545 Bridge St. 7t3 SELL your cream and eggs to the Forest Grove Creamery. Build a market close to home good as Portland. Write or phone us for pick up arrangements. 30tfc WE ARE looking for listings in Vernonia on farm and city prop­ erty. If you want to sell’ come in and see us. Reeher’s Real Es­ tate (Howard and Arthur Reeher), 18 First Ave. N. W., Forest Grove. Phone 33. 41tfc LISTINGS on your homes, farms and small acreage. Free apprais­ als given. We have cash buyers waiting to buy your T>lace. Call or write Mr. Thompson, c-o Slay ter Realty compa y, 528 S. W. Salmon, Portland 4, Oregon, phone BRoadway 1146. 43tf— 119 Meet* first and Third Mon. *4 Each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays COLUMN. ZEMAN’S Riverview Beauty Shop Helene Curtis Park Avenue Machine or Machineless Permanents Phone 7712 NEAL BUSH 1-47 J. E. FOSSUM electric service, 208 B St., Vernonia. Contract, day work, installations, altera­ tions, repairs. Home, commercial, industrial. Phone 283. 22tfc BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Frank Hartwick— Proprietor Tim bar • Gearhart Vernonia Bonck • Seaside Vernonia Phone 1042 Quick Guaranteed Radio Service ZEMAN’S 714 3rd St. Procedure to Obtain VA Aid for Service-connected Dental Conditions — 0 0 0 Present your credentials at your nearest VA office for treatment authorization If eligible/ authorization for treatment plus instructions will be mailed to you Select dentist participating in "hometown" dental program if VA dental clinic services N.S.L.I. Insurance Drive Started More than 85,000 Oregon vet­ erans will be urged to reinstate $700,000,000 worth of lapsed nat­ ional service life insurance during a nationwide veterans adminstra- tion -campaign which opened up Men ar.d women for berry work. February 4, Thomas M. Craig, Work to start, weather permitting. VA representative for this area Transportation furnished. One announced a few days ago. Oregon’s stake -in the rein­ man to work and drive bus. Regis­ statement campaign is roughly ter by post card to one third of that for the Pacific all of which is served ROLLING HILLS FARM Northwest, by the VA’s branch insurance Banks, Oregon division in Seattle. In the four 3tfc states and Alaska, 260,000 ex-GIs have abandoned policies repre­ senting $2,340,000,000 in potential LOST AND FOUND economic security for themselves HEART-SHAPED locket trimmed and their dependents. in green and pink gold flowers. Craig pointed out that N.S.L.I. Reward. Call 273, Mw. Frank has considerably lower rates than Lange. _________ 8tlc commercial insurance policies be­ LOST: Black dog, part spaniel, cause the government pays the part pomeranian. $10 reward. administrative overhead. At the See Si. Russell, phone 221. 7t3 same time, it offers a wide range of policies for the veteran to LOST: Red and whita spaniel select from. near Mist. Will answer to name The VA’s current drive for re­ “Canby.” Art Filliger, phone instatement will continue until 617J1, Astoria, collect. Reward. May 1 and is intended to inform ___________________ 8t3 every veteran of the value of his N.S.L.I.. policy and to clear up MISCELLANEOUS questions about it, Craig said. Life insurance underwriters as­ ATTENTION land owners and farmers, we can sell your stand­ sociations, the American Legion, ing timber now. Lena Holmes Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dis­ Realtor, 816 E. Hawthorne. VE abled American Veterans, AVC, 2418. 4t6c Amvets, labor groups, civic oran- izatiors and government agencies ALL KINDS of insurance! sick, are cooperating with the VA cam­ accident, life, car and lire. Geo paign. W. Bell, Phone 773. 6tf— Craig meets with veterans ea<-h FOR ALL Kinds of hauling call Wednesday morning in the City 8810. Shorty Lee Transfer. 14tf- Hall at Vernonia. • Temperature at the core of the Classified Ad Rate«_____ sun has been estimated at 20 million degrees Centrigrade. Wa­ MINIMUM charge 3Oc for 25 ter boils at 100 degrees on this words or less. Words over min­ scale. imum, 2c each. Three insertions Army Recruiting Hits New High United States army recruiting hit a new high recently when Lt. Col, Lloyd H. Rockwell, com­ manding officer of the Arizona sub-district administered the oath to two enlistees in a blimp whili flying over Arizona. Col. M. L. McCreary, chief of rdecruiting, sixth army area, with headquarters at the Presidio of San Francisco,, paid high tribute to the weekly and daily news­ papers of the area for the sucess of the campaign so far. “Despite the paper shortage,” Col. McCreary said, “the news­ papers have been most generous in the space they have devoutgd to news items and editorials re­ garding the United States army's intensive recruiting program. Newspaper advertising has also proved most effective.” The manpower drive is current­ ly being aided' by personal rep­ resentatives of the six famous divisions now overseas. “These men are all combat vet­ erans who have had oivilian and army experience and prefer to re­ main in the army until retire­ ment,” Col. McCreary pointed out. “Any one of them would have no difficulty in placing himself well in civilian life, but the army holds for them an appeal that a suit of mufti cannot match.” • The world’s largest refracting telescope is the 40-inch instrument of the University of Chicago, lo­ cated in Yerkes Observatory, William Bay, Wisconsin. Perhaps the most valuable autograph in the world is that of Her.ry Morgenthau, Jr., whose signature has been on about 13,- 619,900,003 pieces of American currency with a face value of about $64,986,000,000. FLAT TIRES by ATI EY Howdy Folks: A little chew­ ing gum stuck on the front of the pants keeps the napkin from skidding. • * Which reminds our missus that etiquette is the difference between table manners and stable manners. • ♦ ♦ Etiquette f*»rb’d« the us** of fingers, but if food isn’t clean enough tn pick nn with lingers it’s not fit to eat. ♦ ♦ Well anyhow, eat. drink and be merry for tomorrow you diet. Today, tomorrow. or any time, we can keen your car running smoothly if you bring it in for regular M A R F A K LUBRICATION. CHAPMAN’S Senice Store Bridge and Second Telephone 853 Vernonia, Oregon for the price of two. minimum BOLD FACE ads, 50c ea., 3 for the price of 2. Words over minimum, 3c each. BLIND ads with answers to be Send your Laundry & handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 75c. No information given relative to such ads. THE appear in ad* published in it* columns, but in case* where 'Ki* paper is at fault, will re. ^rint that which the occur*. part of an adv. typographical in mistake CREDIT ADS, 10c EXTRA FOR BILLING. POETRY only accepted will be given out paper ia mailed. NO CLASSIFIED aa paid typa lino. classified* matter Rate: 5e par No information on until after to Portland’« most mo­ dern plant. Two pick­ ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT WEEK’S PAPER. Dry Cleaning no finan­ EAGLE assu me. cial responsibility for error* that may • Veterans! THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1947 7 CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75c Attorney-at-law Office at Joy Theater building every Monday Sunset - Elsie • Cannon VERNONIA POST BARGAINS? LINE IN THE • 714 3rd St. Portland American Legion SOLDIER’S WIFE badly in need of home to rent. Two children, 6 months and 2 years. Write Irene Hull, Keasey Rt. 6t3 NOTICE OF SALE J. P. McFarland, Claimant vs. George Smith, Defendant Notice is hereby given that on the 28 day of February, 1947, at the hour of ten o’clock a.m. at the residence of claimant, towit: Keasey Route, Vernonia, Oregon, there will be offered for sale and sold to the highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the consum­ mation of the sale, a certain dark brown jersey cow, with horns, about 5 years of age, to satisfy the sum( of $30.00, and costs of lien, costs of service and other necessary disbursements. Dated this 7 day of February, 1947. GEORGE M. PETERS, Constable, _____________________ 7t2c WANTED FOR RENT month at Masonic Tenn A.F. & Masonic WANTED: Cottonwood logs, all sizes, also lumber and poles, all sizes. Advise prices f.o.b. ship­ ping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. 3t7c 2-47 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem WANTED: Douglas Fir second growth timber, suitable for small mills, in quantity of 1,000,000 board feet or more, on accessible road. Inquire at The Eagle of­ fice. 2t7c HOME with good income. All nicely furnished and another 3- room furnished all modern house on rear of lot. On another lot, a warehouse 76ftx28ft and garage 20fexl2ft. L. M. Porterfield, 376 North St. 45tf Wednesday of each month. WANTED to buy: Good red hens. Have plenty of good cedar tow chicken fertilizer. Cheaper if you haul. Kirkbride and Son Phone 7714. 8t3c FOR SEWING see Mrs. D. Rig­ gle, 10 miles out on highway to­ ward Buxton on other side of Tophill. 6t3 One Print Each 35c a Roll Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall WANTED: Girl to work as book­ keeper in the new Vernonia bank. Experience desirable but not necessary. Address inquiries to Earle A. Bowman, c/o The Com­ mercial National Bank, Hillsboro, Ore. 8t2c 36 ACRES, some, timber, 1 cow, chickens, 4-room house and bath room. Davenport and chair, cir­ culating heater, 1 bed spring and mattress, L table, 4 chairs, 1 kit­ chen range, large chicken house. Half mile from Vernonia. Price $3250.00. 4- ROOM modern house in city limits of Vernonia. Will sell equi­ ty for $1100.00. Balance $650.00 at $20.00 per month. Total price $1750.00. T. B. Mills, Vernonia, Oregon. 8tl Business - Professional Directory______________ Films Developed Mondays Fourth THREE-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow with 3-weeks-old heifer calf. Both for $150.00. Morris F/ilconbury, Riverview next to 10th. 6t3 CLASSIFIED Second and Hall, TWO calves one week old. Also Ayrshire bull calf one mo. old. Will make nice sire. Charles Schmidlin, phone 13F51. 8tlc FISHING FOR DROP YOUR 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings: 3- Y EAR-OLD Jersey cow giving around 8 quarts per day now will freshen May the 4th. 348 C St., Vernonia. 8t3 WANTED Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in I.O.O.F. Hall. Noma Callister, Noble Grand Juanita Edwards, Vice Grand Beryl Cline, Secretary Ella Cline, Treasurer 3-47 (Fraternal FOR SALE—Livestock FOR SALE—Real Estate V. F. W. Regular TWO, NEW double sash windows, glass size, 16x20 each. One used small window 14x18. H. p. elec­ tric iron in good condition. C. W. Erven, 1342 Bridge St., Ver­ nonia. 7t3 ESTABLISHED grocery or small retail business store outside city limits of this city and surround­ ing towns, interested in handling complete line of fireworks on 50- 50 net profit bash. No invest­ ment or loss. I furnish merchan­ dise you sell it. Start now. Con­ tact E. W. Saxl, Mallory Hotel, Portland 5, Oregon. . 8t3c NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS: ‘ Every person owning or keep­ ing any dog over the age of eight (8) months within the State of Oregon shall, not later than March 1st of each year or within 30 days after he becomes owner or keeper of such dog, procure from the county clerk of the county in which said person re­ sides a license for such dog by paying to the county clerk a lic­ ense fee of one ($1) for a male; or spayed bitch dog and three dollars ($3) for a female dog. Any person who shall fail to procure such license within the time as herein, provided shall be required, upon procuring such license, to pay as a penalty, an additioqal sum of one dollar ($1) for each dog. A. R. Melis, Secretary of Col­ umbia County Dog Control Board. • 8t2c THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. FOR Dry Cleaners From where I sit... Ay Joe Marsh Where Cissy Spent Her Honeymoon Moat of the young newlywed« In our town spend their honeymoon at Roundstone Lake or Jackson Falla; why the Martins even went aa far aa New York City. But when Ciaay Cupper married the young Carter boy, they al­ lowed aa how they were going to spend their honeymoon right here. “There’s no place better than our town." Ciaay Bay«. “And I’d like to «tart married life at home, with things Bud and I are need to.” Makea sense, come to think of it Folks naturally left them alone; and except for occasional visits to the Garden Tavern for a glass of beer, they stayed at home, getting used to married bliss. My missus prefers traveling— and that’s he* right. But from where 1 sit. there's no place better for a honeymoon—or second honeymoon—than right at home— with your own possessions, good home cooking, and a friendly glass of beer or two—with the best com­ panion in the world. NEXT Copyright, 1947, 1/siMd Stole* Briwi Founiatwn