LOGGERS Baby Loggers Are Winners THRILLER WON IN LAST MINUTE Vernonia’s most thrilling game was played on the local floor Tuesday night, February when the Vernonia Loggers the Seaside Seagulls and them down a notch by defeating them in an action-packed game 40-39. During the last few minutes of play, the score was teetering back and forth and with about a minute left to play, the Loggers were behind 39-38. A field goal brought Vernonia ahead 40-39. With only a few seconds remain­ ing in the game, Seaside captured the ball and made a basket—but the game was over! The whistle had blown three seconds before the basket was made and because of the noise, very few heard i ALWAYS WELCOME The Pal Shop where you can get the best sandwich and cup of coffee to be found anywhere. SPORT TOPICS ROY FRANK. Basketball Editor .MELVIN SCHWAB, Bowling Editor 6 THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1947 The swinning basket was made by Tapp. Both team.s were in there bat- tling for all they were worth, Byers again topped the Logger scoring with 15 points while Nice of Seaside tallied 17 points. Both teams scored the same number of field goals but one Logger foul shot won the game. The Loggers were way behind during the first two quarters, 13-7 and 28-20, but during the last half they buckled down and were only two points behind at the end of the third quarter, 33-31, still determined to win, the woodsmen captured the game 40- Sixteen fouls were committed by Vernonia, Twelve fouls were called against the Seagulls. The crowd went wild during the last few minutes of the game and also the Vernonia spectators, at different intervals, did quite a bit of booing. Lineup*: 39 Seaside Vernonia 40 8 Currigan f Parker 3 Seabolt f Anderson 3 17 Nice c Byers 15 < 1 Molon Frank 4 g 13 McKechnie Grenia 5 g Subs: Vernonia — Walgomott, Seasidi —Gur­ Renfro 5, Tapp 2; ; Seaside well, Mehaliz, Johnson, Truex. More Time for Leisure Ice Cream in pints, quarts, gallons and 5- gallon lots. Brick Hand Pack Enjoy extra hours of freedom from drudgery by letting us do your dry cleaning. Made-to-measure Suits Vernonia Cleaners We Don’t Magnify Your Troubles We Find Them and Fix Them can’t go wrong with service that’s right and we are equipped to do the job. VER. SERV. STA. GEO. W. JOHNSON MOW'D YOU LIKE TO CUT diesel repairs sox? Folks using RPM DELO, the Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil that stretches time between overhauls, say it cuts repairs as much as 50rr. And that's right, neighbors—RPM DELO Oil protects your Diesel, gives it longer life. Compounds in RPM DELO Oil make it stop ring-sticking and cor­ rosion, ait carbon and sludge, stick to hot spots. The Navy uses it, too. Trv it today! Vernonia THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. LOGGEBS DOWN TIGERS WITH 66-23 COUNT The Vernonia Loggers downed the Clatskanie Tigers on the local floor February 14 by a big score, 66-23. Duke Byere, playing center, bombed the basket for 32 points. The Loggers, a few. weeks previous, also won from the Tigers 67-29. Vernonia was also on the long end of the fouling, The Loggers committed 20 personal fouls while the Tigere made 17. Philbrook was high tallyman for the Tigers, making 11 points. Lineups: Vernonia 66 23 C^tskanie Parker 4 f 2 Reed Anderson 4 t 3 Jacobson Byers 32 c 14 Philbrook Grenia 4 1 Engbretson g Frank 13 2 Canham g Subs: Vernonia—R e n f r o, 3, Walgomott 5, Tapp 2; Clatskanie —Reed, Sweeney, Wilcoxen 1. The Vernonia "B” Squad Cap­ tured the priminary from the Clatskanie Tigere 40-18. Walgo­ mott tallied 18 points for Ver- nonia. HEATHS LOSE TO O-A WED. The Oregon American Mill again defeated Heath's Service Station in another three-game playoff at the local bowling alleys last Wednes lay night at eight o’clock. This ¡3 the second match these two teams have had so far and so far the O-A is the winner in both occasions by rather large scores. The highest score attained in this match was rolled by K. Magby who hit the pins for a neat 207 in his second game, Byers was second with 192. The lineups for the respective teams were: Oregon American Total L. Blount 169 131 163 463 V. King 160 167 153 470 J. F. McCord 169 118 133 420 R. Fetsch 134 184 165 483 B. Hudson 138 179 174 491 Total 760 779 788 2327 Heath’s Service Station Total Jack Riley 137 138 148 425 K. Magby 115 207 148 425 B. Wagner 125 145 149 419 D. Byers 179 192 145 516 V’nD'B’g’rt 107 150 145 400 Total 665 832 733 2230 The O-A had the highest aver- age with 155 while Heath's Ser- vice attained a not too bad aver- of 148 per man. This is a cry from the scores of last month which then were around 135 per man. Also this week it was an- nounced that there will be a prize each week for the highest score attained during that week, This prize will consist of five ire? games. The game Tuesday night be­ tween Girod’s Grocers and Palace Cafe was called off because of lack of manpower to bowl on Mr. Girod’s team. When asked if Mr. Girod would attempt to take on the other team single handed his answer was one of a negative type. Although being a bowler from away back Mr. Girod could­ n’t see doing all the work himself. The Vernonia Logger seconds added another victory to their list by defeating the young Sea­ side Seagulls on the local floor February 18 by a score of 36-19. The Vernonia boys outplayed the Seagulls in every way al­ though the Seaside players had the advantage of size. Each team had 10 personal fouls called against them. All quarter scores were in fa­ vor of Vernonia. They were: 6-0, 15-6, 21-11 and 36-19. Lineups: 19 Seaside Vernonia 36 Gurwell Walgomott 1 11 f 5 Laird f Graham 4 5 Johnson c Williams 8 6 Brandler New 7 g Rusow Bateman g Subs: Vernonia:Roberts, Miller, Koski 4, DeHart, Enneberg, Mc­ Cabe 2; Seaside—Evans 1, Craf­ ton 2. O-A OUT-BOWLS GIRODS GROCERS The Oregon American Mill went again on a winning rampage this time defeating Girod's grocers in two out of three games. Bill Hudson cracked the highest score in this alley so far with a score of 243 and an average score for three games of 173. The line up for Oregon Amer- ican was: R. Fetsch 149 174 153 150 150 123 W. King E. Ade 148 143 161 L. Blount 135 129 123 B. Hudson 157 243 185 Total 739 831 745 The team average was 154 For Girod’s food store. 89 150 110 401 II. Fowler G. Shipman 105 153 145 404 H. Gwin 138 172 137 447 Mr. Girod 177 101 173 451 Total 633 701 791 2124 It was also announced this week that Roper Electric Co. of Hills­ boro will send their women’s bowling team over from Hills­ boro to play a group of hand picked local women here. The bout will take place. Thursday night at 8 p.m. at the local bowl­ ing alleys. Friday night of this week at 7 p.m. at : the bowling alleys there will be a meeting held for the purpose i of forming a regular bowling ; league and schedule. All those i who are enterested are invited to attend this meeting. The winner of this week’s award of five free games is Louis Schroeder who bowled a neat 232. BANKS REVENGE TAKEN FEB. 12 The Banks Braves revenged a former defeat February 12 by de­ feating t*he Vernonia Logger seconds at Banks 37-35. Walomott was again high scor­ er for Vernonia, this time mak­ ing 19 points. Van Domclen topped the Braves’ scoring with 10 points. Vernonia led the scoring at the end of the first two quarters, 11-6 and 22-21. Banks came back and topped the third quarter score 30-26 and final 37-35. Lineups Vernonia 35 37 Banks Walgomott 19 f Me Peat Sword 2 f 3 Witt Williams 8 c 4 M. Goodrich New 8 Duncan g Rusow 4 g 5 K. Goodrich Subs: Vernonia — Roberts, De­ Hart, Enneberg, Graham 5; Banks—7 Copp, 10 VanDomelin, Wilson. The IWA court men added more wins to their list so this season by outtallying Clatskanie Colvins last Wednes­ day evening and again Sunday afternoon, The Wednesday game was played here under the spon- sorship of the Veterans of For- eign Wars which organization is starting a recreation fund. High-point man for the first encounter was Bauersfeld with 14. Riley and Sturdevant both tossed baskets for 12 points each Sun­ day. Lineups f