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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
LET’S BE SOCIABLE Mrs. Girod Hostess To Nehalem Club Brotherhood Entertains At Valentine Party The Nehalem Social club held its regular meeting Wednesday evening, February 12 at the home of Mrs. Louis Girod with Mrs. Francis Mullins assisting. There ■were 19 members present. Plans were made for a dance to be held in March. At the close of the evening delicious re freshments of strawberry short cake, coffee and tea were served. The next meeting will be March 12. • The Brotherhood of the Evan gelical United Brethren church entertained with a Valentine par ty in the social hall last Friday night, February 14. Old-time songs were sung with music from the piano played by Floyd Bush, violin by L. E. Stiff, mandolin by George Roland, banjo by Allen Landers and one- string violin by A. J. Hughes. Valentine games and stunts were enoyed by all and refresh ments of sandwiches, ice cream and coffee were served by the men. There wa3 a fine of one dol lar for any lady entering the kitchen. No fines were collected. The party ended with the men singing, “Good Night Ladies.” Mrs. Gwin Hostess To Five Hundred Club Mrs. Homer Gwin entertained the Five Hundred club Friday afternoon. Twelve members were present and the regular three tables were played. Mrs. Louis Schroeder won traveling and high score prize and Mrs. Bob Woods won low score prize. Refresh ments were served duning the aft- ernoon. • P.E O. Sisterhood To Meet Tuesday The Vernonia chapter of P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet Tuesday ev ening, February 25, at the home of Mrs. Harry Sandon. The pro gram will be “Exemplification of the Ritual.” Did You Know We have 6x8x10 concrete foundation blocks for sale? We have and we can also do you carpenter or concrete work, new or repairs. SEE YORK. THE BUILDER FOR ESTIMATES E. M. YORK CONTRACTOR & BUILDER 108 A St. —= • Legion Auxiliary Past President Club Meets The past president club, which has been formed by past pres idents of the American Legion Auxiliary, met Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Harry Culbertson for a one o’clock luncheon and business meeting. The club was formed in January at the home of Mrs. P. Weidman when officers were elected and meeting dates were planned. Named as officers at the first meeting were Mrs. Weidman, president; Mrs. Culbertson, sec retary and Mrs. Ruby Biggs, treasurer. Mrs. H. H. King will be hostess to the group at the next meeting March 11. Study Club to Meet At Hughes Home The Vernonia Study club will meet this evening, Thursday, Feb ruary 20, at the home of Mrs. J. Hughes. Mrs. J. W. Nichols will be hostess for the evening. BOTTLED HEALTH Every bottle of Nehalem milk con tains the ingrediants for health and vitality for both children and adults Order an extra quart today. Nehalem Dairy Products Grade A Milk Phone 471 For Heavy Hauling .. .look to Sig nal for thorough stop-wear lubri cation and long er mileage with out trouble. Sig nal oils, greaies and gas give you the most for your money. Mrs. Lillian Akers entertained the Vernonia Business Women’s club at a Valentine party Tues day evening, February 11. The members exchanged Valentines. Mrs. Akers served a delicious lunch. The tables were decorated appropriately and each person was given a favor in which she found her fortune. February 25 will be the date of the next meeting which will be at the home of Mrs. Maud Kobow. Mrs. Aronson will review the opera “Carmen.” Mrs. Kobow plans to have records of some of the music from the opera. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Keasey Extension Unit Meets Wed. At the Mile Bnge, Riverview THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1947 3 CONVENIENCE ROCK CREEK — The Keasey extension unit met with Mrs. Mae Krieger last Wednesday. The meeting was on refinishing walls. Mrs. Casswell demonstrated. Pres ent were: Alice Buckley, Edith McFarland, Hilda Keasey, Flor ence Kirkbride, Marie Christen sen, Vivian Counts, Lillian Schooley, Iva Gillham, Blanche DeWitt, Isola Morris and Lucille Lindsay. Guests were: Evajean DeVaney and Bessie Toothacker. Mae Mellinger was unable to at • tend. Auxiliary Membership Blanche DeWitt, Iva Gillham Phrase Explained and Lucille Lindsay were in Ver Recent members of the V.F.W. nonia Tuesday. After returning Auxiliary are Bessie Toothaker, from town Mrs. DeWitt and Mrs. Pearl Adams, Ina Bateman, Lola Lindsay called on Evajean De Nance, Bessie Netka, Celeste Vaney. Poetter, Dorthy Cederburg, Hazel Samuel Carriker of Vernonia Shipman and Virginia Walker. spent the week end with Chester Dorothy Sasse, who was an Aux Lindsay. iliary charter member, has been Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner were reinstated. Friday evening callers at the Or An article concerning Auxiliary rin Lindsay heme. activities last week contained the Keasey extension unit will meet phrase “every eligible women,” again March 12 with Vivian which is explained by the Aux Counts as hostess. iliary as regarding membership Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carriker and in the order. Ladies eligible are daughter. Earline, were Sunday those 16 years of age or over, a dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. mother, wife, widow, sister or Orrin Lindsay. half sister, daughter or foster Mr. and Mrs. Bill Braun of daughter, or foster mother of cit Beaver creek road and Mrs. Sny izens of the United States who der of St. Paul called on the H. have served in the qrmy, navy or A. DeWitts Sunday to take pic marine corps of the U.S. in tures of the DeWitt’3 round foreign service according to speci house. fied laws governing eligibility in the V.F.W. Members of the Auxiliary have a four-fold purpose for coming together at least once a month. Its objects are fraternal, pat riotic, historic and educational. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Any woman wishing to join is requested not to wait for an in W. J. Lindsley, Joan Lindsley and vitation, but to send a card to the Alleen Hudson made a trip to secretary, Helen Spofford, re Forest Grove Saturday. Polly Lynch and Ruby Fowler questing the membership. attended an auction sale near Beaverton Saturday. Piimary Department Charles Zimmerman of Mc Enjoys Party Sat. Minnville visited at the W. J. The primary department of the Lindsley home Sunday. Evangelical United Brethren Alleene Hudson visited at the church enjoyed a Valentine party Lindsley home Wednesday. February 15 in the social hall. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Worley Games were played by the 39 and daughter, Venice, and Clari- children present. Refreshments of bel Lindsley motored to Portland home-made cookies and cocoa Saturday. with table favors were served. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kemper and Valentines were exchanged. family were visitors with their • parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wirtz Sunday. Engagement of John Wirtz and Eleanor Dan Daughter Announced Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall an iels were Sunday night guests at nounce the engagement of their the J. A. Wirtz home. They left daughter, Mary, to Mr. C. M. Monday morning for their homes Binkley, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. at St. Helena, California. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peachey mo E. James of Fairbanks, Alaska. tored to Longview Sunday to vis it their son-in-law, C. R. Shepard, J.U.G. Club to Meet who is in the hospital with a With Mrs. Lamping broken back. The J.U.G. club will meet at the home of Mrs. Rita Lamping Friday, February 21. Electricity can be your willing servant every minute of the day if you will give it the chance. Convenient outlets and proper lighting make living easier, lessen work, provide more leisure hours. Ask for estimates on work. Roper Electric Co 704 First St. Vernonia, Ore. \ READY FOR YOU NOW Auction Sale Attended Sat. • • ROCK CREEK—Mrs. Charles Brown and children of Seattle spent the week end with Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt. Mrs. Brown brought a large birthday cake, a3 there were several birthdays in the family. Mrs. Charles Brown of Seattle and Donald DeWitt attended a wedding in St. Helens Saturday. Ted DeWitt and Darrell De- Vaney motored to Forest Grove Friday. Blanche DeWitt and son, Ted, motored to Vernonia Saturday. Jack Catron returned home with them. Jack Catron broke his truck down at Pittsburg last Tuesday. Haroid Krieger had to tow him home with his truck. Mrs. Iva Gillham called on the DeWitt3 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. L. Lloyd, Delbert Lander and Mrs. Lander motored to For est Grove Wednesday. Mrs. Lan der stayed there and will return Monday to stay with her daught er, Mrs. L. Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berndt and daughter, Linda, took his mother home Sunday to Salem. Licensed Contractors REFRIGERATION RADIO SERVICE Appliance Repairing STRONG’S RADIO AND ELECTRIC 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 O'Keefe & Merritt Gas Ranges Winter Coats Seattle People Here lor Visit Heath’s Service Station Phone 5711 Vernonia Business Women Meet Feb. 11 Precision built gas ranges with many new time-saving and step-saving exclusive features. O’Keefe & Merritt propane gas ranges are ready for immediate delivery. No matter where you live you can use modern gas appliances with all their beauty, economy, and luxury. Come in today and find out about it! PLENTY OF WATER HEATERS BROODERS AND RESTAURANT GRILLS Reduced to $15 A few We deliver to Farms, Houses, Auto Courts, Restaurants and Industrial Plants. Silk Dresses Now $2.00 The Apparel Shop Phone 396 Modern Gas and Appliance PAUL HINAMON, ’ Phone 3161 Rt. 2, Box 322A, Hillsboro Agent—Lewi» Morgan, Vernonia, Ore. Local Phone 423 191 North St. ÜZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH H H H H AT H HOFFMAN'S H “See Hcffman for Hardware” H H LUX H H H H MORCROP COMPO, Lilly’s H H 5 lbs. $2.95 H 5-lb. pkg. 45c N-P LAWN SEED Especially adapted for this area H 10-lb. pkg.65c VIGORO, the complete plant food 5-lb. pkg. 55c Telephone 181 H 10-lb pkg. 95c ACME KOPPER QUEEN Rose mildew spray 35c H 5 lbs. 65c SHOVELS, high quality steel $2.35 M H H LEAF RAKES, Steel prong 98c GARDEN HOE 60c M HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXit