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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
THURSDAY, FEB. 2G, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. * Our Great America A i TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. O.S. Poynter were host and hostess Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton and son, Gerry, and Mrs. Leatha Tousley, all of Portland. Taken to the Coffey Memorial hospital in Portland in the Bush ambulance last Wednesday was Glen Johnson who suffered a head injury while working at the The ambulance also trans- SONOIONE HEARING CENTER MacDonald Hotel Vernonia, Oregon 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Now—See the new all-in-one Sonotone with every great hearing advance built in—ex tra power and battery savings available—no sacrifice to novel size! Consultation FREE. Kenneth R. Sex Saturday, February 22 Certified Sonotone Consultant SONOTONE The House of Hearing ported Benjamin L. Norman to the Veterans hospital Friday for treatment for a heart ailment. Washington’s Birthday Dance, Le gion Hall. Saturday, February 22. Sponsored by Aux of V.F.W. Adm. 75c inc. tax. 7t2c Ethel Graney of Portland visit ed her family and friends in Vernonia over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckland entertained Mr. and Mrs. May nard Graves and family of Port- land Sunday. Jenry Johns and his xon-in- law. Carroll Chance, who are em ployed at Sweet Home as loggers, visited their wives in Vernonia over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roediger and daughters motored to Clats- kanie Sunday to attend the IWA basketball game. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Howard Friday evening. To fol low Valentine day through, a game of hearts was played and Grover Howard had high honors. Valentine cookies and ice cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Olinger of McMinnville visited their parents in Vernonia over the week end and on Sunday the Bobbie Oling ers and his parents, the Walter Olingers, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Adams in Clatskanie and their baby son, Stevenson Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton, son Bobbie, and Jackie Graney were also guests at the Lewis Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson of Portland visited Mrs. Davidson’s sister, Mrs. Connie Anderson, and her brother, John Grady, and families over the week end. Jack Anderson, who is attending col lege in Portland, also spent the week end in Vernonia. Mrs. Herman Dickson, Mrs. J. W. Nichols and Mrs. Virgil Powell spent the day in Portland Mon- day. Miss Wilma Hanson of Portland spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hanson, of Keasey and visited her brother, Ralph Hanson, and family in Ver- nonia Monday. The district meeting for the Nehalem Chapter No. 153 wa ■> held in Clastkanie February 13. Mrs. Albert Childs, Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Pete Brunsman and Mrs. Hamp Roberson, §r., attended. Wack •• k > Ml s.^>- _______ B . .kodiCi >4/ / STANPINO IN PBPHAM, MA«.. AMP TOPAZ THE 0LPE5T FWAMB HOUSE IN AMERICA, H THE FAIRBANKS HOUSE BUILT IN I6B2. Since THE LUMBER WAS HAMP -SAWEP FOR THIS ANCIENT PWELLING, AMERICA f FORESTS have SHOWN 9/2 TP.'.LiOW BCARO FEET OF SAW TIMBER,ENOUGH TO BUILP 950.000,000 AVEBASe FIVE ROCHA HOUSES. fl» % nESEARCrt iS C0NTIMUCU4 IN AMERICA? FORE‘T RROC-Kt <' INPUSTRIES. WHEN T“S ARMy' KEEPEP A MAP PAPER THAT WOi.t? N >T JEAA E .-tíN WHEN W”T. PAPER MAKERS PEVELOPeP "WET 9TREN4W* PAPER UiF.P TOTAylrsI PAPER BA<SS„„-THty My ITS JU<T THE TÍINÍ fOR THE PEN THAT VfXlTES L'NPtR WATER Mr. and Mrs. Grover Howard enjoyed a motor trip Sunday and completed the day with a movie in Forest Grove. Washington’s Birthday Dance, Le gion Hall, Satuiday, February 22. Sponsored by Aux of V.F.W. Adm. 75c inc. tax. 7t2c Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bumside left Vernonia Monday February 17 for a two-months vacation at Whittier California. Jack Heenan, Jr., who is sta tioned at Coquille with the state police, visited his wiife and friends over the week end and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan, Sr., Friday. Judd Greenman has been on the sick list for a week but iis doing nicely now. Mrs. C. C. Hommberg, Mrs. F. M. Ruhls’ sister, from Iliamna, Alaska flew from Iliamna to Anchorage then to Portland and arrived in Vernonia Wednesday the 12th and. has been visiting the Ruhls and friends. Mrs. Homm berg left Vernonia Monday to be with her mother and sister at Los Angeles and later wtill go to Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Girod this week have completed two years since purchasing their grocery store, having made the purchase from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing. raX/ ; I ££ / FORESTS WERE AMONÓ THE ( - ] —J RKHE5T IN AMERICA, ANP they MAY BE AÓAlQ, THAT SITATE LEAPS IN REFORESTATION, HAVING PLANTED» MORE THAN THREE TIMES A5 VAN/ NEW TREES LAST YEAR AS ANY OTHER OJIATE Atley Chapman, owner of Chap- man’s Service Store, returned late last week from Portland where he attended a four-day course which gave instructions on dealer merchandising for Texaco dealers in the Portland district. Mrs. W. F. Parker of Portland motored to Vernonia with her nephew, Jack Childs, to visit her brother Albert Childs and family over the weekend. Here from Oregon State college Saturday night and Sunday to visit his parents was James Frazee. Fred Coons, Safeway manager is spending most of this week in Portland where he is attending a school giving instruction on the supervision of meat markets. He left Monday evening and will re turn Friday. J. E. FOSSUM Electrical Service RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson visited at the Louis Huntley home Tuesday. Clark Cain visited at the Ralph Mahar home Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Nichols motored to Portland Monday. Walt'Buchner and Mrs. Buch ner and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond motored to Astoria, Long Beach, Washington and then on to Ray- mond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Marshan of Portland visited at the Walter Moore home over the week end. Mr. and Mrj. Walter Moore made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Sisters Hart and Hender, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell and Polly Lynch visited at the Charles Reid home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell spent Monday visiting at the Rhoda Wood home. A birthday supper was given in honor of Dorothy Huntley by her mother Friday night. Attend ing were John Wolfe, Johnny Hayes, Gerald McCool, Pearl Sie- dleman and the Louis Huntley family. Jim and Tom Williamsôn, Mr. Williamson and Nate Huntley of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. • In its annual orbit around the sun the earth travels an estimat- ed 584 million milei. for the Lent on Season VERNONIA BAKERY Phone 991 THE HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD Remember B R O U S — — — — — is for BABY NEEDS is for REMBRANCES is for OUTSTANDING VALUES is for UNUSUAL ITEMS is for STATIONERY GIFT’S S H O P — — — — is for SPECIAL PRICES is for HONEST TREATMENT is for OTHERS INTEREST is for POTTERY PRESENTS Joy Theatre Vernonia, Oregon Feb. 20-21 Thurs-Fri. “THE ENCHANTED FOREST” in Color Filmed in the glorious color of As beaut- natures wonderland. iful as a Disney Feature come to life’ Starring Edmund Lowe-Brenda Joyce “FISH FROM HELL” a battle between a 120 foot Whale and a 15 foot Swordfish* Feb. 22 “HOT CARGO” William Gargan-Jean Rogers “TOKYO ROSE” .Seductive Jap Traitress Kidnaped by escaped G. I. Prisoners. Sat. Feb. 23-24 Sun-Mon. #. ¿amuel Goldwyn ¡WONDER MAN I In Technicolor r7ro¿gh RKO RADIO PICTURES, INC. Donald Duck cartoon and News Tues-Wed. Feb. 25-2»» “WIFE OF MONTE CRISTE” John Loder-Lenore Aubert “NAUGHTY NANETTE” Bob Graham-Dorothy Porter 208 B St. Vernonia Telephone 283 Yes, we know how to completely lubricate your car, and have the right kind of equipment and specialized lubricants to do a thorough job. Don’t neglect having your car lubricated at proper intervals— and the old oil changed regularlv. It is the best “long life” insurance that you can have for your car. CONTRACT DAY WORK INSTALLATIONS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Home, Commercial, Residential Get The Best For Your Table Fresh, Tender BIRDS-EYE FRYERS On our menu and for sale Proper Brake Adjustment and wheel alignment is so important—not only for SAFETY . . . but also wear and tear on car and tires. Faulty brakes cause seri ous accidents . . . and it’s not safe to drive a car if brakes are not working properly. MOTOR SERVICE lb. 74c uz. MIXED fruit ................. .......... 16 PEACHES ........................... .......... 16 RASPBERRIES ...................... ........ .16 RHUBARB .................... .......... 14 STRAWBERRIES .................. .... .16 GRAPEFRUIT..................... .......... 16 ASPARAGUS SPEARS ...... .......... 12 ASPARAGUS CUTS ............ .......... 12 BEANS, CUT .......................... ..........10 BEANS, FR. STYLE .............. .......... 10 BEANS, WAX ..................... .......... 10 BROCCOLI, CUTS ................ .......... 13 .......... 13 BROCCOLI CAULIFLOWER .................... .......... 13 CORN, CUT ........................... .......... 10 MIXED VEGETABLES ........ .......... 12 PEAS ....................................... .......... 12 PEAS AND CARROTS ........ .......... 12 PUMPKIN PIE MIX .............. .......... 16 SPINACH ............................... .......... 14 SQUASH .................... .......... 16 SUCCOTASH ................. .......... 11 CHOPSUEY ........................... .......... 16 CHICKEN A LA KING ........ .......... 11 46c 36c 65c 23c 49c 33c 49c 43c 27c 28c 27c 38c 39c 39c 24c 30c 29c 29c 25c 28c 20c 29c 34c 69c PALACECAF E Bus Depot the Louis Huntley home Sunday. We invite you to enjoy oar COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE for all makes of cars and trucks. Our service depart ment is a “miniature automobile factory” so to speak . . . where you can get anything from a wash job to a complete rebuilding job, without worry or care. EVERYTHING THAT IS BEST FOR YOUR CAR AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. Place Your Order Now for Hot Cross Buns George Fils of Carlton visited st Washington Trip Enjoyed Sunday Phone 322 The cost of a motor tune-up is slight compared to the pleasure and economy that it gives you in the operation of your car. We also install new rings, new pistons or rebuild your motor if necessary. RADIATOR AND BATTERY SERVICE T A lot of grief can be caused by Radiators all being stopped up. They should be cleaned out thoroughly before you put in ANTI-FREEZE. Batteries need water and looking after too. TIRE SERVICE Rotate Tire« for longer wear. Be eure tu have break« and holee in the casings vul- canized and repaired. We handle NEW TIRES and are glad to take care of all your tire troubles. Transmission, Clutch And Rear Axle When you hear a grinding noise be sure to have it looked after right away. Or a slipping clutch may mean a BIG REPAIR BILL if not looked after. OUR COMPLETE SERVICE INSURES COMPLETE SATISFACTION. I I PAINTING AND BODY SERVICE EVERYTHING THAT IS BEST FOR YOUR CAR BATTERIES have been hard to get and still are Quality & Service Guaranteed! Ask us why we think our store is the best in town and xvhy we continually invite customers to visit us. Whether it’s canned goods, fresh produce, bread and pastries or packaged goods you need, we can fill your demands FRKB DELIVERY We look forward to supplying your daily food needs because that is our business. To supply every demand we have built up a grocery stock that’s second to none and there you have the answer to “Quality and Service Guaranteed.” CIROD'S FOOD STORE PHONE 7S1 BIT we now have a complete line to fit every car- Insure your spring driving with a new battery. Vernonia Auto Co Phone 342 “A Safe Place to Trade”