SPORT TOPICS LOGGERS LOSE CLOSE COURT FRAY FRIDAY Timber Toppers Win 3; Meet McBride Today The Washington grade school Timber Topers have won their last three games played in the The Vernonia Loggers almost grade school county league and downed the league-leading St. are slated to meet McBride here Helens Lions on the local floor Thursday afternoon, today. The ROY FRANK, MELVIN SCHWAB, February 7, but lost to the Lions Toppers will attempt a revenge Basketball Editor Bowling Editor 30-25. against McBride from St Helens, It wasn’t until the third quar- that team being the only one to 6 THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. ter that the Loggers got down to post a win over the local team business and really played ball,, this season. scoring 13 points, over half of John Gumm of St. Helens the total scored. The Loggers dropped two when they came here waited too long before they' start­ for the last game of the first Four more games remain to be ed scoring, because if they had half of the schedule. The Wash­ played on the Logger schedule. piayed ball all through the game ington first team won that en­ as they did in the third period, counter 21-12 and the second team Vernonia has three more home St. Helens would have had two captured the winning count of a games and one game away. losses instead of one. Perhaps 15-11 tally. One or more teams were added The remaining schedule is: if the Loggers could have had a The Toppers traveled last Fri­ Feb. 14—Clatskanie, here. to the Vernonia Bowling League few more minutes, they could day to meet Rainier on the Co­ Feb. 18 — Seaside, here. when Heath’s Service Station put have more than closed the five- lumbia river town’s floor and Feb. 21—Rainier, here. their bid in this week to be added point gap. tossed in another winning score Feb. 25 — Hill Military, there. to the five teams now competing Extensive fouling was commit- of 14 to Rainier’s 10. Friday’s • in the league. ted by both teams, each making game gave the Toppers six wins Oregon - American nosed out 18 personal fouls. One technical to one loss for the season. Heath’s in their first three games foul was called against Vernonia Washington’s wins were in­ by winning two out of three for failure to report, and three creased to seven wheq the Top­ played Tuesday night at 8 were called against St. Helens, pers played again Tuesday after­ o’clock. The Oregon-American one for failure to report, one on noon of this week and defeated team displayed strength, averag­ entering the game without being The Baby Vernonia Logger ing 154 points per man while waved onto the floor by officials, quintet ran up a big score and Heath’s Service Station listed 143 and one against the St. Helens average, both teams getting an “skunked” the Hill Military Jun­ rooting section for booing. iors on the Vernonia floor Febru- average which is considered fair The Lions led the scoring from ary 5 by a count of 49-10. in bowling circles. Bill Walgomott started for the the first whistle till the last The results of the games played Loggers by making 22 points, al­ Quarter scores were: 12-4, 16-10, were: At the Collins View grade most tieing the high score of 27 21-12, 30-25. school in Portland, the Vernonia Oregon-A merican—■ Lineups: points made by Don Cline in a Loggers met the Lewis and Clark W. King . . 122 147 153— 422 30 St. Helens Vernonia 25 previous “A” squad game. college freshmen in a basketball J.F. McCord 164 152 137— 543 2 Kearsly f Quarter scores, all in favor of Anderson 2 battle February 10 and lost to the Bill Hudson 191 122 158— 471 7 Nevcau f Vernonia were: 16-2, 25-4, 37-0 Byers 12 college team 41-32. Ron Fetsch .169 161 149— 479 7 ' Serbousek Cline 2 c and 49-10. Cline and Grenia were high Edwin Ade .182 166 143— 491 2 Coughlin Grenia 2 Lineups: g tallymen for Vernonia, each mak­ 9 Humble 10 Hill Tapp 1 Vernonia 49 g ing six points. Agnew of the Total 828 784 740—2316 f Hanson Sword 2 Subs: Vernonia—Parker, Frank frosh team scored 14 points. Heath’s Service Station— 2 Eager 4, Williams, Renfro 2; St. Helens Walgomott 22 f Vernonia led at the close of the Jack Riley .147 132 117— 396 Williams 6 c 1 Weston —Sullivan, Henson, Anundi 3, first quarter 8-5, but Lewis and K. Magby . .143 152 148— 423 Rusow 5 Johnson g Noble, Boddington. Clark pulled ahead in the remain­ VanD’B’gart 143 106 122— 371 £Jew 6 Carpenter g Officials: Younces and Adams. der of the game. Half-time 3core Gerald Riley 138 161 138— 437 Subs: Vernon ia—Roberts, De- wtM 24-14, third quarter tally F. Chaney . 188 154 4178— 520 Hart, Graham 4, Enneberg 5, Mil­ was 31-21 and final figures were ler, McCabe, Koski 4; Hill—iBc 41-32, all in favor of the Portland Total 739 705 703—2147 wen 2, Whitaker, Lightfoot, quintet. Thirteen personal fouls So far since the opening ot Grimes, Huston, Smith. were made by the freshmen