LET’S BE SOCIABLE Six New Members Join V.F.W. Auxiliary At the February 5 meeting of the V.F.W. Auxiliary, six new members oined to bring the roll eall up to 33. Dorothy Pierson from the Portland Pet Post was a visitor and members are looking forward to having her here again. Ten dollars was given to the March of Dimes and a dance is scheduled for February 22. The most important work of WINTER COATS Reduced to $15.00 NYLON HOSE The Apparel Shop .Phone 396 the V.F.W. Auxiliaries is the maintenance of the V.F.W. Na tional Home at Eaton Rapids, Michigan. This is a living me morial to those who served our country overseas. It is for the children who are the innocent, helpless victims of war through the loss of their fathers and private family life. This home is a beautiful million dollar estate with fine brick houses, farm buildings, pedigreed stock, motorized equipment, etc. The boys and girls love this home because it fulfills every meaning of that word, “home!” There they have security and af fection. Some of the widows act as house mothers. The children have their own savings accounts ar.d training in vocal and instru mental music. There is no reg imentation of any kind. Children attend public schools, go to churches of their own choosing, and are encouraged to develop their own individuality. Surely every eligible woman would want to join an organization which maintains such a wonderful me morial in honor of her own men- folks who were sent “over there.” • Pinochle Club Meets With Mrs. Lusby The J.U.G. Pinochle club met at the home of Jennie Lusby last Friday evening. Three tables were played with Mrs. Rita Lusby holding high score, Mrs. June Willis second and Mrs. Faye De- vis low. Fourteen ladies were present. Refreshments were served by the joint hostesses, Mrs. Lusby, M tb . Michener and Mrs. Rusow. The next meeting will be held the 21st at the home of Erma John son. FLAT TIRES by ATLEY Howdy Folks: Some one has said that a man cannot A'ork eight hours a day at his trade and write popular songs as a side line. Heaped high with delicious Pal Shop ice cream made right Try it—we here at home, know you'll like it. PAL SHOP But some of the singing commercials must have been written in the booby hatch. • • And we suppose the tune the old cow died on was in beef flat. « « * After that one we’d better get down to business. Speak ing of business, you can carry on with yours, with never a thought about your car’s performance when you bring it to Chapman’s for regular MARFAK LUBRICATION. CHAPMAN’S \ it © Ice Cream in pints, quarts, gallons and 5- gallon lots. Senice Store Bridge and Second Telephone 853 Vernonia, Oregon - Delicious---Heathy Have you found out about the extra deliciousness of Nehalem Dairy Milk? It’s excellent for children and grownups. Start today on the road to health and happiness by serving this milk at every meal. Nehalem Dairy Products Telephone 471 Grade A Milk The Very BEST! Nehalem Market brings you the very best meat available . . . carefully selected for quality and flavor, sold by an experienced butcher and of fered at prices that are right. / NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY Degree Highlight O.E.S. Meeting Degrees for Gladys Hawken were the highlight of the Ne halem Chapter, O.E.S. meeting February 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jessee Moore, W. M. and W. P. of Mizpa Chapter and a group of their officers were visitors as was Percy Browning of Beaver Chapter. The “eats” committee served de licious refreshments from tables decorated in the Valentine motif. Nehalem Chapter will meet with Wabanang Chapter at Clat skanie Febzruary 13 for a district meeting to exemplify the work of the order for the /Worthy Grand Matron, Lorena McNair. • Program on China Given at Club Meet Mrs. Ralph Valpiani was host ess on the evening of February 6 for a meeting of the Vernonia Study Club.. The program for the evening was very interesting with each member giving a brief talk on some phase of Chinese life or on a Chinese personage. Qn February 20, Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier will entertain the club with Mrs. Marvin Kamholz in charge of the program. • Home Extension Unit Meets February 6 The home extension unit met last Thursday, February 6, in the I.O.O.F. hall with Mrs. Green man as guest speaker on the sub- ect of fire extinguishers and the proper manner of using them. An extinguisher was on display. Mrs. Maud Casswell, home demonstration agent, was not present for the meeting. • Natal Grangers Visit Vernonia Grange Sat. Twenty-tWo Natal rangers were visitors at the Vernonia grange last Saturday night. They par ticipated in an initiation of Ver nonia grangers into the third and fourth degrees. At pot-luck supper was served after the meeting. • Mrs. Cline Hostess To S & S Club Tuesday Mrs. Bob Cline entertained the S & S Club Tuesday evening. Pinochle was played and Frances Mullins and Gertrude Anderson had high game score. Refresh ments were served in the Valen tine theme and gifts were ex changed among members. • Order of Rainbow Initiates Two At a regular meeting of the Order of Rainbow February 10 Claudine Gibson and Janet Kono were initiated. A lovely handker chief degree was given Frances Mullins. Refreshments were served downstairs. • Recent Activities of Riverview People Are Mentioned by Writer RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wirtz and son, John, motored to Vancouver Friday and spent thq week end with Mrs. Wirtz’s sister, Mrs. George Stover, and family. John had arrived from St. Helena, California, Wednes day evening. Word received last week from the George A. Wirtz family, for mer residents, now of Lancaster, California, stated that George was dated for a major operation in a Los Angeles hospital on February 7. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cline and family from Portland visited at the Riley IJ^Il home Sunday. Mrs. Clara Hill and Mrs. Lloyd Callister and son, Ronnie, were Forest Grove visitors Saturday. Louis and Albert Huntley mo tored to Hillsboro Saturday. Nate Huntley visited at the Louis Huntley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ebon John and daughters of Portland visited at the Ed Roediger home over the week end. ADD LIFE TO THE WARDROBE Frequent cleaning done the right way will add life to your clothe when that clean ing is done the right way — the way its done at the Vernonia Cleaners Vernonia Cleaners Recent Social Activities Told THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom Jr., were in Vernonia Saturday, RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Worley and family mo tored to Springfield where they visited relatives last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Winks Walker, Sister Hart and Bessie Netka vis ited at the George Bell home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore re turned from Washington Monday where they had been visiting rel atives. They had a lovely trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolfe and John Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Monty Dewey motored to. Port- land Friday. Mrs. A nna Dewey and son, Leonard, of St. Helens, spent the week end at the Monty Dewey home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark of Hillsboro visited at «the Ed Roe diger home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roediger and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roediger and Sherry visited Mrs. Ruth Kinder in Hillsboro Thurs day night. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bledsoe mo tored to St. Helens on business Monday. Mrs. Doris Grice and son, Teddy, spent the week end In Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Powell Loggan of Portland visited at the J. W. Nichols home Sunday. Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 6:00 P. M. We Close Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday. LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 Appliance Repairing STRONG’S RADIO AND ELECTRIC RIVERVIEW Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Modernize Your Home 1 Enjoy Modern Living the Electrical Way by equipping your home with time and energy saving appliances. Let us wire your home. Residential-Commercial Wiring Installation and Repair of all Electrical Equipment i Licensed Contractors REFRIGERATION RADIO SERVICE Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Wesley Gar- lock were in Clatskanie Monday. NEW AND USED PARTS Expert Auto Repairing Gas and Oil Mist Events of Interest Told MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Chet Clen- din and boys came up from Shedd Friday evening and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wik- strom, over the week end. Bernard Dowling and his mo ther were in Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser were in Longview last week. Jim Hill has been on the sick list the past two weeks with bronchitis. The C. S. Waddells were in Vernonia shopping Saturday. The J. W. Houryts were in Ver nonia during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hackman from Bend are guests of their niece, Mrs. Chas. Sundland, and family. THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1947 3 Roper Electric Co. 969 Bridge St. Ph. 576 704 First St. Vernonia, Ore. ^ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH H X H H H H H H H H Telephone 181 H H “See Hoffman for Hardware” H H Single Eggs .......................... jar 30c Bank Sinkers 2 and 3 oz. 3 for 10c » H H Cluster Eggs ....................... jar 40c Black Silk Line........... 50 yds. $1.05 H Genuine Silk Leader, 10-yd. coils 30-lb test. Waterproof finish. H 15 lb. 45c, 20 lb. 50c, 25 lb. 60c Famous Elway Casting Rod Spec. $9 H H Steelhead Hooks ............... doz. 30c Regularly priced at $14.00 H H Split Shot 1 doz.' to bag............... 5c Gaff Hooks, all met. takedown $1.50 HOFF Two Days Only! Hurry! In appreciation of your present or future patronage, the Miller De partment Store in Vernonia presents as a complimentary gift, ONE BEAU TIFUL 5x7 PHOTOGRAPH of your baby or child under school age— taken by an expert Hollywood-trained child photographer—in our store from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, February 17 and 18. No other obligations. Take advantage of this free gift by coming early to avoid the rush. No appointment nepessary. • Sincerely, MILLLER’S DEPARTMENT STORE