8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. GROVE WINS RY 2-POINTS TUES. SPORT TOPICS COLUMBIANS TRIM LOGGERS BY 30 POINTS The Loggers flTet Forest Grove on the Grove floor Tuesday night to lose by the narrow margin of two points in a game that gave By ROY FRANK The Vernonia high B squad, after a short winning streak, met the little Rainier Columbians Jan­ uary 24 at Rainier and lost by four points, 23-19. Bill Sword pulled ahead and was high scorer for Vernonia, making six points, Bemor. tallied 12 points for Rainier. Lineups: 23 Rainier Vernonia 19 f Pierce Walgomott 5 12 Benson Sword 6 f Williams 5 1 Williams c New 3 3 Jessee g Rusow 2 May g Sub*.: Vernonia Koski, Rob- erts, McCalie, Enneberg; Rainier —Kellar 4, Brown 1. L. C. League Standings Standings in the Lower Collim­ bia basketball league ai the end of the first half place Seaside I and St. Helens in a tie at the top of the win column so far this season. Vernonia, Soappoose and Rainier are also in a tie for the second place position in the league with Clatskanie at the bot­ tom. The wins and losses to date are: w. L. Pct. .. 4 1 .800 Seaside ....4 1 .800 St. Helens ....2 3 .400 Vernonia ... 2 3 .400 Scappoose ... .2 3 .400 Rainier ....0 5 .000 Clatskanie Cement Laundry Trays............................... $12.95 Closets .......................................................... $41.60 Lavatories .................................................... $19.50 Electric Water Heaters ...............................$99.00 Steel Shower Bath Stall............................... $65.00 $24.50 Water Heater ................... Special $10.50 55-lb. Malthoid Roofing ...............................$3.25 New Alumni-Shield Roll Roofing ............... $5.95 Dteston Flooring Saw ................................... $3.70 T’/a-Foot Royal Chinook Falling Saw....... $21.00 Pickaroons ................. !.................................... $2.45 Galv. Buckets.......................... 65c, 90c and $1.00 %-in. PLYWOOD IN STOCK $7.95 ONE-PANEL DOORS IN STOCK NAILS IN STOCK—Roofing nails, shingle nails and size* 8, 16, 60 and 30, Also Staples CARPET TACKS in stock Tliese are the things you have a right to expect cl cny chickens you buy—whether fryers, roasting chickens or fowl. And. these aro the things you’d gel at Saleway—every time you buy. Quick freezing is part cl the secret. But there are other points, too. such as ths buying and handling. * Safeway buyers choose from among the nation's tinsel docks and buy only the best, good-ecting chickens. The chickens are properly killed, immediately eviscerated (which means removing and discarding ad waste and inedible parts) and then frozen-in-a-hurry to save ad the in-grown quality for our customers. From grower to table we do everything possible to bring you the finest eating chickens to be had. Wo guarantee you wdl be pleased—or cd ycur ’ money back. rc Average Weight 2 3 lb Plenty for 4 people FRYERS«™»« 67 Disjointed ” “ ” Inexpensive—because there's no woste DAACTCDC Aj I EKj EAU/I FÜHL And wait till you taste them? 47c 0/ Reody-to-Rcost Whole Chicken LB. Cuoronteed to roost moist and tender Average 3 Vi to 4 lbs Serves 4 to 6 For your rove meal of the week’ Ready to serve— Evisceroted ond Disjointed STEWING CHICKENS LB 3/ 9n. OuA. Average weights 2 }/2 to 3’/2 pounds ¿ êc Z loæ Mince Meat 15-oz. n rc jar Collins Chicken ond dumplings' Fricassee ond hot biscuits' Dishes he-men simply can’t resist' ec- end string players. Lineups: Vernonia 20 50 Rainier Cline f 7 Bish Benf ro f 5 Ball The Washington graders meas­ Byers 7 c 17 Evans ured the ability of Clatskanie Grenia 5 9 Meirotto Friday afternoon on the river g Tapp 2 8 Beck town’s floor and found that abil­ g Subs: Vernonia—Frank 1, Par- ity sufficient to produce a score ker, Williams, Walgomott, An- of 19 as compared with the Verno­ derson 5; Rainier—Benson, Mc- nia boys’ 33. Washington so far Kay, Williams, Morris 2, Bird. has captured three wins in four Next two home games are: i Hill start’! and has one game to go to Military, February 4, and 1 St. Hel- complete the first half of the ens, February 7. The Ixtggers court season. The next game will bring John play Scappoose there Friday Gumm here tomorrow, Friday. night, January 31, Coach Paul Gordon’s lineup at • Clatskanie last week was: Harold Crowston 8, Gerald Millis 2, Jim Frank 0, Gordon Crowston 16 and Loren Mills 6. • Cline high-point rating fox the local boy*. Cline’s scoring for the evening totaled 11, but might have been higher had he not fouled out before the final whistle. Fourteen fouls were called on each team. The Logger B squad also lost a clove one on the same evening, tallying 27 to the Grove boys, 28. Airway Coffe« Mild, mellow flavor 11b bog 37« 3 lb Lb. 03 /ic PORK LINK SAUSAGE Special GRADES AA A A Shoulder Blade cut tb42‘ DiiaMaoLî«« Moonbeam brond rUlUpKIÎl Mokes excellent Pies' Beef Steaks Loin or Rib end lb. 45‘ Skinless Weiners Special price! «—c Lb. Lb 43 / fanned JJrucjca Grapefruit ÄÄJt? 10‘ House 46-oz. 04 c can 41 Grapefruit Town sweetened Texas Tip No 2 4Q c Grapefruit Natural con ■ V Blended ke.oB,Ä10co4z623c Mayonnaise kraft 80z ¡^25' Fancy Honey 'VZ 39c Edwards Coff«« 3 grind*—regular, drip or pulver i jed Ì -lb con 4J« 21b con 8S< Coff«« G«M. W.W •* Ch«., * Sanborn Two ocoulor No. 2'/i con Salad Vegetables Xr (D basa L ü)hihL GRAPEFRUIT Those extra juicy ones— Sweetened by the Desert Sun. & »ESERT |b.5'ic^'$p9^ $2g9 jAz)t SJuM&d Navel Oranges Buy them by the box—Save Money! Lorge Sizes (176 s i larger) Ik r ,<• Holl Box «2.19 ID. / «»IIBox« «1.19 Med Figs3,„,. î-lb.38‘ Apricots SuX«h'" can 24 21c Blue Tog No 303 UICT I IVJ Royal Ann 29‘ tor Ho ,00.19* Fancy Peas Spam «JEÄot 39* 10‘ —FRESH FROM THE COUNTRY— fiobÚMA DESCHUTES Medium Sizes (200'» & 220») Ik ID. Tc Half Box «1.98 I full Box $3.89 Farmer-Coniumtr Campaign Stock up now—Supplies ar* plentiful—potato** ineipensiv«! *2" £ cASioœa eovQUit To««* SOAP t 4 Te Sirloin—AA & A Pork Loin Roast Price Lb. Q / Beef Roast Sweet Potatoes “ ä U* 191 Sauerkraut " = SAFEWAY